The Secret World Public Beta Weekend

Didn't get on well with the last beta.

Was a stutterfest at any resolution or settings, so bad I gave up.
It's weird because I keep getting beta invite emails from them but after playing BWE2 in GW2 I just have had no desire to even install this game and try the beta.
I had no interest in this game but got into the beta last weekend. I actually enjoyed it, the healing mechanics are new to me and had good fun learning how it worked. I'm in this weekend again and it's supposed to be all faction pvp to test out balance.

I've enjoyed the two days I played this past weekend more than the four months I played SWTOR. That must mean something.
The concept of this game sounded great. However, once I (quickly) learned it was an MMO, all interest went out the window.
We'll see how much they learned from Conan. I quit AoC two months in, but I hear it's pretty decent now.
Oh look another tab target based MMO that will be f2p within months of release.
It's weird because I keep getting beta invite emails from them but after playing BWE2 in GW2 I just have had no desire to even install this game and try the beta.

Funny that's kind of what happened to me as well, except I was actually playing TSW in closed beta until BWE2 and then lost all desire to play it after. Not to insinuate that TSW is a bad game, but I just enjoyed GW2 so much that I kind of don't want to play other MMOs anymore.
Feel the same way, GW2 overall is simply a much better game; I'm compelled to say TSW's story is more interesting...but whoever wrote the dialogues need to be dragged out and shot.
If anyone decides they want to try it. I have at least one and maybe two beta keys they've emailed me which the event starts today at 9am PDT.

It's an OK game, but I won't be buying it as it stands now. Im very tough on MMOs anymore, just because I've been burned a lot. Won't buy GW2 without trying it first at this point, so may never get to try it for awhile unless they put in some kind of demo or friend keys. Just to put my opinion in perspective.

The keys will go to year old or more accounts first, and if I don't have them all given out by the time the event starts I will give them to whoever. If you have a GW2 beta key, I'd love to swap keys..but I am not expecting it. PM if you want a key. I might have as many as 3....I got a couple emails from Funcom I need to check.
Having more fun with this than with GW2 Beta <shrug>

This is a really nice and unique setting for a MMO and i wasn't expecting this from the game. Too bad it has a monthly fee AND item store.
I had super high expectations for GW2 and zero expectation for it turns out, I positively hated GW2 and loved the TSW beta experience. I'll end up trying both, but TSW surpsised me.
I had super high expectations for GW2 and zero expectation for it turns out, I positively hated GW2 and loved the TSW beta experience. I'll end up trying both, but TSW surpsised me.

I can only agree. TSW took me by surprise and a pleasant one at that. The setting with the zombie infested world is really interesting and done "right". The quests are definately more interesting than any other mmo in recent years for me, too. Heck, i even listened to the quest givers all the way through as they really have a story to tell, ever single one of them. They all seem to have suffered a different fate and each is unique and interesting.

It feels like "The walking dead" TV series put into a MMO setting with 3 factions. Great stuff. Will buy.
watching livestreams of, color me intrigued

more reviews please

also, can you pan the camera back alot? or is it 'stuck at a certain max distance that rally isn't
Anyone playing? I'm interested. I was looking on their forums, and I cant seem to find much hate at all. Seems like a pretty smooth launch from what I can tell..
Can't believe how smooth this game is but coming from Funcom I didn't expect any less. They are known for producing some really great quality MMO's. Anarchy Online being my first and favorite MMO of all time. It's skill system had so much depth that playing anything else felt dumb. Apparently this game was in production since 2002?
I played it a few weeks ago and it just seemed boring to me. It is like over the years I have become immune to fun new games.
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I'm playing and i think it's one of the smoothest launches i ever witnessed and i also think (so far at leas) that it tops GW2 for innovation and design. Great game i think. No levels.
The skill system is overwhelming at first but once you feel it out it's actually really easy and fun. You can literally max out every single skill on your character and play however you want.
I'm actually enjoying this game. It's like what Star wars TRIED to be. Mostly a story focused game but it actually has interesting storylines/characters.

