The Reign of 3D Is over in US Cinemas


Aug 20, 2006
Due to recent earnings, or the lack thereof, IMAX is moving away from 3D showings: instead, the brand will focus on 2D films like Dunkirk, which was shot on 65mm to take advantage of IMAX’s large screen size. Recent data shows that while the US box office manages to grow, 3D is declining: the format actually peaked back in 2010.

IMAX’s shift comes as the exhibitor missed badly on earnings during the second quarter of 2017, thanks to cinema letdowns like Transformers: The Last Knight and The Mummy. “Consumers in many markets are showing a clear preference,” said Greg Foster, CEO of IMAX Entertainment, on a conference call yesterday. “It’s apparent that the demand for 2D film is starting to exceed that of 3D in North America, and we’ll be looking to keep more of our films in 2D as a result.”
I've never liked the 3D shit. Most films didn't seem to use a native 3D camera, opting to add the feature in via post-production which doesn't work as well. The only 3D film I've ever enjoyed more because it was 3D was "Jackass 3D." That movie was hilarious because it had dildo's and crap flying towards you. That wouldn't have worked without the 3D feature. Otherwise, 3D always looks like a pop-up book to me. Some objects appear in a different plane to me, but they are still 2D objects. Why anyone would want that was beyond me. I've had people tell me that my description doesn't match what they see, so maybe that's just me? Either way, 3D gave me headaches and I hated the fucking glasses.
I only like seeing older movies in 3D. Jurassic Park, The Lion King were pretty awesome in 3D. Can't wait for August 25th when they release Terminator 2 in 3D.
OMG YES! I can finally start going back to theaters and enjoy movies on the really nice screens. This recent 3D fad lasted way too long. It will be back in 20 year tho.
my Problem has always been the glasses, either they made my eyes hurt or gave me a headache. The only movie that never gave me problems was resident evil afterlife and that movie was cool as hell in 3D.
Good riddance. I can't see the 3D effects for shit and the glasses give me a massive headache from trying. It also (indirectly) makes the normal movies at my local theater look like shit because they're too lazy/understaffed to take the 3D lens off of the projector when they show normal movies so they're really dark.
Good riddance. I can't see the 3D effects for shit and the glasses give me a massive headache from trying. It also (indirectly) makes the normal movies at my local theater look like shit because they're too lazy/understaffed to take the 3D lens off of the projector when they show normal movies so they're really dark.

My wife is the same way. I see it myself but I get headaches and a bit of disorientation. Couldn't be happier this garbage is on the way out.
The biggest issue for me was the price difference. I think it's about $5 a ticket difference around here. I don't mind 3D, but there was very few movies I would pay extra for to see in 3D vs 2D.
Flash! Water is Wet... ! News at 11!

Always considered 3D to be a gimmick, with no other purpose then to convince people to overlook crap writing, brainless plots, and bad acting. No good film has ever been made better by 3D, and no crap film has ever risen above its own mediocrity thanks to 3D
Thank God!

As a man who wears spectacles, 3D films were nothing but an annoyance that I tried to avoid whenever possible....
Fun fact: Western 3D movies do exceptionally well overseas, especially in China, where distribution agreements often stipulate delivery of a 3D copy. This 'fad', which I detest, might be dying in the US, but Asian territories will keep it going for some time, which all but ensures that studios will keep making 3D movies. The only question is whether theaters will cease investment in the tech necessary for 3D projection.

Fun fact #2: Nearly all 3D movies are shot in 2D and converted during post-production
So about those 3D TVs that were all the rage a few years back. Does everyone who bought abandonware technology get a partial refund?
OMG YES! I can finally start going back to theaters and enjoy movies on the really nice screens. This recent 3D fad lasted way too long. It will be back in 20 year tho.
Hopefully by then it will be more than a mere gimmick.
Due to recent earnings, or the lack thereof, IMAX is moving away from 3D showings: instead, the brand will focus on 2D films like Dunkirk, which was shot on 65mm to take advantage of IMAX’s large screen size. Recent data shows that while the US box office manages to grow, 3D is declining: the format actually peaked back in 2010.

IMAX’s shift comes as the exhibitor missed badly on earnings during the second quarter of 2017, thanks to cinema letdowns like Transformers: The Last Knight and The Mummy. “Consumers in many markets are showing a clear preference,” said Greg Foster, CEO of IMAX Entertainment, on a conference call yesterday. “It’s apparent that the demand for 2D film is starting to exceed that of 3D in North America, and we’ll be looking to keep more of our films in 2D as a result.”

Now my wandering eyes can live in peace.
Besides the fact that the 3d experience was generally worse for most viewers, that ticket upcharge for the feature might have something to do with its lack of popularity.
3D should be up to the artists. "Some" movies look really incredible in 3D, mostly animation. Maybe the tech will evolve, solve headache problem and get cheaper.

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3D should be up to the artists. "Some" movies look really incredible in 3D, mostly anime. Maybe the tech will evolve, solve headache problem and get cheaper.

Dude, there's no way to make anime look incredible. It's...anime.
I watched my first 3D movie last week (War for the Planet of the Apes) since Friday The 13th 3D about 35 years ago. I now share the sentiments expressed above. The only redeeming thing about the experience was that my lady and I were the only two in the theater that evening.
Lol. So they claim that transformers and the mummy which were rated as two horrible movies weren't the reason for the failures at the box office, but rather 3D.
I don't know who comes up with this crap, but it's hilarious. This wasn't an onion piece was it?
Maybe if they had a giant stage with Pepper's Ghost trickery to give the impression of a live hologram, it would be more interesting than wearing glasses and watching something in fake 3D.
Damn. Sad news. I enjoy watching both 3D and regular 2D at my local giant screen IMAX theater. It's how movies should be watched instead of just at home for convenience sake.
Dude, there's no way to make anime look incredible. It's...anime.

In general I do not care for anime, but thats just untrue. Even if you do not care for it, some of it is beautiful, Paprika and Tokyo Godfathers are in my top ten cinimatic experiences.
All of you sound like cranky old men.

So about those 3D TVs that were all the rage a few years back. Does everyone who bought abandonware technology get a partial refund?

Did we get a refund for betamax or HD-DVD? Or a more direct comparison, Virtual Boy? So unfortunately not.

What would be really cool is if studios offered a heavily discounted conversion of 3D discs to HDR streaming options, somewhat similar to how we can now get digital versions of 1080p discs we own (e.g. Vudu's disc to digital). I very seriously doubt that would happen though, as that would deny those poor studios a revenue stream of repackaging and upscaling the same damn movies every few years.
Fucking idiots. HFR 3d is where it's at. The Hobbit films were fucking amazing in their detail, clarity and smoothness.