Switching z5500 to Onkyo S790 question


Limp Gawd
Feb 12, 2002
Question for you audio gurus here.

I am currently running z5500 on audigy 2, but since I don't play PC game at all, I was thinking of moving to Onkyo S790. I just watch movies, play console system. I guess the question is how is the sound quality on S790 compare to z5500??
You should stop by Circuit City as you can demo the S790 in the store. Granted it may sound different in your home, however you will have a pretty good reference as to what the system will sound like. Then based on what you hear, you can make the decision if it's worth the swap or not.

Audio is a very hard subject to give opinions on due to everyone's perception and preference to what they like and don't like. What they like might be totally different then what you like.