Thermalright-SP94 heatsink NEED YOUR help


Limp Gawd
Jan 20, 2004
I have a thermalright sp94 attached to my mobo and I need to know some ways to attach a fan onto there. I have a fan I need to install onto the heatsink.

If you have any pictures of how you installed your fan to your heatsink I need your help. I dont know how to get a fan to sit on the heatsink.
did your sp-94 come with some funky looking wires? go to and check out the installation of sp-94. look at step 13.
is it suppose to be 92mm? The one I have is 80mm I dont think thats suppose to fit on it
The SP-94 is definitely made for 92mm fans. Did you get a brand new box? Because there should be four (IIRC) fan clips in the box, two for 80mm fans, and two more for 92mm fans.
Just look at which holes ThermalRight's webpage indicates will fit the fan you're trying to attach. You will have to apply some force to actually get the fan on because let's face it, it's going to have to be on there pretty tightly unless you want the fan to fall off while the computer is running :eek:.