U.S. To Introduce Draconian Anti-Piracy Censorship Bill

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Ahhh, the dreaded "draconian" anti-piracy censorship bill! Is it just me or is the word "draconian" a little overused? I almost don't want to read something when it is "draconian." I mean, unless people are being out to death for pirating music (which could happen eventually) I don't think "draconian" is the right word.

The U.S. Government is determined to put an end to online piracy. In an attempt to give copyright holders and the authorities all the tools required to disable access to so-called rogue sites, lawmakers will soon introduce the PROTECT IP Act. Through domain seizures, ISP blockades, search engine censorship, and cutting funding of allegedly copyright infringing websites, the bill takes Internet censorship to the next level.

Bullshit bill from people making too much money for not doing the things that really do need to be done. Another bullshit bill that more than likely will not make it into law. If it does, oh well.

The more they try to censor this wonderful Internet of ours, the more easily it becomes to do precisely the things they were trying to censor in the first place.

What a country...
Everyone is out to me.

What about overseas piracy? They do know that the US doesn't own the interwebs right? ..right?
As someone who doesn't pirate anything at all because it's just easier to buy crap, I am scared shitless of this bill. Is it just me or does this open the floodgate for a whole lot of bullshit and abuse of power?
As someone who doesn't pirate anything at all because it's just easier to buy crap, I am scared shitless of this bill. Is it just me or does this open the floodgate for a whole lot of bullshit and abuse of power?

I have my shovel and boots ready to go...

It is always getting deeper and deeper...
The United States is always more concerned with the rights of businesses than the rights of people. It's kind of fucked up.
As someone who doesn't pirate anything at all because it's just easier to buy crap, I am scared shitless of this bill. Is it just me or does this open the floodgate for a whole lot of bullshit and abuse of power?

You mean does this bill just mean it's business as usual in Washington, D.C.? Yes, yes it does.
The United States is always more concerned with the rights of businesses than the rights of people. It's kind of fucked up.

Don't forget safety! What about the Cherr'ren?!? THINK OF THE CHERR'REN!!

We all know the internet is only used to spread islamic extremism, anti-christian sentiment, piracy and porn.

It does beg the question of how law-makers don't realize how hypocritical it is for a "free and open" democracy to start censoring and blocking something like the intarwebz. I suppose once you've shoved your own head up your ass that far you start to lose touch with reality.
"determined to end online piracy"... Oh sure! Until they need to use domain seizures, ISP blockades, search engine censorship, and cutting funding of allegedly copyright infringing websites for other reasons, like protest and government dissent quelling.

They are seeing what is going on in Europe and the Middle East and they are shitting theirselves. They are working day and night to build a machine of control they can turn on at any moment.
I for one think it's admirable that poverty, corruption, drugs, violent crime get the same attention as people listening to songs without permission. They should just open the gates and empty to all the prisons to make room for everyone who has seen an "illegal" movie, who are the real criminals :D

Doesn't piracy cause more music to be sold...guess they forgot about that...

Maybe if everyone stopped buying RIAA affliated music then all this crap would end.

Does this mean that google image search will be shut down? With all its pirated images.
Just like "Freedom of speech, just watch what you say...". Land of the free... just don't use the intraweb. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty. The 'web must have its own set of constitutional amendments. I must have missed those the last time I looked. I don't really believe that I truly have freedom living in the U.S., I just wanted to add my 2 cents.
"They are seeing what is going on in Europe and the Middle East and they are shitting theirselves. They are working day and night to build a machine of control they can turn on at any moment.

Not too long ago I would have suggested to take off your tinfoil hat . . . But actually, there is more truth in this than I want to admit . . .
Not too long ago I would have suggested to take off your tinfoil hat . . . But actually, there is more truth in this than I want to admit . . .

Lol, don't worry, I got the last laugh against all those people telling me for many years that, "you're just paranoid, that'll never happen" when the government just up and eventually did all the things I was talking to people about. Unfortunately, it's a bitter-sweet laugh.
huh you want to get rid of one of the things that distracts people from your corruption and incompetence?
The United States is always more concerned with the rights of businesses than the rights of people. It's kind of fucked up.

But corporations are people too. Too bad I can't sue a corp for defamation of character or blackmail like I can a person.

Who else wants to bet that the RIAA and MPAA won't see an increase in profits if this passes.
Pretty soon we're gonna need hall passes on the internets for searching google. Like in kindergarden. :eek:
If controls tight enough to actually control piracy were put into place the internet would end up looking entirely different.

I doubt even 1% of the population would be in favor of ruining the internet for businesses who can't adapt.
Thank god our government is tackling the critical issues we're facing in this country. Really makes me sick to be an American.

Once piracy is stopped the unicorns will return and everyone will live in harmony.
The worse part about this law is your country is trying to shovel this shit down our throats in Canada. On my behalf, tell your music and movie industries to fuck off. Thank you.
People really need to know about the nature of this law. You certainly don't see it on the news networks. We need to take action and write our congressmen and senators to let them know we aren't as dumb as we look and won't put up with a purposely vague law that will almost certainly be abused.
From Draco's entry in Wikipedia:

The laws, however, were particularly harsh. For example, any debtor whose status was lower than that of his creditor was forced into slavery. The punishment was more lenient for those owing debt to a member of a lower class.

I think "Draconian" might be exactly the right word! RIAA has no problem forcing people into a lifetime of debt, a virtual slavery. Plus, any laws they abuse, bend, or break in the process meets little-to-no punishment (usually "no punishment") while the poor person gets hammered.
What's with the US and piracy anyway? I never seen a country so dead set to try stopping it and turning all communism over it. They should concentrate on more serious topics, like gas prices and saving the environment.

I live in Canada, but given 99% of servers are hosted in the US this pretty much affects everyone.
The worse part about this law is your country is trying to shovel this shit down our throats in Canada. On my behalf, tell your music and movie industries to fuck off. Thank you.

Amen. This is pretty much my though as well.

I wish Canada had better internet, it would open us up for bigger data centers and more websites/services being hosted here.
In case a domain is not registered or controlled by a U.S. company, the authorities can also order search engines to remove the website from its search results
What's a good search engine outside the US, located in a free country.

Let me guess, Hussein Obama will support this?
I highly doubt this will follow through all the way. Honestly the only way to stop pricay on the internet would be too shut down the internet.

And if they did that could you imagine the riots?
I highly doubt this will follow through all the way. Honestly the only way to stop pricay on the internet would be too shut down the internet.

And if they did that could you imagine the riots?

If they shut down the internet, then they kill a tax revenue source they keep trying to aim at.
You people (myself included) live in a society where the leadership can come make legal any law they wish.

There's not even any illusion in that.
Search engine censorship? What the hell? I don't remember moving to China.

Sarcasm aside, this is almost as scary as the patriot act. If it passes, I'm hauling ass out of this country because it's just going to get worse.
Nice try douche-hat lawmaker pricks.

Step 1: Pay $5 for a foreign VPS
Step 2: Setup a SSH encrypted tunnel via PuTTY through which your HTTP requests will be forwarded to the VPS as a proxy server.
Step 3: Configure your browser to use localhost as a proxy
Step 4: Enjoy the much superior Swedish version of the Internet as opposed to the dictator style American "Internet".
Don't they learn anything? People want things they will get it. By doing this you only push it further underground.
Prohibition took a nonviolent entertainment activity and its participants criminals, just as copyright law does.

Prohibition created artificial scarcity of a product, just as copyright law does.

Prohibition funneled money away from common citizens to cartels who were in control of the artificially scarce product, enabling the cartels to have an inordinate amount of power and influence over citizens, just as copyright law does.

Prohibition drained tax money on law enforcement and judicial processes to try to keep half the population from committing a nonviolent "crime", just as copyright law does.

And the proponents of prohibition pound their pulpits, preaching a plethora of problems that will arise if we allow the crime to continue, just as proponents of strict copyright laws do.

The commercial media companies are forcing us to ask ourselves:
Would we rather live in a world where totalitarian media companies make all the rules, or a world without commercialized media? Would it really be that bad to live without them?
A government that is failing, needs a good distraction and the entertainment industry has given it to them.