To Arctic Silver 5 Users!!!


Jan 17, 2004
Okay, I've placed my order for all my computer parts, and only one question remains:

On a pentium4 processor, I understand that I need a tiny amount of AS5 in the middle of the P4's heat spreader. I've looked on AS5's official application instructions, but I'm unsure of only one thing...

Do I also need to rub AS5 on my heatsink, or is that only for the small-core processors with no heat spreaders?

Thanks in advance! :cool:
I just followed the instructions on the web site for my PIV, small dab in center of heat spreder, installed Heatsink, wiggled it a little and then clamped down. No problems at all, been running for about a month and AS5 knocked off about 3 degrees compared to the stuff Zalman includes with the 7000 Al-Cu, good luck.
This is exactly the heatsink I have:

Should I rub the thermal paste just on that copper center? Seems logical to apply to the heatsink as well as the cpu... better contact.
Originally posted by MontyAC
Rub it on the cpu heatspreader.

You're not supposed to rub it on the cpu heatspreader. You only apply a tiny drop in the center. But the instructions weren't clear on whether to rub some onto the heatsink or not.
Putting it on the heatsink as well wont make it any better, all your really doing is adding twice as much.

just add it to the heat spreader alone. and dont put too much on, a very thin amount will do.
AS5 is very thick, along the lines of Ceramique' and won't "rub in" to the Heatsink surface as well as AS3 did, I would not recomend applying it to the HSF, it won't make a difference.
Originally posted by splinter3k
AS5 is very thick, along the lines of Ceramique' and won't "rub in" to the Heatsink surface as well as AS3 did, I would not recomend applying it to the HSF, it won't make a difference.

Agreed. I just put a little on the P4, and none on the Heatsink.
Just take a tiny tab and spread an even thin layer across the processor...then apply the isn't hardcore astrophysics...
Like the above posters stated, don't worry about putting on the paste as long as you don't put on too much. You're not going to kill the P4 chip.
lol, i covered the whole heatspreader with as5 on my 2.4C and i get 45 idle at 1.625 vcore =/
holy crap there is Artic silver 5:eek:
boy i have been out of the pc hardware news for a long time
lol they skipped Arctic Silver 4 and went to 5. I heard about 4 being bad luck in Chinese, therefore: AS5.
Arctic Silver 5 is much thicker than our earlier silver compounds and it is very difficult to rub it into the base of the heatsink. With it's superior flow characteristics, the tinting steps can be skipped when using Arctic Silver 5."

The above was taken from the following url:

You can either follow their instructions, although most people just apply a thin layer to the heatspreader. I find a credit card (the edge) works best for this. If you don't have one to spare, you can always use the edge of some printing paper.

I've always applied it this way, and I started skipping the 'rub a layer into your heatsink base' step after reading the revised instructions from AS themselves. Temps have been great.

Hope that helps.
Originally posted by laban
Agreed. I just put a little on the P4, and none on the Heatsink.
That's what I did. And I spread it around with a strip off an old credit card.
Originally posted by Velkruel
Arctic Silver 5 is much thicker than our earlier silver compounds and it is very difficult to rub it into the base of the heatsink. With it's superior flow characteristics, the tinting steps can be skipped when using Arctic Silver 5."

The above was taken from the following url:

You can either follow their instructions, although most people just apply a thin layer to the heatspreader. I find a credit card (the edge) works best for this. If you don't have one to spare, you can always use the edge of some printing paper.

I've always applied it this way, and I started skipping the 'rub a layer into your heatsink base' step after reading the revised instructions from AS themselves. Temps have been great.

Hope that helps.
i use a chapstick cap, put it on my pinky, and constantly rub excess off on a paper towel.
peasize (& shaped) glob in the center then let heatsink spread it out as you push/clamp it down. Spreading it first can cause small airbubbles to get trapped. Where the glob in the center pushes all the air out of the sides as you clamp down.

Personally, I just use this generic white paste. AS5, etc... are too expensive for a minimal improvements. I have a tub for a few bucks that will last me probably 200 CPU installs!! :)
there is no real need to apply paste all over the heat spreader, just the small area directly above the core.