Tribes: Vengeance Open Beta Released

You have to have a fileplanet account to get a key, and the game won't work without one. Theres no reason why you shouldn't be able to get the file somewhere else, since you can't view the so called "copyrighted work" witout a key, its just a large collection of ones and zeros sitting on your harddrive.
So it turns out, I still do have the file, I just saved it somewhere else. Anyway, I still get a corrrupt message even after installing WinZip. When you run it, it is a standard Windows installer and does not look like what a zip executable looks like. What exactly did you (dawtips) to get it working? Sounded like you said the decompressor for WinRAR does not work but the one from WinZip does. Ok, but how do you get the installer to use the WinZip one? I would imagine the installer has the binary code for the uncompressor to start with.
I didnt test the latest winzip, thats just what I heard. I opened up a new window of IE, drag & dropped the zip file in it, you should see a folder for WoW and it should be traversable, but what u want to do is click extract files in the top left, it should take 5-10min to extract the files and it may look like the window has frozen up, but it hasnt
I have not tried WoW yet but I was more specifically talking about the T3 installer. I downloaded WoW but I have not installed it. I see it is a zip file so I will keep that in mind when I do install it. I really do not like that type of game so we will be trying it on my brother's computer since he is a WC junkie. Did you by chance get the T3 installer to work? That was really all I signed up for, WoW was just another perk I could use.
dawtips said:
ya i was able to install it just fine
I believe you said earlier that both T3 and WoW were giving you corrupt messages. How did you solve the T3 installer issue? I have seen someone post the corrupt message that I get so I know that I am not the only one. It decompresses all the files and then the installer says "checking package integrity." During that stage of the install, it gives me the error.

Edit: Here is my error.
i'm on my 4th T:V download and they have all been corrupt so far. wtf is going on. my friends are all playing and i cant even install the damn thing :mad:
actually on my 3rd attempt at T:V I got it to work successfully, the workarounds i was talking about earlier were for WoW
Well hell, I have downloaded T:V three times already. The third time, I chose a different server.

Your post is good news though, it voids the possibility that something in my PC might be causing that error. I guess I will just download again in the morning. This is really a hastle though, I will be sure to contact FilePlanet about this. It wouldn't be so bad if I just had to download it (yeah, and the link is impossible to find) like I would any other file but the download manager rapes my bandwidth for 25 minutes and I am not the only one who uses the net in this house. 25 mins without the net is very harsh treatement for an addict like me. Well, maybe I will just eat breakfast tomorrow. I am usually too lazy to do so but I won't have anything else to do while T3 downloads. I just hope it works by then.
g3no said:
first time ive heard someone complain that a file is downloading too fast
Hehe, I am with you on that one. Whenever you start to complain about something going to fast, just remember when you were on dialup @ 3.5 kbytes download speed with the new CS 1.1 patch out and you had 6 more hours to go :rolleyes:
Anywho, downloading off the paid servers work many times faster than their free ones.



I think I am going to kill somebody.
OMG. T:V installs on my brother's computer.

Which mean, the file I have been getting currupt error messages does not mean there is something wrong with the file but rather something wrong with the PC. Damn it.
Neither came corrupt for me using the latest winzip and installed fine. You guys could just try to unzip it w/ the latest winzip. :p
I downloaded this game a couple nights ago and have been loving it. It runs beautifully on my 6800 GT as well.
Cigolon said:
i really hate when companys release stuff to those pay to download sites. :(
especially when i have to wait in line for a patch for a game i bought. just seems like a ripoff.

No kidding, screw that, I refuse to pay for crap like that...MOPC.
bandwidth isnt cheap at all, and the stuff they release to payed subscribers is bonus content
man, i have to say this game totally rocks! it's sorta like ut2k4, but i don't like the ut style very much. i'm more into counter-strike. and this game seems to be more towards cs than you might think. mostly in the way weapons handle and how much dmg each one does. jetting and skiing is a whole lotta fun. i think i'm gonna have to buy this game when it comes out. it's quite buggy right now though, one where you get stuck, ahhh it sucks balls.
Well downloading it right now and I hope I don't get a corrupted file.

I've really enjoyed Tribes 2 especially RevMod2. Anyone have any more detailed impressions of the Vengence?????
Yeah, that 'stuck' bug bites.

I guess there is already a server-side patch out for it, but the servers have been really slow about updating.

Still, it REALLY rocks. I'm a Tribes vet from back in the very beginning of the franchise, and I like this one a lot.

Always will be a fond place in my heart for the original Tribes, software renderer and all, but this game is certainly going to top my playlist for this year!
Buckaroo Banzai said:
Hehe, I am with you on that one. Whenever you start to complain about something going to fast, just remember when you were on dialup @ 3.5 kbytes download speed with the new CS 1.1 patch out and you had 6 more hours to go :rolleyes:

You and the person you agree with are talking to each other and each other alone. You don't get it. Nobody is pissed their DL is going too fast. If it takes 20KB/sec for a few seconds for the [H] to load, would you rather that bandwidth be let through and your DL take half a second longer OR a setup that claims your bandwith as it's own and will only let it through a trinket at a time?

