thinkpad + Slackware 10 = no battery?


Limp Gawd
Oct 15, 2003
I was just wondering how i can get slackware 10 to support my thinkpad 570's battery so i can see how much juice i have left... right now it doesn't see the battery, and i havent the faintest clue on how to make it.
The[H]uman said:
Was just about to tell him when i read this thread to check out the site in my sig :)

good to know people use it :)

I just used it yesterday.
I had a Dell Latitude CPi-A-333 with a burnt video daughter-board. I put in a 400MHz PII in it, and swapped the video daughter-board, HDD, battery, and DVD/CDRW from a CPi-233 that has a bad cpu socket. I had to go searching to get the correct X setup, but it's running Gentoo right now. Runs like a top for a machine that old!!
I looked there first, and all the information on the 570 refers to old ass distros...

I'm assuming i'll have to do something with recompiling a kernel... i might as well upgrade the kernel to 2.6.7 when i do that...

I'm getting used to using linux, but i've only compiled a kernel once before, a long time ago when i first was messing with it, and I dont know how i can compile support for my battery into this at all...

In short: help please
Without me looking up the IBM laptops, or knowing anything about them i'm going to guess they support ACPI so when you download the kernel sourece and run 'make menuconfig' make sure ACPI support is built in.
Most of the kernel config stuff doesn't change much as far as the setup.The code itself does, but it seems liek they try to keep the options the same. The layout is a little different, but it's basically worded the same once you find it.
ShimmyT said:
Without me looking up the IBM laptops, or knowing anything about them i'm going to guess they support ACPI so when you download the kernel sourece and run 'make menuconfig' make sure ACPI support is built in.

How would I go about making sure? Any links to places that will give me info on kernel compilation/installation would be very much appreciated.