The Official Doom Movie Thread


Limp Gawd
Aug 10, 2004
I just finished watching Doom so I figured I would start up a thread to see what people think of the movie.

Overall I thought it was a pretty decent adaptation from game to film, certainly better than films in the past. They kept a lot of the atmosphere the same as Doom 3 in the UAC facilities. You all will notice things like screens and key cards and even window shutters from the game. It felt like you were in the Doom universe for the most part. It did get a bit ridiculous at parts and the story was of course awful compared to the game. I will not spoil the story for anyone aside from that it is much different than the game's story. Acting was average, there were annoying characters that didn't help the movie, and there were some over the top fight sequences, quite a few actually. A tribute to the God himself, Carmack, of course is in the movie, which I thought was a nice addition, some will think it is stupid and cheesy, but I thought it was good. Anyways, the last 30 minutes of the film was uhhh..... I'll leave it at "uhh". Anyways, post your thoughts guys.
I just got back from it too. It was an awesome movie if you don't care about the story or anything.


That first person part with the pinky demon (spawned from pinky :D) was awesome
where do live? movie just came out today for me, and its 8 am....unless you went to some like midnight showing.
Very Cool! I was initially put off when I first heard of word that they were scrapping all the core elements from the game like the concept of Hell and so on so forth for this movie. I thought "oh great, another asshole executive producer in hollywood ruining what could have been maybe one the most anticipated game to movies that I would love to see."

So, I'm VERY glad to hear so far, from just now reading Kyle's mini-review and the OP's that this movie has turned out to be cool. Congratulations hollywood, you just got me out of the house and out to go buy a movie ticket for this movie. I don't usually go to the movies instead I just wait till they come on DVD, last time I went out was the LOTR trilogy.
Hehe I work at a movie theater, had to screen it to check for defects and bad splices
*** Spoilers! ***

The year is 2026 and the Union Aerospace Corp (UAC) has got a freaky problem on Mars on their hands and it's up to the Rapid Response Tactical Squad (pronounced "rrrrrrrrrrttss") to clean up the mess. Enter dynamic crew of contrasting characters, headed by Sarge, played by The Rock. They rush to Mars with almost-too-huge guns in hand via the Ark, a high-tech blob of floating mercury that tosses your cells to Mars so fast that it makes you puke. They hook up with a sexy scientist determined to preserve their research and then get the blasty show on the road, hitting the archeologists' dig site, some labs with floating grossness, and other familiar territory. It's all closely modeled on the Doom 3 game, right down to the comically large interface buttons for terminal panels and dim metal hallways. But in the movie there is no Hell. Moreover, in the place of the nebulous spiritual thang that the game has, all the badness in the movie results from flying tongues hunting evil genes. Y'know, in case you are thinking that it just isn't plausible to be zapped to Mars to fight ghosts in twenty years time.

The graphics in Doom are great, which is to be expected. The scene with Pinky 2.0 is really crazy and the BFG does the hilarious "honey, I melted the neighborhood" damage that you'd think it would. There is never an Anaconda moment where you're thinking "they let that go? Do they think I'm blind?"

But having good graphics these days is like bragging that your movie is in color and so, in the legacy of id, Doom tries to bring something new to film by adding a sequence of first person shooter style action shots. After powering up on genetic Mountain Dew, our hero goes berserk and a raaaaaaawring killing spree ensues. Camera turns, thing jumps out, thing gets blasted, repeat. I get the feeling they wanted us gamers to relate to this and go "YEAAAAAAHHHH!" but it's just not that exciting to watch and ends up looking like a haunted house scene with better graphics. Everyone I talked to seem to agree it was extraneous fluff that didn't do anything for the film. Oh well, at least there weren't any monster closets.

As you'd probably guess by that and The Rock's "Sarge" title, there are a bunch of bones tossed throughout the movie to the fans of id games. The BFG, the use of handles, and the naming of some of the doctors after id staff members are a few.

