Texas Hospitals Are the First in the Country to Feature a Robot Helper


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Moxi is a socially intelligent robot that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to create facial expressions to convey information to staff members at a hospital. It is not a chatbox robot; in fact it makes very little noise other than to announce its presence. It is designed to perform menial tasks such as the fetching of supplies so that nurses can spend more time monitoring their patients.

The nursing field has a high turnover rate because of factors such as physically strenuous workloads, mental fatigue, and emotional challenges. For example nurses spend 30% of their shift gathering and stocking medical supplies which translates to 8 - 10 miles of running back and forth to supply rooms. Diligent Robots wants the hospitals in the trial to find uses for Moxi, to ease the load on the nurses, so they can have more face to face time with patients.

"We want to learn where nursing intersects with socially and artificially intelligent robotics in the daily processes of caring for patients and families, really investigating how this kind of technology can help nurses focus more on the direct needs of our patients by alleviating the more routine, non-clinical duties of caregivers," said Cole Edmonson, with Texas Health Resources. "Nurses and other caregivers want to spend more time with their patients and on high value work that improve outcomes at the end of the day."

"Are you satisfied with your care?"
Moxi is a socially intelligent robot that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to create facial expressions to convey information to staff members at a hospital. It is not a chatbox robot; in fact it makes very little noise other than to announce its presence. It is designed to perform menial tasks such as the fetching of supplies so that nurses can spend more time monitoring their patients.

The nursing field has a high turnover rate because of factors such as physically strenuous workloads, mental fatigue, and emotional challenges. For example nurses spend 30% of their shift gathering and stocking medical supplies which translates to 8 - 10 miles of running back and forth to supply rooms. Diligent Robots wants the hospitals in the trial to find uses for Moxi, to ease the load on the nurses, so they can have more face to face time with patients.

"We want to learn where nursing intersects with socially and artificially intelligent robotics in the daily processes of caring for patients and families, really investigating how this kind of technology can help nurses focus more on the direct needs of our patients by alleviating the more routine, non-clinical duties of caregivers," said Cole Edmonson, with Texas Health Resources. "Nurses and other caregivers want to spend more time with their patients and on high value work that improve outcomes at the end of the day."

After working in the medical field for some years I would like to clarify that by "emotional challenges" what they really mean is most head nurses are raging bitches on massive power trips making any nurse's life that isn't in their inner circle hell.