The barn find IBM 360 comes home


[H]F Junkie
Dec 19, 2005
I love old hardware! Please delete if re-post.

"It’s a story that may be familiar to many of us, that of bidding on an item in an online auction and discovering once we go to pick it up that we’ve bought a bit more than we’d bargained for. We told you earlier in the year about the trio of Brits who bought an IBM System/360 mainframe computer from the mid 1960s off of a seller in Germany, only to find in the long-abandoned machine room that they’d bought not just one but two 360s, and a System/370 to boot. Their van was nowhere near big enough for all three machines plus a mountain of cabling, documentation, and period storage media, so they moved it to a hastily-rented storage unit and returned home to work out what on earth to do next."
That's awesome news!
Also, wasn't John Titor looking for an IBM 5100 which was capable of emulating an IBM System/360 in order to eventually fix the UNIX 64-bit time bug/flaw?
So awesome, love old mainframes. Will be watching this story unfold with interest.