The use of id staff names get to be really distracting. It's hard to not wince when in all seriousness someone yells "WHERE THE HELL IS CARMACK?" and you immediately get a picture of an anemic programmer in cords furtively scaling the walls. It ends up like someone hitting you with a joy buzzer while you're trying to watch an emotional scene in Roots. It just doesn't help.

I thought that they were maybe being cheeky, but there is nothing like this anywhere else in the movie. They didn't even make anything out of the "what's a chainsaw doing on Mars?" bit from the game which was hilarious. Instead, the director assumes that just recognizing these token things from the game are good enough that it adds something to the film. It doesn't.

Not that I could do a better job, but Doom's humor is so predictably stuck in one liners that it's sad. And the drama isn't much better, culminating in a flashback scene where one of the gruff hired killers stops shooting stuff for a sec to a have a "mommy NOOOOooooooo!!!!" flashback (an actual quote). Maybe she fell into a fogpit after rocketjumping, we can't be sure.

This is the failure of Doom: it takes itself way too seriously. We're not here for the plot. C'mon, It's Doom, a game about going to Mars to kill zombies. It's not an epic comic book tale you want to see preserved, it's ZOMBIES ON MARS. That right there is enough to get you into Evil Dead or Killer Klowns From Outer Space territory. But then The Rock isn't Bruce Campbell. He probably had enough on his meaty, tanned, and glistening plate without having to worry about any emotion other than grrr.

On top of all this, after a pretty underwhelming showdown, the movie ends very abruptly and I was left sitting there thinking "that's it?" or, in my case, "I'm glad I didn't pay to see this." In short, I can smell what The Rock is cooking, and it's not a good movie. On a scale from Robocop to your sister's church play, it's a cosplay show with a big budget and lots of squishy noises. If you're looking to watch it just for the sake of seeing a splatter flick sausage fest, then wait for the DVD. But be prepared for a movie written by the marketing department. And don't ask us what "SEMPER FI, MOTHERF*****" is supposed to mean. Ask the wiki.

Don't forget to read the attached discussion for more reviews and humour :D
Related to the movie (but not about its content), did anyone watch The Daily Show last night? John Stewart had T3h Rock on and they were talking about the movie and the game. I was surprised that both of them were/are huge fans of the game! John Stewart was nutting himself talking about the game series and when he got to hold the BFG movie prop Rock brought along. It was really cool to see. To top it off, towards the end of the interview, John Stewart asks "What's the combination for locker 578 in Alpha Labs 2". Hahah!
I just watched it and I wont spoil it for anyone.

but It was ok, I wanted more and there should of been ALOT more of imps and barons and stuff there was hardly any of them..and the shit about them being mutated ERG...
and pinky was the worst that just Pissed me off.
I know it was a game and all, but shouldn't this be in the movies forum?
I don't even have words in my vocabulary that accurately describe how bad this movie was. Even w/ a doctorate in English, I think id still have trouble describing what a pile this movie is.

avoid at all costs, and then avoid further. You're going to feel insulted I promise. If this was made for the doom player as kyle said, it was made for the doom player that played it only on a console and never made it past the first level.
emailthatguy said:
I don't even have words in my vocabulary that accurately describe how bad this movie was. Even w/ a doctorate in English, I think id still have trouble describing what a pile this movie is.

avoid at all costs, and then avoid further. You're going to feel insulted I promise. If this was made for the doom player as kyle said, it was made for the doom player that played it only on a console and never made it past the first level.

Instead of saying that it was bad, so horribly bad that you should go out of your way to avoid it, why not throw some facts out to back it up? What points didn't you like, what would have made it better.

I myself thought it followed the game pretty closely, most game movies don't even come close. The cgi was great, the acting was good (for a game movie), I enjoyed the game refrences, the atmosphere was spot on, and I got to see a boob. :D
emailthatguy said:
I don't even have words in my vocabulary that accurately describe how bad this movie was. Even w/ a doctorate in English, I think id still have trouble describing what a pile this movie is.

avoid at all costs, and then avoid further. You're going to feel insulted I promise. If this was made for the doom player as kyle said, it was made for the doom player that played it only on a console and never made it past the first level.

