The computer disaster thread

Ion Silverbolt

Limp Gawd
Sep 17, 2004
Post some of your worst computer experiences here. Mine:

Just did a full upgrade with a nice Athlon 64 4000+. Everything running great. No problems at all.

Then I plug a usb webcam in backwards and short out the usb port. Computer shuts down automatically and the smell of burned silicon is in the air. Fuck. I didn't even know it was possible to plug a usb device in backwards without force but that sucker went right in with no effort. Needless to say i'm looking at the plug everytime I plug something in.

Oddly, the computer worked for a while afterwards. (Except the usb port of course.) Then it shut down a couple times without warning and then went down for good the third time.

Oh well, time for a new motherboard to replace the new motherboard. lol
computer kept on restarting after 5 seconds of boot up. went to check motherboard, cpu, graphics card (cos the fan wasn't spinning), but it was all ok. Then we tested the psu, and found out it was fubar. Tried to put the new psu into the my PC-7 case but the fan grille was too tall. So i took off the grill, only to find out that the screws also held the fan to psu. So the fan fell into the psu. After lots of improvisation, got it back together again