Thermal paste question.


[H]F Junkie
Jun 19, 2009
A few months ago I had to work in my PC, so I removed my CPU's heat sink. When I was done, I put it back on without removing the old thermal paste and without applying more thermal paste (it has TX2 on it). Ever since I did that it seems like the CPU's fan spins at a higher RPM and the CPU seems to get hotter.

Should I remove the old thermal paste/grease and re-apply it? If so, what should I use to remove the old paste? And when reapplying should I do the drop or the X method?

CPU is an AMD 965 and cooler is a Xigmatek LOKI 92mm.
Yes you should. And you can use rubbing alcohol to do so. And you should apply the bead about the size of a BB in the middle of the CPU and then place your Heatsink on top an let it spread naturally.
Agreed. This is necessary to ensure you get optimal distribution of the thermal compound once you reseat the heat sink. You want the compound to cover maximum surface area without holes, bubbles, etc. The last time I replaced my heat sink I used ArctiClean and it worked really nicely. Got it on Newegg for 10-15 bucks and it was well worth it IMHO.
Just get 99% isopropyl alchohol. Should be available anywhere there is a pharmacy and pretty cheap. Also has a wide range of applications.

Just double the check the label so there is no other additives. Shouldn't be there with 99%.
I also use the two part arcticlean system and that stuff works amazingly...turns that rock hard/goopy shit into nothing and wipes right off with ease.
Acetone or bust :) I buy liters of it, and very useful / efficient when working with a lot of PCs.
Thanks for the replies. I'm assuming I should clean it both off of the heatsink base and CPU. Any other precautions I should take in regards to the CPU?

I'll probably get some 99% isopropyl alcohol from a Walmart, though ArtiClean is cheap on Amazon. I just wish I looked into it before I placed another order a few days ago.
It's funny that I clean CPUs with just a paper towels and it does the same effect(didn't work ofc on very old already solid paste)

Thanks for the replies. I'm assuming I should clean it both off of the heatsink base and CPU. Any other precautions I should take in regards to the CPU?
Yes, when cleaning CPU, don't do that while it is inserted in socket.
Thanks for the replies. I'm assuming I should clean it both off of the heatsink base and CPU. Any other precautions I should take in regards to the CPU?

I'll probably get some 99% isopropyl alcohol from a Walmart, though ArtiClean is cheap on Amazon. I just wish I looked into it before I placed another order a few days ago.

Yes, you clean both, you don't want any paste left on either part. You want to keep anything else off of it while you are at it, try and keep your fingers etc off the parts where the paste will be placed. And what you use to wipe it with make sure it does not have any additives or leave any kind of lint behind.
Yes, you clean both, you don't want any paste left on either part. You want to keep anything else off of it while you are at it, try and keep your fingers etc off the parts where the paste will be placed. And what you use to wipe it with make sure it does not have any additives or leave any kind of lint behind.

I've read that coffee filters seem to be good for wiping. I'll use those.
Yes, when cleaning CPU, don't do that while it is inserted in socket.

I've always cleaned the cpu while socketed and never had any problems.
Alcohol evaporates. Anything stray left on the CPU or MB is going to evaporate within seconds after being exposed to oxygen.

As for content....grab what's at the local pharmacy. I've used 80% and 90something%. Both work fine. No need to pay more for 99% or drive farther just to get it if all your local Walgreens or Rite Aid has in stock is the lower % variety.

Q-Tips work good, as do cotton balls or cotton pads. Generally leaves no fuzzies behind. :)
i didn't have any rubbing alcohol so i just used vodka and some q tips :|

Haha, nice!!

Yea I use 99% isopropyl alcohol and works good. I heard the arcticlean works really well and as others have said. Since sometimes I have trouble getting the hard stuff.

Another good thing is to have two micro fiber clothes(so no scratch and lint)
one to get rid of the thermal paste and then clean one just to wipe it down again with whatever solution you are using.