Turn based strategy - Help finding new games.


Limp Gawd
Nov 6, 2003
I love turn based strategy games. What are some of the better ones out there?

The ones I have are...

Silent Storm: One of the best games ever. Fantastic.

Gladius (Xbox): Not bad, but I cant really get into it.

LOTR - The Third Age: Great game, but not very complex.

Disciples: I couldnt really get into this one.

What am I missing?
not overly complex, but addictive as all hell, Moonbase Commander
Galactic Civilizations


Both games are incredibly addicting. Gal Civ has some of the best support of any game I've ever seen.
What did you like about silent storm? I read some reviews that said the super weapons ruined the game because they were so overpowering... I don't know much about the game, so what are some highs and lows?

Also, I loved golden sun for the GBA, it was fun and the graphics were really nice for game boy.
mulpsmebeauty said:
GBA: Advance Wars 1 and 2. Again, not overly complicated and a bit cutesie, but good games.

It was easy, but still fun. Great tactics and strategy. Also, the presentation is the best.
Rome: Total War, pretty complex and very good strategy.

Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri: Simply the best turn based strategy game ever. Very complicated, very addictive. You can probably score this for $10 now too since it's pretty old.
you can check out some of the heroes of might and magic if you can find them, i heard they were starting to show back up in the jewel case form. Ubisoft is supposidly working on a heroes 5 after buying the franchise form 3do
The Total War series with turn-based strategy and real-time combat is good

For turn-based tactics (as opposed to strategy) you could get yourself Steel Panthers for free at Matrix Games. You can then buy the Campaign Packs which throws in a little bit of a strategic element, but the turn-based tactics are the name of the game in this one.

I think Combat Mission (a game I never played) was supposed to also have fantastic turn-based tactical play. I oughta check that one out one of these days.
this isnt a recent game...but not too old, rise of nations. i personally had alot of fun playin it and its expansion
d3stiNy said:
this isnt a recent game...but not too old, rise of nations. i personally had alot of fun playin it and its expansion

that is classified as real time stratagy not turn base stratagy.

and to the pokemon guy, you are doomed to live in your mothers house for the rest of your days, lol ;)
k1pp3r said:
that is classified as real time stratagy not turn base stratagy.

and to the pokemon guy, you are doomed to live in your mothers house for the rest of your days, lol ;)
I'll stand out here as well and say that I didn't actually mind pokemon, it was quite fun.
ThirtySixBelow said:
I'll stand out here as well and say that I didn't actually mind pokemon, it was quite fun.

thats fine, just messin around, i'm bored
ThirtySixBelow said:
What did you like about silent storm? I read some reviews that said the super weapons ruined the game because they were so overpowering... I don't know much about the game, so what are some highs and lows?

Also, I loved golden sun for the GBA, it was fun and the graphics were really nice for game boy.

Silent storm is good. Sometimes it's too accurate. Nothing worse than getting your entire squad wiped out by a hidden machine gunner. It really is a slow, turn based, realistic, squad based combat game. Until the panzerkliens show up. I thought they were cool, but i just couldn't get past them without cheating.

I'm starting over again, and making sure that i get every stinking clue on every mission (helps up the XP's). The clues are necessary to get certain missions, and missions are how you get XP's. I think my problem was i was going through the game way too fast. Thus i was getting missions too hard for my low levell squad to deal with. Currently, i am levelling up in random encounters, and upping my weapon supplies. That first mission should be a walk through. :D
ThirtySixBelow said:
I'll stand out here as well and say that I didn't actually mind pokemon, it was quite fun.
It WAS fun and still is! It's just that most people won't give it a chance, and their mindset is limited to pukishly-cute images of Pikachu and Togepi. Seriously, it goes on my list at the very top of turn-based games. If you understand it in-depth, you can get endless hours of enjoyment out of it (I still am ;)).

EDIT: I just realized that some people may take this as flame bait. Please don't...we're just having fun.
spugnor said:
Silent storm is good. Sometimes it's too accurate. Nothing worse than getting your entire squad wiped out by a hidden machine gunner. It really is a slow, turn based, realistic, squad based combat game. Until the panzerkliens show up. I thought they were cool, but i just couldn't get past them without cheating.

I'm starting over again, and making sure that i get every stinking clue on every mission (helps up the XP's). The clues are necessary to get certain missions, and missions are how you get XP's. I think my problem was i was going through the game way too fast. Thus i was getting missions too hard for my low levell squad to deal with. Currently, i am levelling up in random encounters, and upping my weapon supplies. That first mission should be a walk through. :D

I thought it was the best game I ever played ,but the PK's ruined it for me.

Try this... Make an all sniper squad and use stealth... You can take out enemies before they even get into range to shoot at you... Such a great game. Combat Mission is good too...