strange artifacting with ati drivers


Nov 23, 2003
I've recently upgraded my system from this:

AMD Athlon MP 1800+ (x2)
Asus A7M266D
Crucial 2100 1gb (2x512)
Radeon 9800
2x WD 100gb raid 0

to this system:

AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+
Gigabyte K8U-939
Geil 3200 1gb (2x512)
Radeon 9800
2x WD 100gb raid 0

I have installed catalyst and omega drivers from 5.9 to 5.11 and i get artifacting and corruption in games like fear, cod2, and bf2.....but no errors in quake 4 and tw2006. I also have no corruption in any games when using the default microsoft winxp driver for radeon9800 and the gfx card works flawlessy with any driver in the old rig. The artifacting appears as multicolored squares in most games with the addition of missing and distorted polygons in bf2.

Im not sure what course of action i should take from here, i dont want to go back too far with official drivers because then i will start losing support for current games. Any suggestions?
I have determined that the video drivers are not the cause and have started a new thread in General Hardware titled "Faulty AGP slot?"
i get the samething in Farcry but nothing except really errractic SP? fps inCOD2, HL2, DOD:S..... what i did 2 days ago was uninstall the 5.11 drivers and reinstall the 4.12 drivers and the system runs faster than before and no problem in games.

system in sig...