Tech support rankings


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 22, 2003
Interesting study on tech support quality over at Consumer Reports:

Where to go for computer tech support

The long and short of it: if you want good tech support, get a Mac. You'll get much better help overall, and you have access to largely free support from a wide retail network versus having to pay through the nose (or getting only limited assistance) at a big-box store.

Not to say that tech support is the be-all and end-all of buying a PC (many of us here can troubleshoot numerous issues on our own), but it's a reminder that you're not just paying for parts when you buy a pre-assembled computer.
If you want good support in ANY industry, just go with the player with the biggest profit margins. You are not going to get squat for help in the commodities section.
Who needs tech support when you have Google search? Macs have less issues since they do far less. Professional and gaming software are very limited. Even if you do find a game the built in components like GPU is low end GT 750M for the price you pay. Built-in virtualization like Hyper-V? None. It's like my neighbor who claims his car never has issues but he hardly drives anywhere. If all you do is run Facebook then I'm sure it's fine.
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