Switching from Intel to AMD, few questions regarding current Windows Installation


Feb 5, 2002
I'm going to be switching from my old P4 system to a new AMD one. I have 2 hard drives, one of which is just partitioned into 1 big drive, and the other which is partitioned into 1 5GB windows partition, and another larger partition i use for programs. There are also a few programs installed on the windows partition. My question is, if i just format the windows partition and reinstall windows on there, will the programs on the other partition run fine?
also, is it possible for me to just repair the install of windows and not have to reformat at all? Like basically just reinstall the windows files and the windows files only? If so, how would i go about doing this?
First things first, if you were to format the windows partition it's likely your programs would have trouble because of registry settings and not addressing the correct folders, that sort of thing. I'm not sure if you could repair the install of windows, but if I were you I'd take this opportunity to clean everything out and do a fresh install, to complement your new hardware.
1. God there should be a list of 10 most asked questions and answers... ;)

Anyway, heres the two ways to do what you ask.

1. Sysprep your install (Sysprep can be found in the deploy.cab on the windows install cd)

2. Insert the XP Cd (Slipstreamed with whatever Service pack you want (Either SP1A, or SP2 RC2)
drop to a cmd prompt
cd i386
winnt32 /unattend /noreboot
When setup is done, shut down the machine, and then swap the hard disk
When the new machine boots, wait for setup to finish.