The Original Star Wars IX Script Has Allegedly Leaked. And It's Much Better Than The Rise of Skywalk

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[H]F Junkie
Dec 19, 2005
(Hopefully this isn't off topic)

"In the end, it's revealed that Kylo Ren killed Rey's parents. She's not a Palpatine, she's just Rey. The Force Ghosts of Luke, Obi-Wan, and Yoda all assist Rey in her final battle against Ren. The Jedi all try to bring Ben back to the light, but they are unsuccessful. As the leak says, "Ben is extinguished.""
Yeah, gotta admit - that sounds pretty good and definitely not a rehash of ROTJ.

Seeing Chewie pilot an X-wing would've been the price of admission.
Rey's backstory would still have been a mess. There were a few story points i do like better, but I think i liked the idea of Kylo/Ben's redemption more. I was more annoyed that he comes back to the light and then we see him for like 5 more minutes and he is gone than many of the other gripes. Heck, he wasn't even a force ghost to Rey, when he sacrificed his life for her.... I didn't want Reylo, but i did want to get more of Ben Solo.
I wish Star Wars would have had Feige before all of these sequels so that there could have been a single storyline/ "End Game". This was supposed to be the end of the Skywalker Saga. Anakin was the "Chosen One" and brought the Force into balance(ignoring the inconsistencies with what that means). The new movies should have been putting together the last pieces of that and giving a conclusion to those previous characters. New characters should be on the sidelines, and main characters should be tied to the "Saga" characters in compelling ways (Rey Palpatine felt too over the top, and I wanted Finn to be Lando's not potentially some random girl thrown into this movie to replace Rose Tico after having never seen her before). If they wanted to throw in this whole "The Force is part of everyone" etc sidebar, that could have been for the next trilogy, that takes place after this one ended. There is so much good stuff already out there that they could have used. Make Rey one of Luke's students who he mind wiped "Bastilla-style" because of X. Make her his kid that was kidnapped and mind-wiped by Snoke who was one of Vader's former apprentices. Heck, make her someone possessed by the Daughter from Mortis, and Ben/Kylo is possessed by the Son, and the fight is to get them both back to Mortis to reestablish balance. Regardless, Luke should have been a bigger part, as well as Leia.
Instead we got more disappointment from an overall story perspective. I guess I get it, it was a "fun" movie that my kids might like. I just am not sure that in 40 years, my kids will hold these new films in as high esteem as many do the original trilogy. Heck, even today my kids ask to watch A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back more often than Last Jedi or Force Awakens.
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it probably would have been just as shitty. you cant have a non-committal 7, then the joke movie 8, and then create and wind down a story all in the last movie. the issues started in 2015.

and before "meh, i like 7". you werent supposed to just like it, they played this trilogy as prequel redemption. it wasnt even close, and at most point arguably worse than that mess.
I like Colin Trevorrow's leaked script better but don't like his proposed title of 'Duel of the Fates''s actually a decent title when you think of Rey and Kylo but that music will always be associated with that epic light saber fight between Darth Maul, Obi Wan and Qui-Gon
The ending is pretty dark (Ben is unable to be saved by the Force ghosts). I would've had the Force Ghosts fail (Yoda, Luke, Obi-wan), but then 'Anakin Force Ghost' finally appearing and saving Ben.
it probably would have been just as shitty. you cant have a non-committal 7, then the joke movie 8, and then create and wind down a story all in the last movie. the issues started in 2015.

and before "meh, i like 7". you werent supposed to just like it, they played this trilogy as prequel redemption. it wasnt even close, and at most point arguably worse than that mess.
Sadly true. I watched EpI-III to see 1) How Anakin fell 2) How Luke and Leia came to be 3) How Anakin, Obi-wan, and Yoda all went together/ what the Clone Wars was and how Jedi figured into it. For me, they butchered all 3 (with the Clone Wars animated series actually redeeming some of the last point)

