This case looks like balls...

Thermaltake toned things down with their new cases... these guys turned it up a notch. Gross.
I dont know whose balls you are comparing this case to but mine are round, wrinkled, and hairy. This case looks like a someone decapitated a transformer and shit on it.
cell_491 said:
what a shitty ass case...doesnt even have a 120mm blowhole fan

"Three 1,800RPM 12CM blue LED fans for efficient and silent cooling." :eek:
domoMKIV said:
"Three 1,800RPM 12CM blue LED fans for efficient and silent cooling." :eek:
whatever then the case is much smaller than it appears because that blowhole fan looks like an 80mm fan
undertheradar said:
I dont know whose balls you are comparing this case to but mine are round, wrinkled, and hairy. This case looks like a someone decapitated a transformer and shit on it.

omg that was funny...I needed a good laugh...thanks ;)

btw...for the record, my balls don't look anything like that case either...
nst6563 said:
omg that was funny...I needed a good laugh...thanks ;)

btw...for the record, my balls don't look anything like that case either...

quote for truth, not that this would usually be quoted
Ugly, down right fugly.

Is it just me, or companies making a lot of ugly cases these days?
JTY said:
Ugly, down right fugly.

Is it just me, or companies making a lot of ugly cases these days?

No, it's not you... sadly, according to my friend at MicroCenter, those cases sell. Must be all the Yu Gi Oh (or whatever the hell its called) convincing daddy it looks good.
Hey, look on the bright side. The "information center" with the LCD and various I/O interfaces is a smart move for people who set their PCs on the floor. I've moved beyond tower cases but if I was buying a tower and setting it on the floor, I would appreciate this design decision.
A year ago I might have liked that, but my tastes have changed. Now I agree with everyone else saying it is ugly.
They're targeting all the kiddies out there who are looking for something better than the computers their parents bought them. For some reason, they like this style. Most of us who have more matured tastes, prefer a simple clean look... and if we DO want a lot of fancy shmancy stuff, we'll do it ourselves...
OK when I was little, I liked ultra modern, black glass tables, minimalistic furniture, subtle colors or the absense of color altogehter. Thats not something I'd ever have bought when I was 5 let alone 21.
I think its for the dudes that have 4 terabytes of anime on their machine. i'm sure someone like it considering that one has been around for a while now....and it hasn't plummeted in price like the all acrylic cases have.

BALLS? heh, your balls are messed up, you should visit a doctor. :p
undertheradar said:
I dont know whose balls you are comparing this case to but mine are round, wrinkled, and hairy. This case looks like a someone decapitated a transformer and shit on it.

And electro-platinum-brass-bling plated it.

haha, I really dont understand how people buy some of these cases... I almost cry when I go through popular websites looking at cases... =(
Okay going against the grain here, but I don't think it's that bad. Friend of mine has one and it's okay for a case.They've been around for about a year now. Not something I would buy, but for those people that like a case that's a little different and don't have the time/skills to make those differences themselves, a case like this isn't a bad way to go. So long as it suits your needs and tastes.

As I said, I don't think it's that ugly at all, but that's just me.

Then again I do my own designs and casework.
The same guy designed that case also designed the pontiac Aztec.

undertheradar said:
I dont know whose balls you are comparing this case to but mine are round, wrinkled, and hairy. This case looks like a someone decapitated a transformer and shit on it.


JSquid said:
The same guy designed that case also designed the pontiac Aztec.


I HAD FORGOTTEN ABOUT THAT PIECE OF SHIT! I haven't seen one in a while. I'd figured most people who bought them were embarassed enough to trade them in or destry them.
thats definitely a case for ricerboys.
I don't think they could tack anymore plastics bits or other useless shit to that thing. I second thought, maybe an NOS bottle to complete the theme.
I kinda like it, you can't say it ain't different. I'm no kid either, I'm an old fart. I don't know that I would actually buy it but if I won it, I would keep it and use it.
If you really think it's that ugly, enter it in the "Pimp my rig" contest at XR and you can win the same case that you used as your entry! LOL! :D

Okay, sarcasm off, that case looks like garbage. I've seen regurgitation that looked more asthetically pleasing...
JTY said:
Ugly, down right fugly.

Is it just me, or companies making a lot of ugly cases these days?

Yea, I miss the days of cheep, huge, thick steel cases. they were cheep because they were simple beige boxes with nothing in them, not because they were thin cheep plastic. Those were fun to chop.

IMHO, If someone had taken a plain case, and turned it into that one him/herself, then I think it would be cool because it's art. Someone would have put weeks into that front. And at that point, even if we didn't like the final outcome, we would still have some respect because someone had did it themselves and made it their own. That's why amateurs and individuals do art, and when professionals in a big corporation do it, it's called Research and Design.

Thats my case and I LOOOVE IT!

You call are crazy for sayin that you don't like it, you're just jealous of my 133754UC3 :p
^^ just kiddin, that case looks like a bad case of diarrhea

di·ar·rhe·a also di·ar·rhoe·a ([font=verdana, sans-serif] P [/font]) Pronunciation Key (d
Excessive and frequent evacuation of watery feces, usually indicating gastrointestinal distress or disorder.
Shesh, the front looks hideous. Good luck modding that thing. Also, looks like flimsy, thin skinned aluminum case. Should make a lot of noise. :(
someone should buy one, and try to mod it.

Into a regular looking boring beige(sp) box from several years ago