Time to upgrade need suggestions.


Dec 8, 2006
I was planning to pull the trigger on a 6950 (rig is in my sig). My 3870s have held up well over the years but the new games are telling me the cards need to be upgraded. I'm thinking of just going with a single card solution and would like to get something with 2GB. I play GTA IV but want the 2GB for higher resolutions (1080 and beyond) and figure it would future proof me for a while. I've been running these 3870s since release and they have held up really well but it is time to update.

I'm planning to pick up Battlefield 3, Assassin's Creed: Revelations and Deus Ex Revelations. The 6850 is tempting at the price but I don't want to have to upgrade for a while if possible.
I have a 6950 flashed to a 6970, and I couldn't be happier. I run all the current games (Witcher 2, Hard Reset, Deus Ex 2) with max settings @ 1080p with no problems.
I am also thinking about upgrading, and the 6950 looks like a great choice. I am going to be driving a 27" IPS monitor and people seem to think that the 6950 does a great job running resolutions above standard (2560x1440).
1. Replace your cpu with something like PII 1090T.
2. Then get the 6950, that cpu is not enough for 6950, or either new games especially BF3.
The 6950 is a great card, but just be warned if you want to flash it to a 6970 flashing non reference 6950s is a bit tricky...you should google the gum trick.
Id opt for the 6970 or GTX570. Either will max pretty much anything out at 1920x1080.

As for unlocking a 6950, Ive learned the hard way that buying stuff in the hopes of "unlocking" it to something better is playing the odds and if you have shitty luck like I do, then youll be stuck with something less than what you wanted. If you want a 6970, buy a 6970.

I also agree that a CPU upgrade might be in order. Those 650's run at a rather pokey 2.7 GHz and thats gonna hurt ya. You can get Phenom X4 955's pretty cheap these days, it would definitely be worth it to toss on of those things in your rig.