trouble adding 2nd graphics card


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 5, 2001
I've got an x800 xt and a old ass voodoo 3 graphics card that I'm trying to get running in the same computer at the same time... the reason being I have 2 lcds and 1 tv so the x800 xt is going to use dvi and s-video out while the voodoo 3 will just output the 2nd lcd...

My problem is in adding the voodoo 3 to the computer, I've put it in every single pci slot and when I add the voodoo 3 the x800 xt quits being the main graphics card, or at least it wont display anything while starting up... as soon as I take the graphics card out, this problem is remedied...

any idea how I can add this 2nd graphics card so that the x800 xt is still the primary?
Check in the bios for an option. Usually you have the choice of primary graphics card ( PCI-E, PCI, AGP)

The default on some boards is PCI then other slots.

Hope it helps,
ah yes, I'd checked the bios before I made this thread but I guess I didn't check it closely enough...

everythings working perfectly now, thanks for the help :)