TIME Names iPhone X One Of The 25 Best Inventions Of 2017


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
Well-respected publication TIME magazine has put Apple’s iPhone X up there with the best of the best products to be launched into the public domain during 2017. I don't know about well respected and I sure can't say I would say an iPhone X is a top invention for 2017. How can you say something is a top invention that is just an update to a smartphone that has been around for years? You can check out the list here.

The first thing that you notice when you take the time to look through the TIME list is that it’s unbelievably diverse in the fact that it contains innovative and thought-provoking products from literally all walks of life.
The ONLY thing unique or innovative about that phone is the screen. Which is cool and all but I agree, I would not say it is a top "invention" for 2017. Just goes to show how cluelessly bias mainstream media is, but I guess it works out for Apple.
The last time I saw Time magazine was waiting at the dentist office. Besides dentist/doctor offices, not sure who subscribes to Time.
I like iPhones and don't agree with the X being "Best of the year". I agree it's largely incremental and isn't doing much other phones haven't before. The screen is nice and the FaceID is pretty cool (aware of the megathreads against it). But invention of the year? No.
I nominate Threadripper. AMD at least kicked the CPU world in the balls and made things interesting this year.
Usually, a publication makes some attempt at defining the thing they are naming. "New Invention" is wildly out of alignment with the list... It wouldn't be so bad if they just called it "tech stuff we liked in 2017." Also, 2017 isn't over... things are still coming out. How much fail can they have at one time?
When clothes, makeup and products that are projected to be 20 years away from production....this is a weird list of best inventions of 2017.
Usually, a publication makes some attempt at defining the thing they are naming. "New Invention" is wildly out of alignment with the list... It wouldn't be so bad if they just called it "tech stuff we liked in 2017." Also, 2017 isn't over... things are still coming out. How much fail can they have at one time?
Agreed. They probably should have called it "Sh** You Should Buy For The Holidays 2017", but that kind of sh** is reserved for low-brow publications like GQ and Business Insider.
It boggles the mind.

That being said, when was the last time anyone read Time, or any other magazine for that matter.

Magazines in general ceased to be relevant with the advent of the internet some 25+ years ago.
Time, Newsweek, and the like; they used to be serious periodicals that took pains to be accurate, moderate, and neutral.

Nowadays? Little more than thinly disguised paid advertising (which pretends to be objective, and conjures up "better than average writing" to support that illusion), really.

At least the WSJ is pretty objective (business objective, which I don't have an issue with, as they are upfront about that).

Makes me glad for places like HardOCP, where Kyle & Co. don't feed us horse manure gussied-up/marketed as "high-end haggis".

Must have been a pretty slow year.
People pretending the camera array on the front isnt very cool.

Its not very useful... but its cool.
Another Apple product was honored. [H] readers go apoplectic.

Apoplectic would be far too extreme; it's just that many around here (myself included) feel that Apple simply charges far too much for what you are getting under the hood. Good for shareholders, perhaps, but not so much for the general public nowadays, not since the first few model lines (competition has intervened, thankfully).
On a side note, Tim Cook is no Steve Jobs, and you can't expect any real new "marketing strategies" from him (Jobs was, essentially, a fantastic salesman/marketer -- shame he most likely never read Death of a Salesman; he's a insular, and wildly successful, Willy Loman).
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So much butthurt in this thread from irrational Apple haters, angry all the time because their ghetto Android phones suck balls and they can't afford iPhones.
This reminds me of how the media praise Apple's innovation in the late 90's when they started offering their all in one imacs G3's in.............................. different "flavours."

For some reason all these outlets thought having one panel on these old CRT all in ones a selection of a few different colors was amazingly innovative. I used to say "the people are Apple of so ingenious they invented pink, purple and even blue!"
I see the hillbilly brigade is out in force! I see a lot of ignorant baby whining about how shit Apple is, as is usual for this forum. But I see no one offering better suggestions for what else Time could have chosen.

But I will say that I’m surprised that the iPhone X has won this. Surely there must be something more deserving and more innovative...
What makes iPhones better than Android again?

Android phones wouldn’t exist if it was not for Apple making the iPhone. I thought I’d get that point in there before having to remind you of the terrible state of OS fragmentation, security holes, virus infections, app developers stealing your personal information. No innovation in the hardware, other than copying Apples features. I will give you wireless charging though!

One other thing that is nice about Android phones, is that they are as cheap as chips, and throwaway items.
So much butthurt in this thread from irrational Apple haters, angry all the time because their ghetto Android phones suck balls and they can't afford iPhones.
But its not just the iphone. Their cover photo "invention":
>Jibo still has a lot to learn. Although he can help users in basic ways, like by summarizing news stories and taking photos, he can’t yet play music requests or work with third-party apps like Domino’s and Uber, which, at $899, could make him a tough sell. But Matt Revis, the company’s vice president of product management, is confident Jibo will evolve. “There was a threshold we had to reach in order to launch,” says Revis. “Now it’s part of the journey.
A $900 google searcher with a camera

"Makeup shades for every skin tone" I mean seriously...that's a new thing? Cuz I'm pretty sure there's stores full of the crap and the blurb even has a Rihanna quote...because she made it. It should be advertised as "makeup to cover up any tone bruise".

And of course the diversity "invention", the Nike Pro Hijab, which of course isn't actually anything new or special, its just a hijab made with sportswear type materials.

Fortunately about midway through the article they do get into some actual new inventions...but they're also mostly prototypes that aren't a real product yet...so that's just lazy on TIME not making the list consistent. Are you selling products, showing off promising prototypes, or showing off stuff that has now escaped prototype phase and buyable?

The Low-calorie ice cream is probably the most interesting non-invention thing there, but the flavors look like cancer.
What makes iPhones better than Android again?
Don't worry, i'll make sure to tell Time to give ALL Android phones participation trophies next year. I know that, yes, it is not fair that only Apple gets the awards and recognitions and it sends the wrong message. Android phones have feelings too and they deserve to be treated with respect. Everyone is a winner.
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I think most of you are giving way more thought to this than TIME did. It seems like they just googled some random 2017 products then threw in Apple/iPhone in for clicks/views. In other words, what is now known as "journalism".