Thinking about voice control for home automation... need an excellent array mic...


Limp Gawd
Dec 1, 2006
Hey, I've been mulling over experimenting with One Voice Media Center Communicator and/or other potential voice activation software for my PC media center that can allow me to run some home automation duties as well as controlling my computer. One Voice sells an array mic on their site that costs about $270.00. Are there any other array mics (with good quality) that are less expensive than this available that anyone has had experience with?

I would also be very interested in any info regarding expreiences with voice activation in conjuction with home automation software that people on the forum have had. Thanks in advance.
I guess it depends on what you want really. I've seen array mics as cheap as $35. Is the $270 mic that much better? I have no idea. :confused: