Street Fighter 6

Is it me or SF 4/5 look better then this?
Exacty what I thought. This is a giant disaster. It looks worse in every way than SFV. Not just the graphics, but the choreography and art style also.
Exacty what I thought. This is a giant disaster. It looks worse in every way than SFV. Not just the graphics, but the choreography and art style also.
I have a theory as to why. They are releasing this game for PS4 and Xbox Series S, which are last gen. I assume they wanted to not make it so next gen so they can have a bigger audience?

Just a guess though.
SFV is also on PS4. My theory is simple: this is a cashgrab made with little to no effort by hack developers.
They're definitely shooting for the largest audience possible. Plus, it's a fighting game. Unless they go ham and try to make it photo-realistic, fighting games are going to run fine on last-gen systems. I think the issues most people have with SF5 isn't the graphical fidelity, but the stylistic choices they made.
That looks like MT engine that's not RE engine right?
SFV is also on PS4. My theory is simple: this is a cashgrab made with little to no effort by hack developers.
SFV is a 6 year old game. the PS4 was a top of the line console 6 years ago. A lot has changed in terms of graphics since then.

Not defending the trailer. I wasn't all that impressed. But SFV is considered old now in terms of graphics.
Kind of interesting how this game reveal has pretty much opened the floodgates. Capcom mostly admitted that the character list leak was real by saying "We've all seen things we shouldn't have." Videos of Cammy and Ken have even started popping up, although they look pretty early.

They've started providing additional details on how the new meter system is going to work. Everyone will start will a totally full (a la the Alpha games) 6-part meter. The meter will allow you do EX moves, alpha counters/v-reversals, parries, focus attacks, and cancels from one move into another. Some will use more meter than others, and they'll work differently from character to character. My main gripe with SF5 was the total lack of personality and style from player to player. With all these mechanics available to everyone, it seems like they're trying to fix that problem.

They've announced a different control mode for people to be able to do special really easily (aka. a single button), although you seem to lose like 2/3 of your normal attacks in those instances. Hopefully that's more like removable training wheels and not busted like previous attempts have been.

I still don't care for the weird hip-hop/neon slums in the future aesthetic they've ported from SF3, but I'll probably forget all about it if I like the game.
I think the initial aesthetic reveal threw me off because it was overly focused on Luke and Jamie. Their designs give me major SF3 vibes in a bad way. Yet the more stuff I see (and the other characters), I like what I see. I also like all of the single player stuff and "arcade hub" stuff, too. There's a strong possibility you'll even be able to play other Street Fighter/Capcom games within the hub system.

At this point my biggest fear is the "easy" control mode. A pro player, Brian F, felt that this would be something huge that either attracts a lot of new people or is the beginning of the end of the genre. I tend to agree, although I guess it's something they could adjust if it upends game balance. I'm a believer that some level of execution should be required to do powerful/special attacks. Someone playing hyper-defensive with a single button dragon punch scares the hell out of me. It might help new players be decent, but it could take a decent to good player and make them a serious problem.
Isn't it funny that the leak with static images generated more hype than the official trailer? As far as ez mode goes..I'm cool with it as long as there's a reward for manual input. Like you get more damage by manually inputting the cmd. So as long as there's some scaling, I don't care.
I got bored with sfv two weeks after I bought it. very likely going to skip this one!
Isn't it funny that the leak with static images generated more hype than the official trailer? As far as ez mode goes..I'm cool with it as long as there's a reward for manual input. Like you get more damage by manually inputting the cmd. So as long as there's some scaling, I don't care.

As of right now the downside of the new control scheme is limited options. You have light/medium/heavy buttons but you don't get the option of punch or kick. Depending on your character (and what attack the game chooses), that could be a big deal.
SFV is a 6 year old game. the PS4 was a top of the line console 6 years ago. A lot has changed in terms of graphics since then.

Not defending the trailer. I wasn't all that impressed. But SFV is considered old now in terms of graphics.
Yeah nor was I. Really wish they would drop the super roided up look of lots of the characters.
The more I see of the game, the slower it looks. The animations look really good, but it feels like everything is happening at the same speed as the original Street Fighter 2. Not sure how I feel about that. I don't like hits landing because of pure speed/chaos. Yet if things are too slow, defensive play can be too effective. Either that or you end up with throw-fests like SF3 and SF5.
The more I see of the game, the slower it looks. The animations look really good, but it feels like everything is happening at the same speed as the original Street Fighter 2. Not sure how I feel about that. I don't like hits landing because of pure speed/chaos. Yet if things are too slow, defensive play can be too effective. Either that or you end up with throw-fests like SF3 and SF5.
It feels even slower than the original SF2.
so his hair style is just to cover that he's balding?!?!


The more I see of the game, the slower it looks.
It feels even slower than the original SF2.

big time. i was all "why tf does this look so slow", glad its not just me
The speed is weird. It seems like the normals that are being used in neutral play are slow and punishable. Movement is slow, too. Yet moves are being chained together left and right and that's super fast. Ditto with special attacks and especially projectiles. They're all really fast, like Luke's fireball from SF5.
Something I'm noticing is that chain combos (or "target combos" or whatever they're calling them now) look to be ever-present. Normal buttons are creating space, but chains alleviate that. They're usually punishable, though. I never cared for the button lockdowns from SF5, so I think I'm happy with that. As long as chain combos are punishable and don't get boring too quickly, I think that can be good.
If it plays like sf4 at all I'll be happy as a pig in mud. I loved sf4... Never got around to trying sf5 even though I owned it.
SFV is also on PS4. My theory is simple: this is a cashgrab made with little to no effort by hack developers.

All fighting game series are cash grabs, every now and then there is a great one. Street Fighter proper had Street Fighter two, and Super Turbo. The Alpha series had 2 and possibly 3. The Three series had Third Strike. The rest really didn't have anything that rose to "great".

Part of huge reason they are a mess now is that everyone wants something different. They sort of have to include all their past characters or people will raise hell. Some people want changes to the combat, others will cry bloody murder if those changes are made. This creates complete chaos. As for how it looks, maybe they want to support 8k 60fps on the new consoles? The series has also never been the best looking for it's generation on any platform it's been on. Three sort of gets a past because the arcade hardware was really unique for it's era but they've always blown goat chunks at graphics. Keep in mind the Alpha series came out during the SNES era and they ran with those sprites straight into the Dreamcast era for their games.

Their biggest wins have come by throwing everything out and making mistakes and then killing the game and releasing a new version, including tossing characters. See Alpha and Three (SF2 Super Turbo, Alpha 2, and Third Strike remain the best of the series and the fan favorites). In the case of both Alpha and Three they went out of their way to remove characters and try something new, and release a later game that worked. They cannot do that now, the series is too big. Everyone wants mechanics from the past series and characters from it.
The speed is weird. It seems like the normals that are being used in neutral play are slow and punishable. Movement is slow, too. Yet moves are being chained together left and right and that's super fast. Ditto with special attacks and especially projectiles. They're all really fast, like Luke's fireball from SF5.
Something I'm noticing is that chain combos (or "target combos" or whatever they're calling them now) look to be ever-present. Normal buttons are creating space, but chains alleviate that. They're usually punishable, though. I never cared for the button lockdowns from SF5, so I think I'm happy with that. As long as chain combos are punishable and don't get boring too quickly, I think that can be good.