I watched the new Trilogy hoping to see 1)What happened to Luke & Leia 2) How were they creating a next generation of ..... whatever. 3) what is the final piece to close out the Skywalker storyline. They would have been better off not making a sequel trilogy and just remaking the prequels. Those of us that cared could have walked around happily with our head canon of Luke doing cool things with Han and Leia, R2, 3PO, and Chewbacca.
It sounds better (this was my least favorite of the sequels), but let's be honest, if this was shot, everyone would complain about it for whatever reason....however, based on the outline in the article (I'm uninterested in reading the script at this time), I think I would have liked it...but the devil's in the celluloid (or digital bits if it was shot on DV).
Star Wars fans are the worst. Most can never be happy.

Don’t get me wrong I groaned and laughed several times but it happens.
Disney ruining marvel and star wars... Wonder what's next...
The ending is pretty dark (Ben is unable to be saved by the Force ghosts). I would've had the Force Ghosts fail (Yoda, Luke, Obi-wan), but then 'Anakin Force Ghost' finally appearing and saving Ben.
Killed his father in Ep. 7. Force ghosts are going to save him?

I watched 7 and was dragged to 8. I skipped 9. Vote with your wallet. Disney should have made the Thrawn trilogy instead of this rehashed, "metoo" PC crap.
Killed his father in Ep. 7. Force ghosts are going to save him?

I dunno, seems more plausible that his grandfather (who he worshiped) would have more pull with him than the father who abandoned him for years (to adventure with his wookie).
So many sour fanboys and girls out there. I've said it a few times before and I'll say it from time to time again and again... suspend belief, have fun, enjoy the show. It's fricking entertainment ffs.

There's good entertainment and there's bad entertainment. Good entertainment allows you to suspend belief and enjoy the show. Bad entertainment drags you out of the suspension of belief and makes you question things, which will last the rest of the movie and every time you rewatch it. Fast and Furious did that for me when they remotely hijacked and controlled cars that had no self driving capabilities whatsoever, and made the rest of the movie unenjoyable.
Star Wars fans are the worst. Most can never be happy.

Don’t get me wrong I groaned and laughed several times but it happens.
The biggest issue is people grow up with something and they don't want it to change. Also, people put way WAY too much into the original trilogy. It was just a space opera. A bit of cowboys and indians in space...a little bit WW2 movie in space, but it wasn't anything deep or profound. And ultimately, the only great Lucas movies were IV and V. VI fizzled out around the time that Vader realizes Leia is his daughter.

Ultimately, of the post RoJ movies, TFA and Solo. Last Jedi was OK. I actually really liked it the first time, but it didn't hold up to a 2nd viewing. Rise of Skywalker was meh. Might be my least favorite JJ project ever (and to be clear, I'm generally a fan of his projects).
No one has ruined Marvel. People are really fucking over dramatic about a single average movie (that isn’t even the worst movie in the franchise).
Never mind that Marvel's films have been generally quite good and IMNSHO Endgame was excellent. OTOH, Iron Man 2 (and I suspect 3, but I missed it in theaters...gonna watch it later this week at home) and Guardians 2 were let downs.

IMO, the MCU has been done the way a aga should be done. They have an overarching plan for the saga, rather than making it up as they go along, which is clearly how Star wars has been done (and that kinda includes Lucas' prequels).
Killed his father in Ep. 7. Force ghosts are going to save him?

I watched 7 and was dragged to 8. I skipped 9. Vote with your wallet. Disney should have made the Thrawn trilogy instead of this rehashed, "metoo" PC crap.
It's not metoo or PC. you're just being a snowlfake. Peeps here and elsewhere said the same bullshit about Solo, and that was the most fun i'd had in a SW flick since the first half of RotJ.

That said, I completely agree the Thrawn Trilogy should have been the basis for this trilogy.
It's not metoo or PC. you're just being a snowlfake. Peeps here and elsewhere said the same bullshit about Solo, and that was the most fun i'd had in a SW flick since the first half of RotJ.

