The Official [H]orde "Get to Know Each Other" Thread

AtomicMoose said:
Did you get the bike?

Sure did, but I could never look as cool as this...

p[H]ant0m said:
I pulled this and the what do you do for a living together since they turned into the same thing. :D

You coulda deleted one...since I just copied and pasted :) As I said, I hafta stop posting at 0 Dark Hundred

And once again, we have our favorite picture here right after I had lunch :p

sawatt said:
We have a WINNER :) We help people sell drugs :D
Ha ! I do sell a few drugs, but my specialty is ACRONYMs and abbreviations !

That IS a category on some gameshow, right ? I gotta get into show business ... :cool:

RPhArrow ---\\\\--------------------------------->
Name: Erik
Location: Sacrament, California
Job: Computer tech/video tech/videographer/trial tech/whatever else my boss says
Goal: Bring the moose down

Chopping material:

moose has another one too
Hmm, well I might as well throw in my 2 cents

Name: Gary
Location: Truckee, CA (North Lake Tahoe area)
Occupation(s): IT/Network Sysadmin for a ski resort, Firefighter/EMT, plus some web and graphic design work here and there.

Wierd combination I know.... my "real" job is doing IT for the ski resort, but I work one or two days a week for a local fire department (mostly for fun and the whole help-the-community thing, partly for money).

Hobbies: Photography, hiking, mountian biking, running into burning buildings.

I'll dig up a semi-decent picture later....
Name: Richard
Location: Fort Bliss (El Paso), Tx
Occupation: army nurse


the one to the left, sorry to give your hopes up :p
thats a negative, i'm not even sure what that means, but i dont think i want to know D:
bump for noobs

Remember....only the true badasses post pics here :cool:
I just wanted to say hello to everyone. I'm new to the forums, though I have been folding for the team for 3-4 years. Unfortunately, I only have two computers running full time. Anyway, cheers.

roftranspo said:
bump for noobs

Remember....only the true badasses post pics here :cool:

Hey roffles, thanks for bumping this, hadn't seen moose's wife in a while.

Oldbenwa said:
Hey roffles, thanks for bumping this, hadn't seen moose's wife in a while.

sooo many places to go with that.... too bad need to leave the wifes out of this :(
Hey All. Dunno if anyone will care but I used to be a folder(2003) and stopped after stability issues. I started folding again, and hopefully this time I can donate my unused CPU cycles and wont have any issues. I have a few Ghz of idle CPUs around here I intend on loading up.

Fold on.

Gross said:
Hey All. Dunno if anyone will care but I used to be a folder(2003) and stopped after stability issues. I started folding again, and hopefully this time I can donate my unused CPU cycles and wont have any issues. I have a few Ghz of idle CPUs around here I intend on loading up.

Fold on.

just...we all care and are very glad that you come back to the team....FULL FOLD AHEAD :D

So Welcome Back....grab a beer, headbutt a roo and make yourself at home again :)
Gross said:
Hey All. Dunno if anyone will care but I used to be a folder(2003) and stopped after stability issues. I started folding again, and hopefully this time I can donate my unused CPU cycles and wont have any issues. I have a few Ghz of idle CPUs around here I intend on loading up.

Fold on.


Make sure you use the console version.

Graphical version will give you problems everytime.
I almost never started because of the problems it gave me
sobe said:
Me and rofty were seperated at birth...


wow ! nice looking ladies! wow !

sobe --- is that you in the middle, the tall guy with glasses?
marty9876 said:
was hoping.

Di dI ever post a serious bio in this thread?

Doubtful, I dont remember reading about any flaming homosexuality :eek:
sobe said:
Doubtful, I dont remember reading about any flaming homosexuality :eek:

you spend a large amount of time scanning forums for this?
sobe said:
Yes .. did you think I was one of the girls?



never really thought about it.




I'd like to marry the sweet girl on the far left.
Pocatello said:


never really thought about it.




I'd like to marry the sweet girl on the far left.

Sorry, she's getting married in a few months allready.. not to me btw ;)