Suggest an MP3 Player


Dec 18, 2001
I want one for running and I am thinking that the iRiver iFP-899 is a good one. but, for $100 more, I could get a disk-based one with 20GB. How well will a disk-based one hold up to running?
Any hard drive MP3 player from a well-respected manufacturer (Apple, Creative, Sony, iRiver, iAudio, etc.) will handle running just fine. Most hard drive MP3 players have 16 MB buffers at least, which translates to several minutes of skip protection, according to the old CD player standard.
I have an iRiver H120 and while I don't voluntarily jog around with it, I throw it in my backpack and run around town with it going - never skips, and I jostle it a lot compared to what normal running does.

There's also a jogger I see every day with an iPod hard disk based player running past my house every day.
Ermm out of curiosity I dug out an old Palm Tungsten T I had gathering dust and stuck a spare 512Mb card in it, loaded on Real's neat little media player and it works a treat. Saved myself shelling out for a mp3 player, plus it does other stuff too.
what about for $100-150 range... any suggestions? i have a friend looking for one.

8fingers said:
what about for $100-150 range... any suggestions? i have a friend looking for one.

try to find a gen 3 or 4 ipod on ebay you should be able to pick one up for about $150