TV-Out on Mini


Nov 8, 2000
Just wondering if anyone tried it out yet. I would like to pick one up if the Tv-Out is okay. Only Apple product I have used TV-Out on was an iBook G3 but it did not work that great.

I will be using a standard TV, and I know the results are not great but my current "HTPC" has a radeon 7000 in it and it works great, but the system is very large and noisey at the moment.
The mini does'nt make a good HTPC. I believe the anandtech review covers why.
Archer75 said:
The mini does'nt make a good HTPC. I believe the anandtech review covers why.

Because it doesn't handle real-time encoding very well. I think the TV out will be fine.

I ordered mine with the DVI to S-Video adapter. I already have a Tivo, but I want to be able to serve up MP3's and whatnot in my entertainment center.
I don't want to encode on it at all. I just play some dix files, and run some emulated games. Something the G4 should be up to as far as that goes, I was just wondering if the TV-Out was ok and if it is adjustable at all.

I will look at anands article.
Luckily, they put an ATI in there instead of a FX5200. ATI's Mac drivers generally allow some adjustments for things like TV-out.