T1 line ???


Limp Gawd
Feb 20, 2004
anyone know what a T1 line would run me a month in mn?

i wanna start a webhosting venture. lmk what you think. Thanks
A T1 line isn't like DSL, or cable, where you can use the existing lines. Last I checked, they have to run a new, dedicated, line to your house. Running a brand new line is expensive.

As for useing T1 for webhosting: dont :)
T1 is only 1.55Mbps

even in Britain 2Mbps Broadband is avalible, and in other parts of the world 10Mbps + is readily avalible. So you would too slow. If you want to start a Hosting Company Co-Locate in a Data Center or open a Reseller Account somewhere.

this may be more suited to the Networking forum btw :)
Come to wellington NZ.

10meg / 1meg cable NZ$130 / month = US$90ish

10meg symmetrical fibre is $400 + per month, 100meg fibre is 600+ per month onto a dedicated 100gig fibre backbone =]
Even if DSL/Cable is as fast as a T1, they're nowhere near as flexible or reliable as a leased line...
You are much better off co-locating equipment at a datacenter. With such a small line like that, you will not have the needed burst bandwidth to cover traffic spikes. I would never consider running a hosting machine with anything less then 10mbit connection, I have a 100mbit connection for my switch. (Can get a tranceiver and upgrade to 1000mbit if need be:) )
You don't want to be trying to run a web hosting company on 1 x T1 line.

Our backbone is 4 x GigE powered and our own network setup is 3 x 1000mbit. We pumped the extra money into fiber switches and equipment as even 100mbit is a bottleneck.

A T1 can sustain about 180ish/kbsec. Currently our network is sitting on; And this is our slowest part of the day as it's 2-4am around America.

Current  Out: 17486.4 kb/s
Which is Kilobit/second which is around 2.1megabye/second or 2100/kbsec.

I say get some Colocation, and if you need help with that you can contact me! ;)
Originally posted by mpcamer1220
cant be cheap, i was just dloadin @ 521kps from there.

and theres better things than t1s too.


A few years back the network in my building went down and the IT guys came out and were trying track down which router was behaving badly. Since I couldn't do an work I followed the guy around asking some questions. At the time, the building was running an OC48, but it's possible that was shared with another building built at the same time.

Public hosting, including external web sits and download centers are all going to be in offsite data centers though. I have no idea what type of pipe they would have, or how\where different things are cached.

A T1 isn't all that great though. While you don't have the distance limitations of DSL, and the leased line will be more reliable, for any serious hosting it won't be sufficient bandwidth.