System shock 3 Cancelled?


[H]F Junkie
Jun 12, 2012
It seems that there is big trouble at the developers of System Shock 3, Otherside Entertainment, after their publisher (Starbreeze) pulled the plug, the project seems to have fallen into development hell due to funding shortages.

Posting under the name Kim Corn Karn at the RPG Codex forum, a former OtherSide developer responded to a question about whether System Shock 3 has been abandoned by saying, "I don't actually know what's going on, but the team is no longer employed there."

Not surprised it is a big title for a small team even using Unity which would speed up development and portability generating the assets and fine tuning it all is a monster of a job and unless you have all your stuff lined up in advance you are going to run into delay after delay after delay.
Damn that sucks. At least we can still look forward to a new Bioshock game.
Starbreeze sold the System Shock rights back to Otherside a few years ago and as far as I know they retain them still. Basically, all they need is another publisher to step in and resume the cash flow.
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Starbreeze sold the System Shock rights back to Otherside a few years ago and as far as I know they retain them still. Basically, all they need is another publisher to step in and resume the cash flow.

They’ve been looking for a publisher since it was sold back to them.
This comes as a complete shock to me as well, I thought it was in good hands and development well under way. I heard about the publisher bailing before but when they said they would self publish if necessary I thought they had the resources to finish the game.
Knowing what I know about some of the devs working on this title you guys should be happy it wasn't released. Maybe someone better will be able to give it a shot later down the line. We still have the System Shock remake coming which looks like it's going to be awesome.
Knowing what I know about some of the devs working on this title you guys should be happy it wasn't released. Maybe someone better will be able to give it a shot later down the line. We still have the System Shock remake coming which looks like it's going to be awesome.
What is it you know? Don't hold it in if it's fact.
sucks to hear but at the same time kind of relieved. SYstem Shock 2 is my favorite game ever and I know SS3 would have never lived up to my expectations. SS2, even with its flaws, was perfect.
It does look like Otherside made Ultima Underworld Ascendant, which has a 37% on metacritic with a 2.1 user score. I don't know if they've done anything else, but that's not good.
Read the RPG Codex thread in the OP. Sounds like there was an extremist or two on the team
Read a 80 page thread of mostly irrelevant garbage? No thanks, if you're not going to say what you meant I'll just assume you're blowing smoke.
He did say it.

"There was an extremist or two on the team" is pretty vague. What were their roles? Exactly what were they trying to do? Did anyone on the team actually care about their opinions? Did them being extreme about one thing or another even matter in the grand scheme of things? "
A couple" out of how many people on the full team? "I don't like the opinions of a couple people making this game" doesn't equate to "the entire development team is bad and it's better that they were fired".
I don't want to go into more detail on the developer I'm thinking of and what I don't like about them and how I think they'd influence the game because I don't want another giant thread of political shit flinging. The comments about the devs start on page 71 if anyone wants to read the RPG Codex thread and form their own opinion
He did say it.
There is an extremist or two at every tech company these days, that doesn't make this developer unique or worse than the rest. Now if the company itself officially stands behind these extremists that would be an issue.
I remember System Shock, and System Shock 2. I would say we already have successors to these games in the form of Alien: Isolation, Prey, heck to a certain extent even that Dark Souls like game who's name escapes me right now........I don't want to re-play System Shock 'spruced up', it's got silly early 90's maze-and-hidden-doors gameplay that will not be satisfying in 2020+......Bioshock just got too damned weird (the second game) or uninteresting (exploring a dark world under the ocean was cool, exploring a city in the clouds simply wasn't), etc..........

Nor do I want to see a new Model T Ford going down the street.....its like trying to bring dinosaurs back to life in the modern days, and we all know what happens then....

