Two 22" for gaming?


Oct 31, 2005
Hey guys,

Right now I've got a 19" Viewsonic VX922, and I love everything about it except one thing... the size. It's far too small for me. It has served me very well for gaming up until now, but I'm looking to get something larger.

I do a lot of work at home, so two 22" monitors would be extremely useful, but I also use this machine for mainly gaming. I would imagine a 24" ($$$ :() would be better for gaming, but I'm not sure. What are you guys opinions on this?

Dell has a good deal on the E228WFP right now, so that's what made me consider getting two of them. Any input on either the two 22" or the Dell monitor would be awesome. Thank you!

The dual 22's would be great for multi-tasking and getting work done, although there aren't many games that would take advantage of it. So while playing games, you'd have a monitor not really doing anything.

I actually have a single 24" on my gaming puter, then use the dual/triple monitor setups for the non-gaming systems.
That's why I'm having trouble deciding. I do quite a bit of both, but probably more gaming on this machine.

If the E228WFP is a good monitor for gaming then I would be getting the best of both worlds I guess, seeing as how I'm not too keen on the $750CAD price tag on the 24".

If anyone has a E228WFP or has some input on the monitor I'd be extremely appreciative. Thanks again.