Chain is not target. Chain is a move that chains into itself or another, target is a specific set of normals that work. These are very different. Also keep in mind in prior series we've had either the entire cast implement a marvel type system (Alpha one anybody could light, to medium to hard. Normals were slowish, but if you locked a light you got the rest of it free) or even the final fight system (see guy in the later Alphas and every other game he was in). This isn't abnormal for them and it's worked in some cases and just bombed in others. They also could have a turbo toggle. Think of this like marvel, it's not a target combo but once you get into it you fly through it.
Chain is not target. Chain is a move that chains into itself or another, target is a specific set of normals that work. These are very different. Also keep in mind in prior series we've had either the entire cast implement a marvel type system (Alpha one anybody could light, to medium to hard. Normals were slowish, but if you locked a light you got the rest of it free) or even the final fight system (see guy in the later Alphas and every other game he was in). This isn't abnormal for them and it's worked in some cases and just bombed in others. They also could have a turbo toggle. Think of this like marvel, it's not a target combo but once you get into it you fly through it.
Absolutely technically different, but it's still all dial-a-combo where normals are able be pressed in some order to create a combo without any sense of timing. It's not like Ryu being able to link his normal together with good timing - you just hit the buttons in the right order as fast as you want. In Alpha 1 (and SF x Tekken) there was a system for going from weak, to medium, to strong but everyone only did 2 canned sequences depending on whether they wanted a special ender or a sweep for a knockdown. With SF6 so far, there are lots of normal being cancelled into one another and the frames for the moves are being canceled. Whether that's a complex system of chained moves or just 1-2 moves that can cancel into 1-2 more, it's the same result. Kinda like Luke's mashable MP in SF5. You don't have to time anything, if the first one lands - you just hammer MP and get 3 hits + a knockdown. Things are a tiny bit more complicated in the chain-heavy games, but you still don't ever see people dropping combos once they start. That's what scares me about both if the game really does revolve around them. I like having tighter timing on things and having an execution barrier.
Absolutely technically different, but it's still all dial-a-combo where normals are able be pressed in some order to create a combo without any sense of timing. It's not like Ryu being able to link his normal together with good timing - you just hit the buttons in the right order as fast as you want. In Alpha 1 (and SF x Tekken) there was a system for going from weak, to medium, to strong but everyone only did 2 canned sequences depending on whether they wanted a special ender or a sweep for a knockdown. With SF6 so far, there are lots of normal being cancelled into one another and the frames for the moves are being canceled. Whether that's a complex system of chained moves or just 1-2 moves that can cancel into 1-2 more, it's the same result. Kinda like Luke's mashable MP in SF5. You don't have to time anything, if the first one lands - you just hammer MP and get 3 hits + a knockdown. Things are a tiny bit more complicated in the chain-heavy games, but you still don't ever see people dropping combos once they start. That's what scares me about both if the game really does revolve around them. I like having tighter timing on things and having an execution barrier.

Ever since NOOB FIGHTER IV (the game that dumbed it all down and shall remain in hell forever) this has been the trend. Dumbing crap down. I miss the old chains + links in Super Turbo (by far the best and my favorite. But also the one that eats scrubs alive. It took my time to adjust in each game till NOOB FIGHTER IV and then all of a sudden everything was instantly done no effort and even turd eaters could combo.

I know we aren't going back to skill based SF because well NFIV killed that forever (the LOL of Sagat in the first version and the hilarity of cancel to ultra can't be understated, let alone "the combo timing is so easy, so easy my house cat can do it". Execution barriers are good. Which is why I got back into KOF once NFIV hit.

The other upside of the higher execution barrier in the older games was hits mattered, massively. They did huge damage. A poking game could kill you fast if you didn't have your footsies down, and one maybe two combos could end your ass fast.

Alpha (once 2 hit) was good about reinging back in the easy combos but then you had V combos, and man oh man. For the youngs who never played the good classics here's a super turbo combo and then an alpha v mode combo.

Ever since NOOB FIGHTER IV (the game that dumbed it all down and shall remain in hell forever) this has been the trend. Dumbing crap down. I miss the old chains + links in Super Turbo (by far the best and my favorite. But also the one that eats scrubs alive. It took my time to adjust in each game till NOOB FIGHTER IV and then all of a sudden everything was instantly done no effort and even turd eaters could combo.