Get it? It's like this, you get 150KB/s from your connection. So while you DL the gaming files alone that's what you get the full 150. Now you throw a browse of [H] in there and we'll say it's going to recquire a transfer of 1MB. Now I ask is it not more optimal that the DL drops to 125KB/s and [H] gets the other 25KB/s for a few moments OR would it be better for the game file to hog 149.5KB/s of the connection while [H] loads a couple images at a time? The [H] page doesnt grow or shrink with how much hogging is going on, option 2 takes a tiny hit but over a hell of a lot more time, your cost in bandwidth is the same while your sanity level is surely better off with option 1.

Now I might not have used the corect abbreviations for KB/s and such but you know what I mean. I am enough of a computer geek and regular person at the same time to understand what one might mean by an app being a "bandwidth whore" even without having experince of the particular use in question (that being file planets implementation). Almost all of these things have some sort of control over the DL or even another client or layer/assistant going. I understand the misunderstanding probably came from when slang meets computer words but sheesh... assuming people would rather wait rather than a misread on your parts.....
k, do this, go get netlimiter, , and limit the bandwidth of your IE session to say 100kb, problem solved, in all honesty tho I don't have any problem surfing while i dl from fp
I have downloaded it 10 friggin' times and each time it is corrupt.

First download... .exe corrupt.

Second download... .exe corrupt

Third time... same.

Googled installshield... found out all about it and thought, "perhaps AVG was running in the background corrupting the file?" Downloaded it in safemode and tried to install in safemode... .exe corrupt.

Repeated a few more times... corrupt.

Tried extracting the corrupt file in winzip and winrar... both programs said the .exe was corrupt.

Downloaded on my other PC... the .exe was fine... got excited extracted the .exe transfered the files to my main PC and actually began the install process entered my activation code and then during the install 7 CAB files were corrupt.

Then I figured what the hell... the weekend is pretty much shot. I didn't get to game at all. So I backed up all of my files, reformatted, reinstalled XP, installed SP2 which I didn't want to do, but I thought, "maybe it would fix the corruption?" Download the file and, you guessed it, corrupt...

I was anticipating this game more than any other game so I should have known it wasn't gonna work for me. It is a beta after all.

However, I still have this feeling that it has something more to do with Fileplanet than the game or the installer. I guess I will find out next week when it is a true open beta.

Tonight, a friend of mine is going to burn his copy of the download for me and I will see if I can install it using MY FP KEY, of course. I'm also gonna download it here at work to see if it may simply be my connection at home.
Well it seems that more people than me and a few other people are having the corrupt problem. As I said, I downloaded it a few times and each time, corrupt. Well I finally sent the file to my brother's computer and it installed just fine. Seems some slight nuances in some Windows setup are causing this problem. Strange though, I have retail XP Pro all updated and everything installed less than a month ago.

Thanks texuspete00 for explaining why I and other people might be complaining about FP whoring 99% of the bandwidth.

I will certainly try netlimiter. I was looking for something like this a few days ago, now I will try this one.
sc4r4b said:
Then I figured what the hell... the weekend is pretty much shot. I didn't get to game at all. So I backed up all of my files, reformatted, reinstalled XP, installed SP2 which I didn't want to do, but I thought, "maybe it would fix the corruption?" Download the file and, you guessed it, corrupt...

I can't imagine doing a format/reinstall in order to get a beta of a game to run... It would take forever to reinstall and tweak everything... You are truly committed.. or should be committed.. :D
Wow, netlimiter is pretty cool. It can limit both upload and download to any session of x program. I am impressed, I may just buy it after the trial ends.
Micas said:
I can't imagine doing a format/reinstall in order to get a beta of a game to run... It would take forever to reinstall and tweak everything... You are truly committed.. or should be committed.. :D

Both... :p I mean, I signed up at file planet just to try the beta so their must be something wrong with me, right?
Bittorrent sucks. I don't know how people could love it so much. I turn my computer off while I am not here because it will raise my electricity bill by a lot. So when I am getting a 500meg file at 10kbs, paying the money for membership is worth it. In the long run, it saves me probably more then that on electricity and ungranted stress. I used to hate going out and looking for patches and whatnot. That is when I finally joined a download site. Granted, FP does not have a crappy "you have to babysit me" downloader anymore so at least even if you are not a member, I'd probably get my stuff from there. What I do hate about the site is their arrangement of files, it is definitely one of the worst ever. Oh yeah, and that I am a member with their cheap account so I still see a few ads every few pages.
This game ownz.... best FPS multiplayer out there!!! thats speaking alot since thats all i do... besides a couple bugs, its the first game to keep me "coming back for more" in a long time.
anyone got the link to the free download or do you still have to sign up for hte paid subscription?

No widescreen support? :( The highest resolution I see is 1600x1200... my LCD is 1920x1200..I wonder if its possible to mod the config file like some games?
This game is a little slow at Ultra-High detail, I gotta run it at High detail on my system at 1280x1024 2xAF. The cavern level goes down to about 23fps sometimes in heavy combat, and that kinda sucks seeing as I have a very good system.(12650 3dmarks in 2k3)
go to the console... default is tab or ~ (can't remember off the top of my head)

fov 120;

that should work as i recall... been a while since i used it... i've had closed beta on this for a while now...

anyway, i've played Tribes games for going on 5 years now and this is the first one i've been disappointed with... too much like UT2K4 if ya ask me :|... but i'll continue to play with my team anyway undoubtedly, they are family.