TES IV Oblivion Trailer... OH...MY...GOD!!!!

I might as well quit my job and invest in drug company stocks that make all manor of stimulants. At least that way I can still earn money while playing the game while everyone else is popping pills playing it as well.
Torgo said:
I might as well quit my job and invest in drug company stocks that make all manor of stimulants. At least that way I can still earn money while playing the game while everyone else is popping pills playing it as well.

This is the best first reply I have ever seen
finalgt said:
Too much HDR. Looks good other than that.

Heh, I noticed that too. Developers seem to loving this feature these days.

It looks good, but that particular aspect is being used a bit too much.
Hell, the graphics aren't even the biggest puller. I would buy the game if it used the same game engine Morrowind did (sans the bugs :p).

I'm looking forward to a new combat system, larger world, more interaction with NCP's, a new world to spend countless hours in. I'm getting all hot and bothered just thinking about it.

I personal gaming ranking system is based on the One More Turn/Just Five More Minutes vs Actual Time Factor. I first noticed this while playing Civilization or Ultima II. If I find myself enjoying a game, but it's getting late I'll usually utter the statement "Eh, just one more round" or "Just another five minutes and I'm going to bed." I'll make a mental note when this occurs. The time the elapses from that statement to next time I look at the clock is how good that game actually is.

For example, if I do go to bed in five minutes then the game is okay. If I go to bed two hours later, then it's a great game. If I don't go to bed at all, then we've got a Game of the Year on my hands. It's a measurement of how a game can actually tell my tired, acheing body "No, you're not really tired. Keep playing." I'm seeing exactly how strong that pull is in a game.

I'm hoping that Oblivion is just as good as the first night I played TES: Arena.
Torgo said:
If I find myself enjoying a game, but it's getting late I'll usually utter the statement "Eh, just one more round" or "Just another five minutes and I'm going to bed." I'll make a mental note when this occurs. The time the elapses from that statement to next time I look at the clock is how good that game actually is.

Hah, I do that all the time. :p Yeah, ONE more dungeon, ONE more level, ONE more massacre, ONE more hour. Then my alarm goes off and I have to go to work...oops. :eek:

The worst was when I played Black and White and Counter Strike for almost 40 hours straight.
God I miss college.
College? Pffft... it's harder when you need work a full-time job with two kids that also compete for your time.
I was never able to finish Morrowind since I played it on my XBox.... Might have to pick it up for the PC and play through before this comes out to get me warmed up....

Been a big fan of TES series since the original.... DOesnt look like thats gonna stop.
I hope there isn't a delay for the PC version being released. I LOVED Morrowind and I'm looking forward to this immensely.
Looks like one hell of a game, what is it a blend of RPG & FPS? Lets hope its not just eye-candy ;)
i loved marrowind, although i never even came close to beating it. i'm totally looking forward to this game. it's at the top of my list for xbox360 launch titles. i'd get it on PC, but i think that it'll run more smooth on my xbox, and look just as good as the pc version, or at least as good as what i would have to run it at to be smooth.
Looks fantastic :D

I do wonder how long we are going to have to wait until we see a graphics engine that doesnt warp and stretch supposedly solid items such as armour though. I'm not critising here just thinking out loud :)

I really ought to get round to finishing Morrowind too :(

I would love to see them make it possible to play the Morrowind with a dedicated server for small groups, say 4-8 players with a persistent state so you could do some adventuring together or even perhaps against another person. Kind of like a mini-MMORPG. Hey, I can dream! :D
PanzerBoxb said:
I would love to see them make it possible to play the Morrowind with a dedicated server for small groups, say 4-8 players with a persistent state so you could do some adventuring together or even perhaps against another person. Kind of like a mini-MMORPG. Hey, I can dream! :D

One of the best things about TES is that it's single-player only. They put all their effort into creating a SP game, so it's HUGE. It's almost like a single-player MMORPG....if that makes sense... :confused: :D
If the combat is really not boring and sucky like the last one and it isn't so easy also, I will be all over this.
FluxCap said:
If the combat is really not boring and sucky like the last one and it isn't so easy also, I will be all over this.

They said they are overhauling it quite a bit this time. They say if you swing at someone this time, and the weapon touches them, you'll hit them. No more swinging at someone at point-blank range 50 times to hit them once!
I agree that the single player aspect is a great part of this game, but I also agree that having it so you can play online with a small group of friends would be even better :)
Genocidal said:
I agree that the single player aspect is a great part of this game, but I also agree that having it so you can play online with a small group of friends would be even better :)
I guess I have not done any research but will co-op be an option? Wow, that would be great.
FluxCap said:
I guess I have not done any research but will co-op be an option? Wow, that would be great.

Site says it'll be single player only.

Did they build their own engine for that, or is it using one of the current ones (looks closest to iD's newest)? Those screenshots look amazing . . .
TheSpook said:
Site says it'll be single player only.

Did they build their own engine for that, or is it using one of the current ones (looks closest to iD's newest)? Those screenshots look amazing . . .

It's their own engine.