Im not expecting poetry here. Im expecting a low brow shoot fest that's entertaining on that chucke level.

edit: but if you haven't seen it, all of you must go see wallace and grommet instead, movie was perfect.
ok then....

it didnt follow the game at all first off. doom = portal to hell opened when uac is doing teleportation experiments. doom movie = genetic experiments ah la resident evil. this movie was more resident evil than it was doom. the game references were just kinda thrown in there w/o any context whatsoever. they could have had carl urban's character turn yellow and eat the zombies, turn to the camera and one line "wakka wakka" and i think it would have had as much context as the doom references this movie made.

carl urban's acting was good ill give you that, he was totally wasted on this movie. the rock was awful. but the real tragedy here was the script. whoever wrote this maybe watched someone play thru doom once or twice in every iteration. but its evident to me the writer didnt play the game himself. this guy just didnt get it.

whats most disturbing about this film, is it got the ok from id software. we all know the people behind the look, feel, story, and creative drive in doom left years ago. anyone that signed off on this, carmack, willits, and hollensteed. Obviouslly didnt really care if it was going to be any good or not.

at this point all i can think of is RIP id software. Once upon a time a small, independent company of creative and talented artists, designers, and programmers. now an engine company w/ a pretty smart programmer, a lot of other guys work there too, but none of them are gamers.
as I said, It was a ok movie. what would of made it better.? more demons more of it all and PINKY damnit. and make it longer. I was getting into it and then BAMN it was over. and the ending showdown Just ummmm SUCKED>
Without a doubt, DOOM is the worst movie that I have seen in years. It made AVP look oscar worthy...

*spoilers of course*

Man I so wanted to love this movie. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great.

I think what blew it by scaling it down to just some imps and what maybe a hellknight in there? So hard to tell since they just showed them in strobe lighting for a split second. Then of course your run of the mill zombies and a pinky.

I wanted to see mancobus, a guardian and the mother of them all, the cyberdemon! Of course they would have required that little tidbit....HELL.

And what happened to a Doom staple, the shotgun?

Overall, it just wasn't scary, creepy, and rarely exciting. Stan Winston must be losing his touch because they couldn't show his stuff in action for more than 15 frames in bad lighting. And then the final fight, puhleaze.

They could have really done something with this, but they went at it half assed. I was really excited that they went for the R rating but all they did was say fuck every other line.

Funniest part was when Sarg teamkilled the Kid.

There was no CGI. Guys in suits man... guys in suits...
There was tons of CGI such as Pinky most of the FPS which some of it was pure CGI, then there were the guys in suits enhanced with CGI.
Bob002 said:
There was no CGI. Guys in suits man... guys in suits...

The melting walls from the BFG was a guy in a suit?
:eek: :D

I wish they'd kept the original plot from the Doom games, it was so much better than the bastardized version they made for the movie. Why were they so scared of having the "satanic" material? There have been lots of movies dealing with demons and devils. I guess it would have been more material for the bible-thumping ant-video game lobbyists though.
This movie is the reason why I hate going to movies period. Damn friends dragged me into it.

The FPS part was pretty cool and the chick nippin was nice aswell. :p

Other than that, the rest sucked.
I want to know how in haemorraging fck you can have a doom movie and

a) it not have anything to do with hell
b) it not have HORDES of demons being slaughtered

ok so if they are going on the newer game fair enough, you wont have hordes but still, you need carnage on a grand scale.

I mean, just thinking back, imagine they made it like Aliens. Proper. They walk into a room, suddenly the door behind them closes, the lights cut and you hear about 20 demons spawn, that "RAAAH!!" sound then the room lights up with fireballs/gunfire...

Then hellknights, cacodemons.

I mean people say movies need plot but think back to all those cool 80s/90s actions movies with schartzenhameneggenbuger, they had no plot just tonnes of, as my friend says, good killin.

Oh well, what a waste.