That said, I completely agree the Thrawn Trilogy should have been the basis for this trilogy.

Stop stealing alt-right terms if you're not alt-right. It's cultural appropriation!

I love Star Wars but I don't like any of the movies. Original trilogy included. It's always been about the books and video games for me. Does anyone else feel the same way?
No script could have saved this dumpster fire of a trilogy. It's almost awe-inspiring to see how badly Disney botched these movies. Sure, they made a ton of dough, but that's only because it's frickin' Star Wars; there is no other property out there that the phrase "a license to print money" better applies to.
I love Star Wars but I don't like any of the movies. Original trilogy included. It's always been about the books and video games for me. Does anyone else feel the same way?
I always thought "New hope" was pretty weak. I liked Empire strikes back and return of the jedi, but they were very far from being favorites. I liked the games more. Especially Tie Fighter and Dark Forces. They shown the world of Star Wars much more intricately and in depth than all the movies combined.
I'm a Star Wars fan I suppose, but don't get bogged down in all the bullshit
I liked 7....8 was just really was, however I think 9 is better then 8 but left so many things was an attempt to sort out the mess of 8...not sure who could really have done that
Also marvel movies rock
fuck all y'all haters

This bread needs spoilers. Not that I care about the rise of the foreskin walker awakens but it would be nice to see it and (likely) take a dump on it, without knowing exactly how bad it is first.
When I saw that Trailor of horses in space, I knew it was going to be crap. I watched Jumanji rather
This bread needs spoilers. Not that I care about the rise of the foreskin walker awakens but it would be nice to see it and (likely) take a dump on it, without knowing exactly how bad it is first.

If you don't want spoilers, maybe don't read a thread comparing a leaked early script to the final released movie?
Robot head summed up one major issue with Disney star wars. It is fiction but you never really question how believable or plausible in their world, it makes sense and you have a good idea as the audience how it works.

Then Jar jar and ruin went to work. Horses in space running on the surface and the riders have no decompression suits. zero gravity, no oxygen okay cool seems legit
It's not metoo or PC. you're just being a snowlfake. Peeps here and elsewhere said the same bullshit about Solo, and that was the most fun i'd had in a SW flick since the first half of RotJ.

That said, I completely agree the Thrawn Trilogy should have been the basis for this trilogy.
Agreed on all points. Thrawn would be amazing and people need to stop whining about things that don't exist. I have "SJW" friends and I have no idea what he's talking about with the metoo crap, lol. RoS was just bad and it had nothing to do with any politics.
Meh, Last Jedi killed it for me. The SJW agenda was a turn off, but before people say it was just that...what really turned me of was the lack of cohesion in the overall story arc. Good on Rian Johnson for sticking to his vision, dispite how crap I thought it was, but bad for any higher ups who okayed it as a continuation of the sequels and the direction for the franchise. My $16 doesn't matter, but the Rise of Skywalker was actually the first star wars movie I did not go see opening day, and I still haven't seen it. The new movie series was a trash compactor fire.
I guess I am in the minority here but the original script sounds worse to me than the one that was actually released.
Agreed on all points. Thrawn would be amazing and people need to stop whining about things that don't exist. I have "SJW" friends and I have no idea what he's talking about with the metoo crap, lol. RoS was just bad and it had nothing to do with any politics.

The SJW agenda may not have been explicit in the movies, but was made apparent by outside of the movie comments by Kathleen and her ilk. Her agenda heavily influenced the direction of the script.
Sounds like misdirection. They 'leaked' a lot of fake scripts during the production of this trilogy.

Back when episode 7 came out people noticed that Reys theme has bits of Palpatines motif all over the place. I'm guessing that the Palpatine connection was planned from the start.

I thought the main story was fine in these films. The real problem was all the weak and underdeveloped secondary characters. Poe should have died early in TFA like they originally planned and more time spent developing Finn.
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