Treyarch Rolls Back Some Black Ops 4 Market Changes


Mar 3, 2018
Last week, a big update to Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 reportedly introduced a distasteful loot box system into the game. But, after facing massive backlash on social media, Treyarch seems to have rolled back some of those changes over the weekend. On the game's subreddit, Treyarch notes that the goal of the original system was "to give more players more frequent access to content in Reserves," but it had an "unintended effect on players who progressed through the first 100 Tiers. Initial earn rates for Blackjack's Reserve Cases through gameplay were also too slow."

Effective immediately, Reserve Cases have been added back to the Tiers at the end of the Contraband stream, and players will continue to earn progress toward Cases for gameplay time while progressing through the stream. Daily Tier Skips after 100 Tiers also now work as before, granting a Case for each Tier for players of all modes to ensure the original goal of allowing players to earn Reserves earlier and with more frequency than in previous Operations. Additionally, the earn rate for Reserve Cases through gameplay has been doubled to ensure players earn Cases faster at all times. Lastly, if you've already progressed beyond Tier 100 during this Operation, you will automatically be awarded with the same number of Reserve Cases that you would have earned for every Tier completed since that point in this Operation. This means no lost Tier-based progress toward Reserves, as your Cases earned after Tier 100 should be waiting for you once you've applied this evening's update.
I wasn't going to play this game anyway, so this decision is easy, but in general I can't picture myself playing any game that has loot boxes, skins, hats, or any trading of any kind in it.
They will stop it when it stops earning them more money than titles without it.

Sure, there are those of us here who hate it, but it only takes one kid with daddy's credit card to offset like 50 of us...

Nah, more like a single 30 something IT guy with a good salary.
The premium skins in BLOPS4 are awful. They are anachronistic and look like they came from a sci-fi convention or the opera.
The premium skins in BLOPS4 are awful. They are anachronistic and look like they came from a sci-fi convention or the opera.
Considering the guns and superpowers that the characters in BO4 have(BO3 was the same in this regard) the game might as well be sci-fi.
I only have about 5 hours in Call of Duty Black Ops 4 it's a good game only if your good. I'm not saying give everyone a trophy I think the last 5 Call of Duty game were lackluster on Steam more active with the after school console kids.