EDIT: and it HAS to end with a picture of earth (meaning that the movie is properly set on MARS), then it pans across to a bunnys head impaled on a spike.Or shooting Romeros decapatated head. Or both.
i want to know what kind of demons u guys think this movie had. I seen imps but not sure if I seen anyting thing else since they where in and out..
and if so what scene was they in.?
Was there even a cyberdemon?

No doom is complete without a cyberdemon(and in doom3's case, well the cyberdemon was an insult to all of his cyberdemon bretheren)
Firebomb said:
i want to know what kind of demons u guys think this movie had. I seen imps but not sure if I seen anyting thing else since they where in and out..
and if so what scene was they in.?

There were NO demons. Only "genetically mutated" humans.

No hell....not Doom.
No shotgun....not Doom.
No pentagrams and blood and candles and marines on's not f**king DOOM!
Ruiner said:
No hell....not Doom.
No shotgun....not Doom.
No pentagrams and blood and candles and marines on's not f**king DOOM!

I thought this was a really good movie. While it did deviate a little from Doom, it did really well to capture the fear and atmoshpere of Doom3. This was by far one of the scariest movies i've seen in a while. You have to also remember that while this movie targets many hardcore Doom fans like me, they also have to make sure that it attracts a broader audience. I'm not sure if Marines on pikes would have been a wise move for this movie. I was a bit annoyed though that there was no shotgun, but the BFG was awesome.
FYI, there was a shotgun. One of the marines had it. Of course, it wasn't old school like in all the doom games, but it was there briefly before they all went to machine guns.

And I personally loved the movie. I was a bit disappointed in the humans turned monsters but overall they did a good job. But then again, I didn't go in expecting a story. I wanted to see gun fights and decapitation's with a chainsaw.

My needs and wants were filled.
That's my biggest beef with the film, and most of the celluloid turds that flow out of hollywood. Chainsaw decapitations are perfectly fine to show in all their glory....but a reference to *gasp* H-E-double toothpicks and Pat Robertson and crew get their panties in a wad.

Boo for id letting their IP get twisted for hollywood execs.
Ruiner said:
That's my biggest beef with the film, and most of the celluloid turds that flow out of hollywood. Chainsaw decapitations are perfectly fine to show in all their glory....but a reference to *gasp* H-E-double toothpicks and Pat Robertson and crew get their panties in a wad.

Boo for id letting their IP get twisted for hollywood execs.
Yeah, I did notice all the positive religious overtones. And I was slightly disappointed in the lack of hell but they did mention it being hell with all the stuff that had gone one.

I guess iD wanted to make a movie that appealed to almost everyone that's why they went softcore route on the Hell vs. Heaven thing.
I thought it was OK for what it is, a movie based on a deliciously mindless video game. It was better than I though it would be.

Spoilers, sort of.

I would have liked to see a greater vareity of monsters. I was really hoping to see some flying skulls and maybe a Baron or two. Cacodemons or those spider robot dudes (its been a while) would have been great as well. The pinky demon was damned cool.

The whole genetic thing was pretty lame. I really really wanted to see a portal open and all kinds of crazy shit come through and wreak havoc. oh well. maybe for the sequel :p
I thought it was good for what it was. I certainly was Doom, but I think it can expand the universe, I mean you can't tell me the UAC would only being to teleportation experiments... Also it does open a sequal to doing the correct story. But my only gripes I will form as questions...

Where was the shotgun?
Why wasn't the BFG used more AND ACTUALLY HIT THE BADDIES?
Why do movies that should scare the shit out of somone have to be PG-13?
FlatLine84 said:
Where was the shotgun?
Why wasn't the BFG used more AND ACTUALLY HIT THE BADDIES?
Why do movies that should scare the shit out of somone have to be PG-13?

1. In Goat's hands. At least, it looked like he was carrying a different gun that Reaper was.

2. Because The Rock didn't meet UAC Advanced Weapons Proficeincy Test #10100111001(or pick up the relevant Videodisc for his PDA), and therefore didn't know that you had to lead the subject for roughly 1 second for the BFG to power up and shoot, rather than the "instant" firing capabilities of their modified HK G36s ;)

3. This wasn't PG-13. Then again, this wasn't scary either.

The fact that this thread's posts contain spoilers have been established, right?

