Teen Charged For Stealing Nude Photo From Teacher’s Phone

Is there any other source that states that the teacher allows her students access to her phone? I have only heard the student who found the photos claim this. Has the teacher herself confirmed this?

The Principle stated this although I can't confirm where he got it from.
From what I recall she allowed her nephew to use the phone.

It's still not that clear. The Principle, Eugene, he says the teacher has been lying and misrepresenting what happened to the media so in all fairness, it's turned into a he said she said thing and others will have to corroborate their claims to get close to the truth.
No, she was asked to resign and told that if she did not resign, that she would face administrative procedures that would result in her being fired.

Dude you are intentionally being obtuse. You cannot seriously think there is a difference? Being given the ultimatum of either resigning or you will be fired is not a choice in any meaningful way.

What they are saying is, "Listen up, we are firing your ass. You need to pack your shit up and GTFO. But we both know that firing you outright is a huge pain in the ass because of the teacher's union. So we will make you a trade. If you avoid having us do all that annoying paperwork, we will forego putting you down as fired and preventing you from ever getting meaningful employment as a teacher again."
work in a room with 6 other people and not one of them blamed the teacher. every single one of them said that it if is not yours and you do not have permission, don't touch it. Period.
At sixteen I knew better. Kid is high on misbehaving. Other kids used phone responsibly. Posting private photos? Sick.
No one is perfect, school is over reacting.

there has to be a subset here, ie, I do not know of any teenagers without phones of their own.
The school may not allow phones in class. IF SO teachers will be asked .
School not providing phone in classroom? Their responsibility.
Dude you are intentionally being obtuse. You cannot seriously think there is a difference? Being given the ultimatum of either resigning or you will be fired is not a choice in any meaningful way.

What they are saying is, "Listen up, we are firing your ass. You need to pack your shit up and GTFO. But we both know that firing you outright is a huge pain in the ass because of the teacher's union. So we will make you a trade. If you avoid having us do all that annoying paperwork, we will forego putting you down as fired and preventing you from ever getting meaningful employment as a teacher again."

Teen Charged For Stealing Nude Photo From Teacher’s Phone

Read a little further on.

I was not intentionally doing anything but giving my opinion on how I saw it. And later on in Post#147 I changed that opinion after rereading things. Satisfied Doc?
"Arthur has sued the school district for breach of contract for firing her and for libel and slander for telling media outlets that she had broken various teaching standards when in fact she had not." Ars Technica article, 3/21/2016

The lawsuit (PDF). If you want to skip past the boring stuff, start at page 7.
The Principal et all were really stupid with the way they removed her mid class with a uniformed police officer (WTF PEOPLE???) and later telling her that even if the School Board wouldn't find her in violation that they were gonna terminate her. Then you add their stupid statements to the media misrepresenting her, Principal: You Dun Goofed!.
The Principal et all were really stupid with the way they removed her mid class with a uniformed police officer (WTF PEOPLE???) and later telling her that even if the School Board wouldn't find her in violation that they were gonna terminate her. Then you add their stupid statements to the media misrepresenting her, Principal: You Dun Goofed!.

I hadn't seen anything reported about this before. But neither the Ars Article or the Law Suite says the Officer removed her from the classroom.

The Law Suite reads;
Nevertheless, several days later, Defendants directed that she be removed from class while she was teaching. They then instructed her to tender her resignation within one day and had her escorted from the premises by a uniformed police officer.

Now it may have been an Officer that removed her from the class and it may not. The Law Suite and the Ars article only say that an Officer escorted her from the school.

And of course a law suite is going to sound damning, if it didn't then it wouldn't win.

The principle says that other students told him she was in another classroom and not in the hall when this happened. This entire law suite could hinge on that one contention because if that is true, then she may have been violating her duties which is what the principal contends is the reason he fired her.
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There is never a reason to wait until the middle of the work day to fire someone and the uniformed cop would be after the fact if that person is threatening harm, but to do it preemptively... I know that you will keep defending this, as you are absurdly big on government can't do wrong, even in cases were it is a couple asshats who did do wrong, but whatever. The left has it's nutjobs and the right has theirs.
There is never a reason to wait until the middle of the work day to fire someone and the uniformed cop would be after the fact if that person is threatening harm, but to do it preemptively... I know that you will keep defending this, as you are absurdly big on government can't do wrong, even in cases were it is a couple asshats who did do wrong, but whatever. The left has it's nutjobs and the right has theirs.

Who said anyone waited on anything? I am sure that the reality is that they didn't wait until the next day or the end of that day. I am sure that once the right people met and talked and made a decision that they acted by pulling her right into the office and doing what they felt was appropriate at that time. Why would you think they had already decided and then just sat around waiting until later?

"hum hum hum, ok, it's been long enough, we'll call her in now"

And no, Uniformed Cops get called frequently enough these days. Any institution that doesn't have it's own Security might make use of a cop these days. Besides, that cop might have actually been a "Resource Officer" who was currently on duty as school security at the time.

Man thinks I am "big on government", he just doesn't get me does he.