The Official Borderlands 2 Thread

you should have been a Gearbox fan since the HL 1 days. Opposing Force was a great game.

Dude you just blew my mind, I had no idea they developed that. Haven't got to play yet but leaving work in 3 hours and have the rest of the day free to play.
You bastards and your days off to play this game that I so want to play. :mad:

Still waiting for my GreenManGaming key. Remoting in from work to unlock the game and start downloading! That is... when I get my key anyway...
So somebody summarize for me because I'm considering buying today. Did they fix what they promised? Are my graphical options there? Is the FOV still locked and fucked up? MIC off option? Is it still using all that use gamespy crap where I have to forward everything out my butt?
gfx options - yes
FOV slider - Default 90
Mic toggle - yes
Steam integrated, no gamespy, no port forwarding

Nothing in your GMG key section on site?

Thanks for this! A friend just pointed out that they don't email them to you it seems. I had to log into the site. I now have it activated and downloading now!

Going to be a great night.
Can any one clear this up for me. if i remember correctly in bl1 when you head shot crit killed some one their head would blow off. but in bl2 there is the ridiculous spray of blood/gore but their head is still there. did this change or am i missing something
Because the game unlocks on the 20th for my region. At least you guys can play....

21st here, from my perspective you are lucky :D Though this weeks night shifts completely mess up my schedule and wont give me time to play before I wake up Friday afternoon anyway. This weekend is going to be NICE!

Hopefully someone finds the "sprint auto FOV change" config fix, that stuff drives me nuts.

Not too worried about the AI as long as its rare instances when they "just stand there braindead". What FPS games have great AI anyway? Nothing comes to mind.

Please post some super high resolution screens for us in the EU etc. :D
Tested it out for about 15 minutes before bed last night. All the options are there, the game runs well, and looks good.
Probably the tiniest nitpick of all time, but the splash screen before launching the game seems odd. Why have things like vsync and framerate limiter, but not the more basic "choose your resolution?"
With the new Steam gamepad interface, I'd kinda like games that have a pre-launch splash screen offer the option to just skip it, too.
Got my game preloaded, got the day off the play, and my Internet is down this morning for the first time in probably 3 years!

Tested it out for about 15 minutes before bed last night. All the options are there, the game runs well, and looks good.
Probably the tiniest nitpick of all time, but the splash screen before launching the game seems odd. Why have things like vsync and framerate limiter, but not the more basic "choose your resolution?"
With the new Steam gamepad interface, I'd kinda like games that have a pre-launch splash screen offer the option to just skip it, too.

You're talking about the Settings window before you launch the game? You have to change one of the graphics options, then it will expand and give you more of the video options, I think it was basically all of them, including resolution.
Only 9 more hours until I can playyyyy. How's it running for the 670 people in here?

Far as I can tell from the bit I played last night it runs like butter. I had all the settings maxed out with Physx on High, except for FXAA (which was off. Not sure if I'll do that or try to force normal AA if possible).

Basics of my rig

i5-2500k at 4.4ghz
Asus DirectCU 670 (whatever their stock settings are)
8GB ram DDR1600
Mushkin Chronos Deluxe 240GB SSD
I haven't even played it yet and I am tempted to get the season pass thing for 29.99

I am pretty sure I am going to love this game since I loved the first and everyone is saying they delivered.

Suck that I have update graphics driver to get the SLI profile... I hate updating drivers.
Far as I can tell from the bit I played last night it runs like butter. I had all the settings maxed out with Physx on High, except for FXAA (which was off. Not sure if I'll do that or try to force normal AA if possible).

Basics of my rig

i5-2500k at 4.4ghz
Asus DirectCU 670 (whatever their stock settings are)
8GB ram DDR1600
Mushkin Chronos Deluxe 240GB SSD

Aw hell yeah, good news.

Really enjoying the game. Only played an hour but it definitely delivered so far.
I played a couple hours last night before heading to bed... It's everything I hoped it would be so far, and more. I absolutely love the improved cell-shaded graphics and the physics effects. One other nice touch is that you can actually see yourself when you're in the menu and can scroll around yourself to see how badass you look with whatever weapons you have equipped.

The voice acting so far is superb. I couldn't stop laughing.
Got my game preloaded, got the day off the play, and my Internet is down this morning for the first time in probably 3 years!


dude..... SUCK! wow.. I am watching the into then off to work... the longest day evAR!

What ports do you need to forward to get this to work? They said they fixed this with Borderlands 2 but how come I cant connect to anyone with a router unless we plug directly into our cable modems?

Other games work fine and I haven't changed my config in over a year so clearly its Borderlands 2 here
That's a funny joke you told there. :)

That doesn't happen with these games. You start playing "a short while" is at least an hour or two.

I strongly recommend you avoid it like the plague until tomorrow. ;)

Pretty much ended up waiting. It had to download a bit more, unpack, install .Net something-or-other and then it wanted to reboot, so I said screw it and went and had sex instead.