The movie was Doom-ish, but it was not the item we know and love that is Doom. Far too few monsters (regardless of origin). I was happy up until the end w/ Sarge & Reaper. Ignoring Berserk mode...there should be no reason for hand-to-hand combat...I kept hoping that Sarge would somehow sprout tank treads and shout "Welcome to the Mess Hall" or "On Your Knees, Soldier"...but...then it would be taking the suspension of disbelief level from rudimentary action flick to "Bull Shit, Transporter 2 style".

That being said, I have no regrets on going to see the movie. I am curious what "easter eggs" people saw in the movie? I.E. things the game-players would notice and appreciate, but the average movie goer would not notice.

1. The beating heart (id Logo)
2. I think I saw right before Pinky brought up schematics, an old Doom style map, complete with the green triangles showing items/people.
3. Credits showing the Tomiko Reactor...I was expecting the guy to jump down and grab the Berserk, but...alas, no such luck.

That was about it...

As far as a sequel, I hope so. About the only major gripes I had with the movie were...
1. Hand to Hand fighting
2. Not nearly enough blood & gibs
3. FPS scene was basically the same as I saw in at Quakecon...I was hoping it would have been expanded on....beyond just showing the conclusion of Pinky scene.
4. FPS looked poorly edited...He'd be going down a hall, and all of the sudden the Hell Knight had a chainsaw. It didn't show him turning around, or looking around, it just suddenly appeared (or so it seemed).
5. It didn't show what the person saw while transporting. Wouldn't have minded seeing "the !!!!!! tunnel"...but I can see why that would have been left out.

And, while I can't call it a movie fiance didn't want to go out for steak after we saw the movie...but we went to Texas Roadhouse anyway to celebrate my birthday. I teased her that the pieces of my Ribeye were gibs...and she laughed, but, much like the damned-dippy-broad that she is, she went for CHICKEN.
urbsnspices said:
The movie BLEW because it was only 24 FPS. WEAK.
Fuck you for beating me to that!

Needed more bunny hopping. OH AND ROCKET LAUNCHERS.

At the end I just kept screaming out, "THIS IS DOOM NOT WWF FUCKASS!"
ya know...I take back what I said.

In hindsight, this movie was just like Doom3. A lot of fun up to a thoroughly disappointing conclusion.

Doom3 had the all too easy to kill Cyberdemon...all you had to do was run away and plug some imps until you have a soul cube, then dodge rockets towards CD. Rinse, lather and repeat.

Doom, the movie, had gibs, BFG (although too little of it), Mars, etc...all leading up to a fist fight between Sarge and Reaper.
i enjoyed the movie but it wasnt DOOM it felt more like a zombie movie then DOOM.

bad desscion to leave the whole hell part out. and i mean come on the human genome is 100% mapped.

but besides those little things it was great movie but NOT DOOM.
I chuckled at the rack of chainsaws, because I remember the PDA of that guy who commented on how they don't need X amount of chainsaws on Mars, we needed jackhammers. I thought it was kinda of cool how they tied each section together, with airlocks and such between each place, kind of like the original Doom.... But it begged a question, why the hell were all the places to go in between all crappy, then it went right to pristine, bright clean areas. I mean it just didn't seem to fit. The labs worked out well though. The hand to hand thing was ok, had they not had the rock wrap his hands in that fucking pipe, that was just plain old lame IMO.
animosity said:
Oh and another thing, all those pussies had flashlights.

Dude, they had LIGHT SWITCHES! Carmack is huddled in a corner with a woman's arm, it's really dark, so what do they do? FLIP THE FUCKING SWITCH! Why didn't they just do that the whole time during their sweep for scientists?! Going off proving they're badasses, I guess. But I still loved the movie. And I actually really enjoyed the last fight with Sarge and Reaper. Deathmatch, baby ;)

As for the movie blew it was only 24fps...
