Street Fighter 4 Thread

Anyone got tips on avoiding projectiles like akuma's, ryu's, and ken's fireballs. I'm getting destroyed because of them. I tend to block them, but my heath wears down after a while, and I can't even get close to them. It's so damn annoying :mad:.

Depends who your using, if your using another fireball character try doing an EX fireball back (fireball with two punch buttons). That consists of two hits so their fireball will take one and the second will most likley hit them, they'll probably stop spamming after a few hits ;)
Anyone got tips on avoiding projectiles like akuma's, ryu's, and ken's fireballs. I'm getting destroyed because of them. I tend to block them, but my heath wears down after a while, and I can't even get close to them. It's so damn annoying :mad:. play as who?
I picked it up for PS3 yesterday so I could use my Hori stick. Sooooo much easier with the stick, especially the supers and ultras. I've been playing around offline with Rose and I'm really liking her. Soul Throw is great and her ultra rocks, plus it seems like her heavy kicks have great reach.

I was wondering though... Soul Reflect is supposed to actually reflect projectiles, right? I haven't managed to pull that off yet. Is the timing ultra-tight for reflecting or what?

Its funny cause its true! :D
I picked it up for PS3 yesterday so I could use my Hori stick. Sooooo much easier with the stick, especially the supers and ultras. I've been playing around offline with Rose and I'm really liking her. Soul Throw is great and her ultra rocks, plus it seems like her heavy kicks have great reach.

I was wondering though... Soul Reflect is supposed to actually reflect projectiles, right? I haven't managed to pull that off yet. Is the timing ultra-tight for reflecting or what?

Light Reflect absorbs the projectile and gives you bonus super meter, Medium sends it back, Heavy sends it back at an upwards 45 degree angle.
Last night I didn't get to play much, but I dropped a match to a pretty damned good Bison player. I had no idea, but his punch after the head stomp beats both Zangief lariats...and he can teleport out of spinning piledriver traps. Bison's always been one of my better characters, so think I'm going to start doing some of the things this guy was doing. He had like 5000 battle points, so clearly he knew his stuff!

To anyone having trouble with fireballers - one trick is to do your focus attack and while the fireball is being absorbed, do a dash move. This actually absorbes fireballs and gives you your health back.
If they're really good at fireball patterns, I highly recommend using Zangief and just using the lariat to go through them. Bison's head stomp is also an excellent way to deal with them. Blanka and Honda can use their EX ball/headbutts to go through them as well.
To anyone having trouble with fireballers - one trick is to do your focus attack and while the fireball is being absorbed, do a dash move. This actually absorbes fireballs and gives you your health back.

You, sir, are now my hero. I'm going to try this as soon as I get home.
Last night I didn't get to play much, but I dropped a match to a pretty damned good Bison player. I had no idea, but his punch after the head stomp beats both Zangief lariats...and he can teleport out of spinning piledriver traps.

Have you tried his head butt (j. U + MP)? You may beat the punch or at least make him think twice. Also, in ST, It would dizzy or be close o dizzy by itself, so you may end up getting a dizzy, then you can Ultra for free.
Have you tried his head butt (j. U + MP)? You may beat the punch or at least make him think twice. Also, in ST, It would dizzy or be close o dizzy by itself, so you may end up getting a dizzy, then you can Ultra for free.

I tried that and got beat, too. He was coming out of the stomp right away with the punch dive and it pretty much beat the headbutt and my jumping medium punch, too. I'm thinking I just need to block it and then either throw or use the EX banishing flat. He came in pretty high, but it didn't seem to be high enough for a guaranteed throw. He had good timing in teleporting away after this sequence, too. The guy was definitely no stranger to Bison or that fight!

That headbutt doesn't seem to have the same dizzy properties it used to. It hurts, but I've landed it followed by a medium punch into a banishing flat and they still weren't dizzy. Probably for the best as with the focus cancels - dizzyness is pretty much death in SF4.
I tried that and got beat, too. He was coming out of the stomp right away with the punch dive and it pretty much beat the headbutt and my jumping medium punch, too. I'm thinking I just need to block it and then either throw or use the EX banishing flat. He came in pretty high, but it didn't seem to be high enough for a guaranteed throw.

That headbutt doesn't seem to have the same dizzy properties it used to. It hurts, but I've landed it followed by a medium punch into a banishing flat and they still weren't dizzy. Probably for the best as with the focus cancels - dizzyness is pretty much death in SF4.

