This temp possible with an air cooled system???


Jan 31, 2004
Well I built a 2800+ system with a DFI NF2 Ultra Infinity mobo in an Antec Sonata case, and just for shits and giggles, I decided to check my temps in the case...running a 120mm intake fan, 120mm exhaust fan, and a Zalman 7000A-ALCu cooler, I'm running a nice and cool 29C idle, and I've been running it for 3 days now, and it's never been above 36C under full load (including about 12 hours of Prime95). Maybe this is normal? :) I'm just used to my old system...CoolerMaster Wavemaster with about 7 case fans, sounded like a jet engine, and my processor (the same 2800+ i use now) still ran at LEAST 50C idle, and upwards of 60C under load. And on top of that, the coolermaster was a POS anyway...worst case design I've ever used.

those temps are definetely possible and probably true considering your intake/exhaust and quality heatsink.
try a different hardware monitor. Ive seen people F'up with Mobo Monitor and set the wrong sensors.

but yeah those temps are defenitely possible. My aerocool can do that easily
You need to experiment with MBM.

For example, I have 2 diodes on my mainboard. MBM sees 9 options. It has 'Winboard 1', 'Winboard 1 XXXXXXXX', 'Winboard 1 Diode', 'Winboard 2', etc. In order to get temperature readings from my mainboard, I set so that Temp monitor uses 'Winboard 1', then Temp sensor 2 uses 'Winboard 2'.

Generally, if you are getting a reported temp of 30c or 0c, you don't have a valid input selected yet. Your mainboard may not be supported by MBM yet, so you won't be able to use it correctly. :p Also, if you select a temp, and it never changes even if the temps in your case or your CPU usage changes, you don't have a valid input selected. ;)

For me, Winboard 3 doesn't work. So, Winboard 2 is my CPU temp, and Winboard 1 is my ambient temp. It works out differently on different computers. :)
Concerning ’m‚³‚ñ's post. If you want to setup your MBM to sense the correct temperature, goto MBM's site and goto motherboard list to properly configure the sensors. Many people, even [H]ard people can forget this and setup the sensors incorrectly and have wrong readings.

The best way to double check your temp is to use an external probe and see what the temp is of the heatsink and make a comparison.