Prey is IMO the closest, and was an unbelievably pleasant surprise for me. I had basically no expectations going into it, but a coworker insisted I try it, knowing how much I adored SS1+2.
Really quite fun. Good amounts of tension, escalation, environments, and story (which has a fun mind-f* aspect).
Why was the discussion about the game engine removed? It's often a reason why games get cancelled...
Prey is IMO the closest, and was an unbelievably pleasant surprise for me. I had basically no expectations going into it, but a coworker insisted I try it, knowing how much I adored SS1+2.
Really quite fun. Good amounts of tension, escalation, environments, and story (which has a fun mind-f* aspect).
I hated Prey, it was a bad knock-off of system shock with the worst aspects of bioshock mixed in. Alien Isolation was much better, and different enough to not be a copy, it just used the best mechanics from system shock that still hold up today.
Why was the discussion about the game engine removed? It's often a reason why games get cancelled...
I think it was relevant and informative too, apparently the off-topic police thought otherwise.
I remember System Shock, and System Shock 2. I would say we already have successors to these games in the form of Alien: Isolation, Prey, heck to a certain extent even that Dark Souls like game who's name escapes me right now........I don't want to re-play System Shock 'spruced up', it's got silly early 90's maze-and-hidden-doors gameplay that will not be satisfying in 2020+......Bioshock just got too damned weird (the second game) or uninteresting (exploring a dark world under the ocean was cool, exploring a city in the clouds simply wasn't), etc..........

Nor do I want to see a new Model T Ford going down the street.....its like trying to bring dinosaurs back to life in the modern days, and we all know what happens then....

View attachment 223053

Or bringing back Unreal Tournament.... and new guys be like how can that guy be so fast and hit all the shots, CHEATERS, CHEATERS EVERYWHERE... THATS IT.... IM DONE

RIP (I was actually enjoying myself but you could clearly see it wasn't a game that worked well for the young kids, too hard for them to get into when the old veterans would stomp them all over)
Or bringing back Unreal Tournament.... and new guys be like how can that guy be so fast and hit all the shots, CHEATERS, CHEATERS EVERYWHERE... THATS IT.... IM DONE

RIP (I was actually enjoying myself but you could clearly see it wasn't a game that worked well for the young kids, too hard for them to get into when the old veterans would stomp them all over)
I guess you have to cling to something, but I don't think ut veterans who are now in their 30ties possibly 40ties would have a competitive edge on kids today.
Shock 2 is among my all time favourites. Same with the first one. So to say I was happy to hear there was a shock 3 in the works would be an understatement.

However, I can see the writing on the wall. I'm nothing if not realistic. We had the project announcement and then nothing for what, over a year? And then we get a tiny pre-alpha trailer and nothing yet again? Yeah development was not going well. I can't say I'm surprised it ended like this.
Shock 2 is among my all time favourites. Same with the first one. So to say I was happy to hear there was a shock 3 in the works would be an understatement.

However, I can see the writing on the wall. I'm nothing if not realistic. We had the project announcement and then nothing for what, over a year? And then we get a tiny pre-alpha trailer and nothing yet again? Yeah development was not going well. I can't say I'm surprised it ended like this.

The remake of System Shock appears to be going, slowly but surely. If you haven't checked it out here is the thread. There is some video to drool over.
I guess you have to cling to something, but I don't think ut veterans who are now in their 30ties possibly 40ties would have a competitive edge on kids today.
Hey, I resemble this remark!
I may not be as quick as i was in my younger years, but like in sports, i know ways to even the playing field a bit.
I guess you have to cling to something, but I don't think ut veterans who are now in their 30ties possibly 40ties would have a competitive edge on kids today.

I'll never admit it, but my 12 year old rolls me in fortnite whenever I get mouthy and challenge him.

He has yet to beat me in Quake 2 or 3 yet... Yet.
I'll never admit it, but my 12 year old rolls me in fortnite whenever I get mouthy and challenge him.

He has yet to beat me in Quake 2 or 3 yet... Yet.
I too get rolled by a 13 yr old stepson. I think i could do better in Fortnite if it did not have the whole building piece to it. I am OK in a firefight, but trying to do two things at once (firefight + build things while they are also shooting and building) is where it falls apart for me.
I too get rolled by a 13 yr old stepson. I think i could do better in Fortnite if it did not have the whole building piece to it. I am OK in a firefight, but trying to do two things at once (firefight + build things while they are also shooting and building) is where it falls apart for me.

I can build simple shit, like a box, or a ramp, but he's doing this fucking 90 degree corner thing and at first I was watching him and thought it looked easy. It isn't.

You have to jump and while in mid air, create a floor, a back wall and then a ramp at 90 degrees while turning. This requires 3 separate keyboard buttons AND three mouse clicks.

No thanks.