Thermalright Ultra-120 (original) vs True Spirit 120


Fully [H]
Apr 11, 2007
For clarification, we are talking about the much older original Thermalright Ultra-120 with 4 heatpipes, NOT the Extreme version (aka TRUE) with 6.

I have an older Ultra-120 sitting around that I could buy the socket 1156/1155 bolt thru kit and suddenly have it work with my new 2600K.

Which is the better cooler? They both have 4 heatpipes and use the same fundamental design. Has Thermalright made enough tweaks to the design that even the brand new True Spirit 120 is better? FWIW, I don't consider 1-2 degrees celsius significant, but I consider 5+ significant.

I can spend $15 for a bolt thru kit, $40 for a True Spirit, or $60+ for a Venomous X. For me, if I'm going to spend $40 for marginal improvement I might as well spend $60 and get even better results. If the Ultra-120 and True Spirit-120 are the same, then there is no reason for me to upgrade anytime soon and I can save my money.
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How much overclocking are you going to do? I'd just get the bolt-through kit for the Ultra-120 myself. I doubt the difference will be striking between that and the True Spirit.
4.5ghz at a minimum. I would like to hit 4.8ghz eventually since that is what many people seem to reach as a maximum with these chips. If a good high end air cooler will get me there, I don't want to bother with watercooling.
I'd go for a new heatsink. Overclocked my 2600k has me considering a new heatsink and I have a TRUE. I'm considering a spirit 140 as it should be quiet and perform pretty well.
I doubt you'd get 4.8 with an Ultra-120, although it would depend on the fan. I had an Ultra 120 on my Q9550 at 4.0 and it worked okay, but that was pretty low voltage for that chip. Same TDP though.