Two 32Gb SSDs in Raid 0


Nov 26, 2005
A friend of mine has an extra Patriot PS-100 32Gb SSD laying around that he said he would sell me for $50. I know that 32gb is not gonna be of any use, but would buying another one and throwing them in a Raid 0 be worth the money?

Right now im using an old 160Gb Toshiba 7200 drive as my system drive.

Am I gonna see an increase in speed going with two SSDs in Raid 0?
A 32GB SSD can be very useful - it can contain the Operating System and most if not all installed applications; that's exactly what you need it for. Use HDDs for anything else.

But instead of RAID0-ing two cheap SSDs, buying one good SSD is a superior choice. Especially the Intel SSDs are clearly worth their money if you look at their random IOps performance - that's what makes them so fast not the MB/s scores. The cheaper SSDs don't have Intel's advanced controller, but pack a cheaper JMicron/Samsung/Indilinx one, that performs much worse than Intel in random IOps benchmarks.

So honestly, if two cheap SSDs are even close to the price of one Intel, i would go for the Intel. It would be a product you enjoy for the next 10 years.
Indilix controllers aren't bad. They're right behind Intel right now. Jmicron's aren't even that bad ANY more. The first versions were horrible, the latest inside of the Kingston V+'s are ok. Middle of road performance for SSD's, still far faster than HD's.

Though Intel, Sandforce and Micron's are at the top of the list.