That sucks lol...guess 'Gief can't have it ALL...
That's pretty much my thought :) I just like 'Gief being a good character. The guy was a better player and he knew what he was doing the whole time. I bet he's fought that match a few times.
So I have been destroying most people using zangief , most are ryu's and ken's. yesterday another guy picks ryu and he throws what is basically a laser beam of fireballs, it seemed like he had a macro b/c they were perfectly spaced and he would always pull out a perfect shoryuken when i would get close, whether jumping or doing a double lariat. I get perfected twice. I couldn't EX fist through it or anything...


Ryu is a strong character, and he's one of the few people I use against Zangief because his hurricane knocks down. The key to beating a good Ryu with Zangief is not to jump when in dragon punch range. Walk forward and use the quick lariat (you can't be swept as easy). When fairly close, use the EX banishing fist to go through fireballs (EX ones included) and do pretty big damage. If it lands, it knocks them down. A downed Ryu is still vulnerable to a cross-up splash, low jab, quick lariat combo. That can be repeated. If he likes getting up with a dragon punch - bait him. Throw a low short kick as he's about to get up. If he uppercuts - it'll miss and you can either throw him, lariat, or banishing fist.
Do that a few times in a row and those wake-up players will stop doing it. When they do - standing (or ducking medium kick into the spinning piledriver.
If he ever hurricane kicks - duck and right after he passes over your head, use the quick lariat. Never use it when he's directly overhead or coming toward you.
If you ever land the double suplex in the corner, jump over them and immediately do it again. The timing always works out so that anything but a wake-up dragon punch will be nullified by the grab.
have you guys heard or seen this before?

for xbox live matches, I can create them and have people join and play and it works great.

But I cant join any other peoples matches. I'll see them pop up in the list, ill try to join and it will say failed it join basically, update the list, yes, try again doesnt connect. Also none of these users have any bars for lag..

So basicaly ive just been creating matches to play online and someone joins within 3-5 seconds normally but still id like to join other peoples!??
O and WTF, i ordered my fight stick on Feb 13th and estimated ship date was feb 25th and i log in today it still says estimated ship day feb 25th.. today is the 25th!!! urghh
have you guys heard or seen this before?

for xbox live matches, I can create them and have people join and play and it works great.

But I cant join any other peoples matches. I'll see them pop up in the list, ill try to join and it will say failed it join basically, update the list, yes, try again doesnt connect. Also none of these users have any bars for lag..

So basicaly ive just been creating matches to play online and someone joins within 3-5 seconds normally but still id like to join other peoples!??

Having the same issue. Can't wait for the Championship Mode patch, hopfully it will clear this up too. I want quarter matches, dammit, no sense beasting on people with no audience :p
The matchmaking on the PS3 is also a little weird. I can join other people's matches, BUT it takes a while and usually 5-6 tries.
If I feel like playing other people, I just turn the option on to allow others to hop into my game, and then I just play the CPU. I've never had to plays more than two matches before someone unlike other games I'm not just sitting there waiting.
have you guys heard or seen this before?

for xbox live matches, I can create them and have people join and play and it works great.

But I cant join any other peoples matches. I'll see them pop up in the list, ill try to join and it will say failed it join basically, update the list, yes, try again doesnt connect. Also none of these users have any bars for lag..

So basicaly ive just been creating matches to play online and someone joins within 3-5 seconds normally but still id like to join other peoples!??

I get the same shit on my PS3 version. "Unable to play", "Game is full", and no latency indicator for most (but not all) players. The matchmaking and lobby code in the game is just plain broken and needs a fix, big time.
I get the same shit on my PS3 version. "Unable to play", "Game is full", and no latency indicator for most (but not all) players. The matchmaking and lobby code in the game is just plain broken and needs a fix, big time.

It's annoying to have to keep refreshing the list, but I have no problem finding people with 2, 3, even 4 bars. I'll hit square 5-10 times if I have to to find a good connection. I've only had lag in a few games with zero bar people that challenged me.

It would be nice to have spectating and quote "virtual arcade machines" and lobby rooms etc, kind of like what Sega did with VF5 but implemented better. Something to recreate the experience of staying on one machine and fending off a line of real human competitors. The arcades could be grouped by skill level.
guys where is the option to turn on that matchmaking system you guys are talking about where you can go play arcade mode and them boom people can join you and play and/or start a match without having to go to create a match.

