STEAM with linux ? (Ubuntu / Kubuntu ?)


Limp Gawd
Jun 2, 2003
i recently put Ubuntu on my back up computer and i love it so far...

i was wondering if anyone has been able to get STEAM (Half Life + Mods and CS 1.6 or Source) to work with these versions of linux ?

thanks !
I have had it working in Gentoo before (played CSS alot while in linux) it works pretty damb well
Unfortunetly I went 64bit and between Gentoo's profile and trying to run the 32bit sharedlibs I cannot get any of my old games to work proporly.

it should *just work* as before and lots-o-64biters are gaming, I just havn't spent a weekend looking
It is possible (I had Counter Strike running with WINE, but I couldn't play it). Only way to find out is install WINE, download Steam and try it.
i got WINE installed , now do i have to use one of my windows cd's to create a "fake" install ?
nop. WINE is an implementation of the WIndows API. They may say they are not an emulator, but WINE has quite alot of the characteristics of an emu.

Anyway... mount the HL2 CD (or if you d/l steam) change directory to where the install files are and just type

wine setup.exe

no need for anything from windows