Also it has one thing that many mmo's don't, actual PUZZLES. Like adventure-game style puzzles, figuring out clues, how to connect things, etc.

Sure it also has your old and tired "go kill x/find y of these" but it's still fun.

Also the way the skill/abilities work is awesome. From my understanding you gain sp/ap at the same rate, there is 0 reason to "reroll" even though they do not have a way to "respec" because all you are doing is erasing what you've done, you will have to gain the same sp to skill up, nothing is "wasted" because you can just gain it at the same rate. It's not like where you lv up and each lv is harder and harder to get or cost much more time.

The one thing that was disappointing to me is the customization. For a game that prides itself on not tying you to specific lv's and then weapons/armor and instead lets you choose what you want, it's actually quite limited. Not a ton of variety atm, however they already talk about having new customization options (allowing you new hairstyles/facial features) and are working on it now to get it in asap.

I would say if you like adventure games, or story focused mmo's, you'll enjoy this one.

PVP is in the game as well, in the form of battlefields and one open area, as well as "fight clubs."

If anyone wants to group up or anything I'm on Cerebus (which is the community focuseds PVP server as well), player name is Stiler (Gabriel "Stiler" Knight :p )
Can't believe how smooth this game is but coming from Funcom I didn't expect any less. They are known for producing some really great quality MMO's. Anarchy Online being my first and favorite MMO of all time. It's skill system had so much depth that playing anything else felt dumb. Apparently this game was in production since 2002?

What? Funcom does not have a history of smooth MMOs. AO was bug ridden and near unplayable for almost a year. Age of Conan had a long string of issues with it....many of them being performance based once you go out of the game just being a complete lie with how tortage was versus the rest of it.

And I say this as a fan of AO, but not so much Conan. AO was very unique, but it had a lot of repetition to it and issues they never really tried to deal with for long periods of time. Hecklers comes to mind...they were great XP grinds but it brought out the worst in people.
I started playing AO in August of 2001 and had nearly no issues with the game. The gameplay was smooth aside from a little lag here and there but that sorted itself out fine and by 2002 the core of the game was almost perfect. I still regard it as the best MMO ever made just because of how deep the skill system was and making PvP twinks was so damn fun! I also loved Shadowlands environment, it was so unique and every zone was a different experience (aside from hecklers, yes I know these were a PITA) but pretty much everything about the game was great. Raiding was extremely fun, no shitty 1 zone type raids but rather 1 zone where hundreds of people gathered from multiple org's and factions to kill one creature for a chance at loot. There was a huge honor system amongst different organizations and attacking someones base could result in having 4 or 5 org's attacking yours. PvP was one of the most fun times ever had in an MMO since it was full scale war amongst the 3 factions and there was an element of surprise when it came to open world pvp. It was a very close together community of players and you pretty much knew everyone. The environments felt more alive, things were going on, nothing was stale and there were always little hangouts where people would be around to give buffs or help others with gear. Certain players you had large amounts of respect for and then you always knew who the lowlifes were. It felt very immersive and made me feel like I was actually an important part of the game.

Conan played smooth in the beta, didn't try retail because the game didn't appeal to me but it did have that Funcom polish to it.
if you have to bash another game rather than articulate how much you are enjoying the game you're supposed to be talking about then you aren't really enjoying it as much as you want people to believe.
Very intresting to see the positive reactions in thi thread today. For the past few years the only mentions of this game around here only led to either apathy or dismissal. Strange how release day brings a differnt vibe.

I haven't bought yet, not sure if I'm going to. My experience in closed and open beta was a mixed bag. Fun at some parts, but I just sort of stopped playing it after a bit, didn't even feel like continuing.