I havent found that option that people call some kind of special mode?:(
guys where is the option to turn on that matchmaking system you guys are talking about where you can go play arcade mode and them boom people can join you and play and/or start a match without having to go to create a match.

I havent found that option that people call some kind of special mode?:(

It's an option they give you when you first play the game. I think you can toggle it in the same area where you change your icon and quote.
Hey guys, friend me on PS3 network, I need someone to play against, Network ID: LarryButterfly
I'll add you when I get home. Not sure if I'll be able to play tonight, but I'll be on this weekend.
wtf, i log into amazon, says estimated ship day for my arcade stick Feb 25th, now its the 26th... urghh i need this stick my hands are gettin beat up on the stock controller and i lack consistantly doing certain moves.
PSN: Rehevkor
Add me, I'm desperate to find someone online who sucks more than I do (if such a person exists).
I'll add Rehevkor, too. I'm pretty good with some characters, but I'd love to learn how to get better with characters I don't play. I won't do any sort of exploitable nonsense in friendly games anyway.
I only have about 1,100 and am 16-1.
In general I find myself playing player match just like I do in HD Remix. Ranked matches only give you one play against someone and then you've got to go through the hassle of searching again.
Plus, like 99% of people just go with their best character (almost always Ken) and do the same things time after time. With unranked player matches you start to see those other chracters like Viper, Vega, Rose, etc. and I don't feel obligated to choose my anti-Ken characters every time. For that matter, it's nice to see how people adjust to your style and to adjust theirs. In ranked match, you've got 2 rounds and that's pretty much it. If someone has a zany style, good luck figuring that out in one match.


now at this point i can cancel and/or wait... or try to hope i find it else where at some point then cancel, sounds like im PRETTY SCREWED... and im getting sick of using the stock 360 controller. GOD!

Is anyone using the Fight Pad's? If so how are they? I may have to upgrade from my stock controller to hold me over for the fight stick.
I saw the 360 fight pad last week and it seemed nifty. I'm as good with a pad as I am with a stick and I don't think I'd have much trouble using that one in place of my beloved PS3 pad.
The one thing is, I actually prefer to have 4 buttons on the face and 4 on top. I've just gotten used to having the two heavy attacks as triggers. The fight pad has a 6-button face. IMO, it's harder to go from weak to heavy on a 6-button face than using the top triggers.
:mad:ah i see ill just keep the stock 360 controller for now see what happens w/ the f'n joysticks
If you're stuck using the 360 controller - I highly recommend using the analog stick...especially in the relatively slower paced SF4. That d-pad is so bad and so poorly placed that it might as well not even be there. Treat the analog just like you would a little joystick. In fighting games there's no analog function, so just treat all gradual pressing just like a dead zone.
It's not perfect, but I got pretty good using one back when Hyper Fighting online came out.
Add me as well I'm tired of searching for people to play against. On another note Capcom needs to bring back the double blind character select from HD Remix it's badly needed so people won't wait for each other to pick first.

Anyways yea, add me.
PSN - rp1p
Maaaaaaaaaan, I would like to say this thread alone brought me out of my SF slumber. Last one I played was SF2. Picked up SF4 and found a arcade stick online. Couple questions.

Anyone with the madcatz sf4 CE stick have any issues? I've read upgrading stick and buttons is a must do immediatly.

And any tips for an EX tournament player from SF2 making the huuuuuuge learning curve leap to SF4. Starting to figure out combos, but man this game has grown by leaps and bounds. Blanka feels the same he was my old main next to Guile and Chun Li.

If anyone wants someone to blow through easy add me: XBL tag: Nifo Oti
As I recommended before, if you're totally new to the SFIV scene, without any arcade play, and with a lot of SF2 or even SF3 background (like most of us, probably, but I skipped SF3 completely, can't stand it), the Prima guide for SFIV is a must-have thing, seriously. It is a work of art itself in terms of sheer complexity and ease of reading, with tons of great info that you really won't find anywhere else in a single "volume", not even online.

If you're serious about SFIV to any degree at all, go get it...
As I recommended before, if you're totally new to the SFIV scene, without any arcade play, and with a lot of SF2 or even SF3 background (like most of us, probably, but I skipped SF3 completely, can't stand it), the Prima guide for SFIV is a must-have thing, seriously. It is a work of art itself in terms of sheer complexity and ease of reading, with tons of great info that you really won't find anywhere else in a single "volume", not even online.

If you're serious about SFIV to any degree at all, go get it...

Headed to BB now thanks :D