The Elder Scrolls 6 could be heading into full production as Bethesda begins hiring spree


[H]F Junkie
Dec 19, 2005
Pretty solid if accurate! Might be looking forward to Skyrim II with increasingly more menacing dragons.

"Of course, the studio is still hard at work supporting Fallout 76, too, but we'd advise keeping your eyes peeled to GamesRadar in the coming months for all and every new piece of Elder Scrolls news as soon as it surfaces.

Great. So most of the good developers already jumped ship and now we are getting a bunch of new hired talent to work on an Elder Scrolls game. Sounds like a recipe for success (y)
Love what you've done with the place ZeniMax.
Honestly, with the sheer number of bugs their games have always had, I guess not.
They have always kept a small core which was responsible for the more complex tasks but then use vast armies of interns, contractors, and out sourcing to make the bulk of their games. It is why their bugs are famous and numerous and quite often helariously obvious.
Great. So most of the good developers already jumped ship and now we are getting a bunch of new hired talent to work on an Elder Scrolls game. Sounds like a recipe for success (y)
Love what you've done with the place ZeniMax.

With Bethesda, that would be a good thing. Since Oblivion, their coding, design, and production values have been about the very worst out of the entire AAA industry. I think that a good house cleaning at Bethesda could be a great thing. I find it hard to imagine it could make things any worse.
lets hope they don't use the same 3 voice actors for the 100's of npc's in the game this time.

aren't a lot of game studios investing in Text To Speech voice over automation to replace the need for human actors?

I don't know the source, so I don't get the meme. But if it's supporting what I said then lol, but if it's making fun of what I said then grrrr and a fist-shake.

lets hope they don't use the same 3 voice actors for the 100's of npc's in the game this time.

I also can't stand that about Bethesda games. The same applies to Assassin's Creed games, where it sounds like most-all male NPCs are done by 1 person and most-all female NPCs are also done by 1 person.

For multi billion-dollar companies, they sure are cheap on the voice-acting.
I don't know the source, so I don't get the meme. But if it's supporting what I said then lol, but if it's making fun of what I said then grrrr and a fist-shake.

The source is irrelevant. You said the equivalent of "at least it's not raining" or "at least it can't get any worse" which, as we all know from sitcoms, means it's going to rain or get worse out whatever.
They had a highly successful game in their long running series and so they waited nearly a decade to make a followup?
Want a good looking game? Ghost of Tsushima and unfortunately it's not even coming out for PC! The wind effects are second-to-none from what I've seen (including the still impressive wind effects in the Witcher series).

Don't worry though, eventually a perfect storm will brew and something better will come along. ;-)
The source is irrelevant. You said the equivalent of "at least it's not raining" or "at least it can't get any worse" which, as we all know from sitcoms, means it's going to rain or get worse out whatever.

Let's hope that sitcom rules don't apply in this case and that Bethesda can only go up from here.
They had a highly successful game in their long running series and so they waited nearly a decade to make a followup?
They were busy hoping the ES online MMO train would be easier cash. Maybe pull a blizzard with the Warcraft series.
They had a highly successful game in their long running series and so they waited nearly a decade to make a followup?

Why make a new game when they can just keep rereleasing Skyrim over and over?
Those are separate studios. Bestheda isn't the same as zenimax online services.
That doesn't matter, they were trying to convert TES single player game fans into MMO fans with subscriptions. TES 6 would get in the way of those profits. If there's no other single player TES fix around maybe the SP'ers will go against their nature and give TESO a try to satisfy their TES craving.
I spun up Skyrim yesterday for the first time in a long time. When the Bethesda emblem appeared I felt a pang of sadness in that that image used to actually mean quality, something special.

I have a dim glimmer of hope for this new title, but am expecting to be disappointed. I have a feeling it's going to be a delivery vehicle for monetized assets for ZeniMax more than an actual gaming experience.
Not in a technical sense, no. TES-games have been dated, buggy garbage for the last 20 years. Atmosphere, sometimes writing, etc... sure. But not on the technical side.

I'd agree, although I'd give a pass to Morrowind for really pushing the envelope of what was technically doable. That said, similar to a lot of other games I play, the 200+ hours I've logged to just Skyrim are proof that those other things you mention (atmosphere, writing etc.) outweigh the technical, at least for me. Metro Exodus was a technical marvel comparatively -- I put 15 hours in that game and put it down (relative to Stalker, another technically deficient game(s) which I played for months on end).

Unfortunately, in addition to the tech deficiencies, Bethesda has been producing largely deficient products in every other category.
I'm super in favor of all forms of fallout 76 bashing and general Bethseda buginess, but I think 76 was supposed to be "an experiment" (their words), a bridge to multiplayer in future TES and FO games. It's a way to get their creation engine multiplayer capable. 76 was just supposed to be their trial ground for lessons learned, so that future ones were more polished .... well you know .... normal Bethseda level of polish. Less stinky of a turd multiplayer on top.

Yes, I'm betting TES 6 (Skyrim level polish) will be single player with multiplayer too. That way it's easier to force everyone to buy their armors and other content purchases. Modders don't make them as much money. But modding will still be in, because some (a lot) buy those games only for mods.
Most people don't bash Bethesda/FO67 for the technical issues at launch, but for how that was handled. And how the fans have been handled.
Broken collector's edition promises.
Basically scams when it came to merchandise
Re-introducing bugs that had been fixed, then posing they don't exist.
Banning people for doing their work (exposing exploits to have them fixed)
Breaking promises about monetarization
... et cetera.