Tonight, though...MADNESS!
Can an 8800 Ultra as a secondary GPU run the Physx, or is it too old of a card? Just using a single 470 GTX right now, had it on high for the first couple of hours but the game does tend to get low FPS when there is a lot of action or fluid on the screen.

Game is totally awesome. I just wish I was able to actually go to sleep early. I laid down to try to at least take a nap at like 7:30 and ended up just lying in bed for 4 hours without even being able to doze off at all, even though I FELT tired the whole time. It felt like being a kid the night before Christmas all over again! Only made it until about 2:30 before the 4 of us had to call it quits.
What ports do you need to forward to get this to work? They said they fixed this with Borderlands 2 but how come I cant connect to anyone with a router unless we plug directly into our cable modems?

Other games work fine and I haven't changed my config in over a year so clearly its Borderlands 2 here

It uses steam's social network now, no forwarding needed. If you're having a problem and you think it's your router, drop your IP in the DMZ to see if that clears it up, if it doesn't it's not a port issue.
What ports do you need to forward to get this to work? They said they fixed this with Borderlands 2 but how come I cant connect to anyone with a router unless we plug directly into our cable modems?

Other games work fine and I haven't changed my config in over a year so clearly its Borderlands 2 here

One guy in our group wasn't able to connect to me, and vice versa, but 2 other guys could connect to either just fine. Maybe they weren't behind routers, but didn't think to ask as it WAS supposed to have been taken care of.
Any phsyx benchmarks out there? I've got a 580gtx and have been playing for a little bit at 19x12 with no noticeable issues, but it's only been ~45 minutes...
Pretty much ended up waiting. It had to download a bit more, unpack, install .Net something-or-other and then it wanted to reboot, so I said screw it and went and had sex instead.

Tonight, though...MADNESS!

I don't have the energy to stay up past like 9:30, much less have sex. :(

Give me yo energy. :mad:
Can an 8800 Ultra as a secondary GPU run the Physx, or is it too old of a card? Just using a single 470 GTX right now, had it on high for the first couple of hours but the game does tend to get low FPS when there is a lot of action or fluid on the screen.

Game is totally awesome. I just wish I was able to actually go to sleep early. I laid down to try to at least take a nap at like 7:30 and ended up just lying in bed for 4 hours without even being able to doze off at all, even though I FELT tired the whole time. It felt like being a kid the night before Christmas all over again! Only made it until about 2:30 before the 4 of us had to call it quits.

You should be able to use it but do you really want that much wattage and heat pumped into your rig? It might throw off your overclock if you have one.
Am I going to be lost in the SP if I never played the first Borderlands? Thinking about getting this...
What ports do you need to forward to get this to work? They said they fixed this with Borderlands 2 but how come I cant connect to anyone with a router unless we plug directly into our cable modems?

Other games work fine and I haven't changed my config in over a year so clearly its Borderlands 2 here

It uses steamworks natively so it should not have these issues. Did you try and join their game instead?
One guy in our group wasn't able to connect to me, and vice versa, but 2 other guys could connect to either just fine. Maybe they weren't behind routers, but didn't think to ask as it WAS supposed to have been taken care of.

Thats whats happening to me too, I was able to connect to someone who wasn't behind a router, and they were able to connect to me.

I tried forwarding all ports to my internal IP but that didnt work. Disabling windows firewall did not work. Other steam games work fine. When I get home today I'm going to buy a switch and connect it directly to my cable modem since it only has one lan port but I shouldn't have to do that to get this game to work.

Hate this peer to peer crap, why cant we just host servers for everything in this day and age. The only times I've ever had a problem connecting to a game host in the past 5 years was when it was peer to peer.

Should I be posting this on the steamworks forum? There are other people out there having the same issue it seems from reading various forum posts.
Am I going to be lost in the SP if I never played the first Borderlands? Thinking about getting this...

Given that Borderlands 1 story could have been written on a dirty napkin you aren't missing much story. Basically the jist of it it is that there was a vault that our heroes thought was full of ancient treasure but it ended up being a prison for a giant vagina monster. You basically run around and shoot things in the face. The DLC's expanded a bit on it especially General Knoxx which destroy the main antagonist the Atlas corp.

BL2 actually has a story that I cannot wait to get into tonight. So far loving it!
Wow! There's a lot of sick people in this thread with flus and colds!

Given that Borderlands 1 story could have been written on a dirty napkin you aren't missing much story. Basically the jist of it it is that there was a vault that our heroes thought was full of ancient treasure but it ended up being a prison for a giant vagina monster. You basically run around and shoot things in the face. The DLC's expanded a bit on it especially General Knoxx which destroy the main antagonist the Atlas corp.

BL2 actually has a story that I cannot wait to get into tonight. So far loving it!

Giant Vagina Monster...
