Think theres a good chance for BF2 Patch to release by Wednesday ?


Jul 23, 2002
What do you think ? I got Mon, Tues, and Wen, all off of work and man it would be awesome if it would :cool: They said they were close but you think there that close to release :confused:
I think there is a good chance its already out in public beta testing so it should be in everyone's hands very soon. :D
I say thursday. Time enough to get it downloaded before the weekend.
it's ea so after christmas or whenever special forces comes out b/c they need to get it "just right" lol EA ceo license plate is $$$$$$$$
jnick said:
Being released today at 4pm EST.
Now, i went to EA's site couple days ago and it did say today at 2pm EST i think, but i hardly doubght it.
Doesn't matter when its released, I just hope it spreads fast enough among the download hosts that I can get it.
yea that has to be the biggest pain in the A$$ is that you can't even download the patch until you wait 45 mins to a hour and a half in line at some of these places... :mad:

but at the same time I am not gonna pay a subscription fee for one of these sites just to dowload a patch once every 3-4 months :(
I uninstalled the game, Im so sick of EA's fucking bullshit. Im just gonna play HL2 deathmatch until Battlefront 2 gets launched.
I remember a time when things were simpler.

Blue was blue.
The sun rose and set.
Release dates were actual release dates.

Where did those times go? :(
Well on 9/30 EA said a few days, so, sometime before the end of the year falls into that category for them.
not sure when its comming out... (caugh today... caugh)

But its a good patch for sure... seen it first had!
shaggymcp said:
yea that has to be the biggest pain in the A$$ is that you can't even download the patch until you wait 45 mins to a hour and a half in line at some of these places... :mad:

but at the same time I am not gonna pay a subscription fee for one of these sites just to dowload a patch once every 3-4 months :(

I take it you are a liberal?
shaggymcp said:
yea that has to be the biggest pain in the A$$ is that you can't even download the patch until you wait 45 mins to a hour and a half in line at some of these places... :mad:

but at the same time I am not gonna pay a subscription fee for one of these sites just to dowload a patch once every 3-4 months :(
hah, i can get my firends fileplanet insider, no wait over 400kbps on new files :)
ComputerBox34 said:
Its 4:30 and still no patch

That's EA for you. Promise things which they cannot keep. Suppossedly an official EA UK employee over on their boards are saying Wednesday OR Friday. In all honesty, it should have been released 2 months ago . . .
jnick said:
That's EA for you. Promise things which they cannot keep. Suppossedly an official EA UK employee over on their boards are saying Wednesday OR Friday. In all honesty, it should have been released 2 months ago . . .

Correction. The patch contains features and code the game should have SHIPPED with from day one. EA sucks. That's all there is to it.
Any performance boosts? Maybe making it so the menu no longer has to load :rolleyes:
1.03 Update
That's right, troops. Barring any last minute issues, the 1.03 update is only a few days from release now.

That explains it right there.. looks like they effed up, maybe they'll start all over again and we can wait another couple months.

Thank you, EA, you've got my vote!
shaggymcp said:
yea that has to be the biggest pain in the A$$ is that you can't even download the patch until you wait 45 mins to a hour and a half in line at some of these places... :mad:

but at the same time I am not gonna pay a subscription fee for one of these sites just to dowload a patch once every 3-4 months :(

I just use Xfire's download service. It's a lot quicker for me than Fileplanet. You should also try Filefront, they never have lines.
Sir-Fragalot said:
Correction. The patch contains features and code the game should have SHIPPED with from day one. EA sucks. That's all there is to it.

yeah cause we all wanted to wait till October for the game to come out....

I'm just fine with them releaseing the game early to finance the completion of the game through patches just like they did with bf1942 bfv ect...
whats the big deal.. the game runs fine with 1.02. Why are some of you bitching because the patch was late, or saying it should have shipped like 1.03 form the beginning...

I for one have had loads of fun with Bf2 "As is off the shelf." The patches are a bonus, but pre-patch the game still rox so why are you crying...

its not liek it was un bearable buggy form release day...
I(illa Bee said:
whats the big deal.. the game runs fine with 1.02. Why are some of you bitching because the patch was late, or saying it should have shipped like 1.03 form the beginning...

I for one have had loads of fun with Bf2 "As is off the shelf." The patches are a bonus, but pre-patch the game still rox so why are you crying...

its not liek it was un bearable buggy form release day...

Dude, are you for real? :eek:
Sir-Fragalot said:
Correction. The patch contains features and code the game should have SHIPPED with from day one. EA sucks. That's all there is to it.

QFT! I love the game, but it has started crashing to desktop regularly now. Freaking download is overdue and not only that it is going to be a freaking huge patch.
OMGWTFBBQ, a huge patch took 3 months to come out! :rolleyes:

I could understand your sentiments if it came out after six months. 3 months for a patch of this scope is pretty good, its probably better than par for DICE.

You guys are just whiney little bitchs.
IceWind said:
Dude, are you for real? :eek:

yea im for real! What is wrong with the game before the patch? Mine runs great...allways has... crashing to desktop? Ye it did that a bit untill i backed off my overclcok. Running stock speeds it has never crashed one...ever!

So I ask again? What is wrong wit the game that makes a patch so despretly needed that the game is not playable
deathBOB said:
OMGWTFBBQ, a huge patch took 3 months to come out! :rolleyes:

I could understand your sentiments if it came out after six months. 3 months for a patch of this scope is pretty good, its probably better than par for DICE.

You guys are just whiney little bitchs.

Aren't you Mr. Happy? I wasn't complaining about its size so much as the difficulty of getting it downloaded...check the threads. Duh! And if you had noted the rest of my message you would see that it was in response to the fact that a lot of the "patch" is actually game parts, not fixes, that never should have been left out. How many multiplayer games you got that don't allow you to bookmark favorite servers? I am soo happy you got to use your internet acronym dictionary to respond. :rolleyes: