tire tracks on ipod?


Oct 12, 2005
My friend got a ipod 30gb video a few months ago, and recently the screen cracked, she wasn't sure what it was from. The ipod could still be used, there was just part of the right side of the screen that was blacked out. So she called Apple and told them about it and they told her to send it in, so she did. When she got it back, it had these tire track things on the front so it makes it impossible to use it at all now, so Apple made it way worse than what it was before. They sent a letter with it that said they needed to test if it was an internet or external force that caused the screen to break, which is bs cus how is it going to break from an internal force? And why would they run it over with whatever they did? So what should she do, any advice? Thanks!
Send it back. Sometimes it happens. They will probably just give you a refurb unit in exchange if it's broken beyond repair now.