The combat to me is the weakest part, fully locked targeting attacks without even the true projectiles of gw2. There's double tap dodge but it doesn't really add anything to gameplay since it creates no actual evade, it is only really a quick way to run out of the circle before it turns into fire etc. but I never had any problem just walking out of it in the beta before they put the dodge in. Seems like a lot of the combat changes are just sort of a bandage to make it seem more dynamic than it is.
This game is fantastic, I simply can't get enough. I'm really big into mythology and conspiracy stuff, so this game is right up my alley! I find myself spending ample time just listening to all the conversations and reading all of the content that I can find.
Yeah dodge feels pretty useless and no there's no projectile dodging but the environment and skill system appeal to me much more than most games. GW2 I tried to like, the beta was ok but I just don't see myself playing it for longer than maybe 2 or 3 days then putting it off for a month, thank god it's f2p. So far Secret World looks like a keeper to me, I really enjoy the PvP and skill system, doesn't feel like a chore to play this game. Also having to hunt for clues in quests is great since alot of quests require outside tools like google to solve.
I am also surprised at the feedback so far. I pretty much strugged this game off as doomed (might still be) and shitty. The more I read about it and watch streams the more I want to check it out.
I'm reading a lot of positive stuff so far..I've just been burned so many times,
I'm reading a lot of positive stuff so far..I've just been burned so many times,

Consider yourself fortunate! I wish I'd only been burned three times. I think I might be in the double digits on failed mmos.
Any free trials?

Not yet, game just officially released today.

It's really fun tho, I find myself playing my alts as much as my main as each "class" (in quotes as you can mix and match classes as you please) plays differently from each other. I have a tank with a secondary of healing as main and I'm really enjoying it. My only worry is I might be gimping myself but the two 5 mans I've been in I've been able to tank fine. I guess I'll find out once I'm out of the 2nd area, I hear it gets much harder there.
Is it even worth looking at? I hate to be pessimistic but AoC wasn't exactly the golden child and i'm hesitant with this one.
Can't believe how smooth this game is but coming from Funcom I didn't expect any less. They are known for producing some really great quality MMO's. Anarchy Online being my first and favorite MMO of all time. It's skill system had so much depth that playing anything else felt dumb. Apparently this game was in production since 2002?

Don't forget conan...
Not yet, game just officially released today.

It's really fun tho, I find myself playing my alts as much as my main as each "class" (in quotes as you can mix and match classes as you please) plays differently from each other. I have a tank with a secondary of healing as main and I'm really enjoying it. My only worry is I might be gimping myself but the two 5 mans I've been in I've been able to tank fine. I guess I'll find out once I'm out of the 2nd area, I hear it gets much harder there.

You can't "gimp" yourself. You gaint he same rate of SP, it's not like traditional "lv's" where as you rank up the SP comes slower and slower, you get new SP at the same rate.

So the only thing you lose is "time" if you want to invest in on earea then decide "eh I don't like it" all you have to do is play for that "x" amount of time again.
Is it even worth looking at? I hate to be pessimistic but AoC wasn't exactly the golden child and i'm hesitant with this one.

If you're in doubt, wait 2 months post release. Bout 30 days in the grumblings start and 60 days in the people are outright hateful of games they once praised if it turns out the newness or a couple good things in the beginning swept them up.

It's a pattern with MMOs. SWTOR being the most recent...sometimes it could be as long as 3 months, but the pattern holds up pretty well.

Once a game starts bleeding players faster than it's picking them up, they will be forced to change to pick up new people (addressing problems) or keep losing players until no one cares.

I felt the first 3 zones were all decent....but once I got to Blue Mountain it was getting a bit tedious. Then Egypt first zone was decent again...and it just got more and more tedious as I kept progressing to the second and third zones.

So if they get through the 9 zones I saw and still like it...maybe Funcom was hiding an ace up their sleeve. There was a really good puzzle/investigation quest full of traps and insta-kill NPCs and such in one of the later zones...I thought that was really neat but it couldn't offset the tedium.