Switch, Super NES Classic Lead to 19% Growth in U.S. Spending on Consoles


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
Nintendo’s resurgence has made 2017 a huge year for console sales. In October alone, the Switch and Super NES Classic Edition along with PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and 3DS generated $238 million in spending. That’s up 10 percent year-over-year, which is a trend for 2017. Wow, it looks like 2017 is a banner year for console companies. Is the PC Master race in jeopardy?

The Switch was the top-selling console last month, and Super NES Classic was No. 2. And Nintendo doesn’t expect the momentum to slow for either system. The company revealed it plans to manufacture 25 million to 30 million Switch systems for its next fiscal year, and it plans to continue making Super NES Classics for the foreseeable future.
Please stop with the master race garbage.

Well the Switch is awesome, and the Super NES classic is fun, so that helps.
If I could find one and pay retail, I'd totally get the SNES classic. Just like last year - I would have bought the NES. Yeah, yeah - Raspberry Pi. I know.
Whatever buzz people get from a Nintendo classic doesn't compare to my Bitfenix shogun case spewing out hot air from my 1080ti running everything at 1440p 144fps with gsync.
So... I don’t own any consoles normally, but we do own 3 switches... Damn thing is pretty cool.
Hmm what's the price on scalped SNES classics?

Asking for a friend.

120 to 140 is realistic. An original snes is 80$ earthbound is 150 to 200, starfox is like 10. Secret of mana is around 50. Final Fantasy 3 is another 50$ super Mario kart 25$ do I need to go on?

140 to 160 is a steal.
Is the PC Master race in jeopardy?

with console specs improving (and there's talk about making the components modular so you can upgrade it like you can a PC) and all the excellent gaming titles many have never played (like Zero Horizon) because they have only been playing on PC (like myself) and with GPU prices remaining at 40+% above MSRP even after the mining craze ended months ago and Intel i7 K's running at 90C+ even on high tech water cooling thereby requiring an expensive delid tool not to mention there goes your CPU warranty (or CPU investment if you delid it wrong) and now mem chip prices are/will spike I say ... time to say "screw the PC hardware".

If you want to game @ 4K with smooth graphics you will need an enthusiast level (or higher) PC with 2x GTX 1080 Ti's. Other than that, Console is looking very, very good to many used to be PC gamers ...
120 to 140 is realistic. An original snes is 80$ earthbound is 150 to 200, starfox is like 10. Secret of mana is around 50. Final Fantasy 3 is another 50$ super Mario kart 25$ do I need to go on?

140 to 160 is a steal.

So is a $35 raspberry pi with retropi.
so the snes classic counts as a console now? then shouldn't all the other multi game emu boxes count too?
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This is [H]. Console lover discussions can be found over at Babies R Us.
so the snes classic counts as a console now? then shouldn't all the other multi game emu boxes count too?

If Bethesda is allowed to count every version of Skyrim as a new game, then yes we can cut Nintendo some slack.

Besides, we know Nintendo isn't doing it for the same reason Bethesda is.....Nintendo has a proven track record of not liking making money.
Is it [H] to only like limited things? Or do we embrace using any and all technological means necessary?

Can you be [H] and not have intimate knowledge of at least 2 operating systems....maybe even 3?
Is it [H] to only like limited things? Or do we embrace using any and all technological means necessary?

Can you be [H] and not have intimate knowledge of at least 2 operating systems....maybe even 3?

It depends on who you ask.
I was actually able to obtain a SNES Classic this time, fuck you scalpers. Every time I went to walmart I checked to see if one was in stock. One day about noon on a tuesday there were 3 left in my local walmart. Bought one (because i'm not trying to rip people off and legit only wanted one) and have been enjoying the classics I grew up with.