I know we aren't going back to skill based SF because well NFIV killed that forever (the LOL of Sagat in the first version and the hilarity of cancel to ultra can't be understated, let alone "the combo timing is so easy, so easy my house cat can do it". Execution barriers are good. Which is why I got back into KOF once NFIV hit.

The other upside of the higher execution barrier in the older games was hits mattered, massively. They did huge damage. A poking game could kill you fast if you didn't have your footsies down, and one maybe two combos could end your ass fast.

Alpha (once 2 hit) was good about reinging back in the easy combos but then you had V combos, and man oh man. For the youngs who never played the good classics here's a super turbo combo and then an alpha v mode combo.

Have you ever even played earlier street fighter? It sounds like you've just read about the old days and watched YouTube videos...
Have you ever even played earlier street fighter? It sounds like you've just read about the old days and watched YouTube videos...

Yeah. I own a Super Turbo CPS2 board, all three Alphas on Arcade, Third Strike on CPS3 (though the security battery blew out and there isn't a fix for that yet), and bought a Tiato Type X-2 cab set for the SFIV release, and a few cabs for other things. I ran several local vents. In my mid 40s.

I'm old school in this. SFIV sucks as much as UT3 sucks compared to UT99 and only fools things it was any other way. Wait till your balls drop! When in years you are telling people why SF VIIII sucks you'll get it. Till then, sit down, shut up, and play your game of lesser skill.

Here is some arcade hardware of mine, if you think SFIV took any skill at all you won't know what this is. Or are you going to say DLC is good, and free to play is good next, cause that is where you are if you are defending that game on "skill". It was great it came back but it sucked and was the most noobed up mess ever.


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The people who are still playing the SF2 games are typically going to thump anyone short of Justin Wong just because they're a different style of game. It's tough to go from any of the newer games back to Hyper Fighting (my favorite) and Super Turbo. I don't necessarily think they're better, but they're different. Like 90% of the characters are busted in one form or another, so the people still playing are usually just exchanging exploits or counter-picking. Some folks love that about 'em. Others hate it. I get both perspectives, and at one time I was competition-level. That said, I honestly like SF4, too. Lots of older players do/did. A decent number of pros from the oldest era came back for that game. The FADC mechanic was different from old Street Fighter, but it was a gateway to some pretty elaborate/challenging stuff that didn't involve hammering 15 jabs or deep jump ins that never hit in live matches.

Back to SF6 - Capcom has confirmed that cross-play will work across all platforms (Xbox/PS/PC) and they'll be using rollback netcode, too. Even if the game does end up being wack, they're doing a lot of things right from a technical perspective. Whenever you examine criticism for SF5, it's literally like Capcom took notes and set out to fix those things.

Here's Max's take on things. I appreciate that he's being honest with his impressions and not acting like it's the greatest thing ever. Based on his impression (and what you can see in the video), it seems like there are lots of ways to annihilate people for pressing. I appreciate that after SF5, but don't want the pendulum to swing too far. While the SF5 beta worked mostly like the final product, they did make a boatload of mechanical tweaks based upon feedback. Hopefully they can see how people played this demo and ensure that it's not just a game of reaction.

Something additional that shows they're interested in execution-based gameplay for SF6. I really like this in theory, although just-frame attacks can be overwhelming if they assume people won't master them. In Tekken 4 the best players were firing them off left and right. It became a battle of haves and have nots, and the haves won like 90% of the time.

Some footage of Kimberly (a new character who seems inspired by Guy) and Juri from EVO. Looks like it's full steam ahead for SF6 at this point.
Kinda related, Namco is still releasing new Tekken 7 content later this week. They announced something new is coming, but they were super vague and it seems like it's a long way out.
Every new character so far looks stupid. The design decisions so far range from annoying hood rat looking characters to queer dude bros. Hopefully the other characters are good.Juri looks okay minus posing with her cell phone..