Steam Multiplayer Games Can't Connect

Rabid Yellow Dog

Limp Gawd
Dec 21, 2003
Whenever I try to connect to a multiplayer game using Steam (CS:S, HL2DM, etc.) I get the "Connection failed after 4 tries" error. This problem started two days ago (everything worked perfectly prior to two days ago) and I haven't been able to connect since. The server browser works fine, and I can create my own servers and play against bots, but of course that's not nearly as fun. Any ideas?
Rabid Yellow Dog said:
Whenever I try to connect to a multiplayer game using Steam (CS:S, HL2DM, etc.) I get the "Connection failed after 4 tries" error. This problem started two days ago (everything worked perfectly prior to two days ago) and I haven't been able to connect since. The server browser works fine, and I can create my own servers and play against bots, but of course that's not nearly as fun. Any ideas?

I get this error sometimes. All I do is connect to that server again and it usally goes through. If that doesnt work, did you update any firewalls you may be behind? Like a router firewall, sometimes are updated by the company. If you are running SP2 on XP check to see if Steam is let through that firewall. Sometimes SP2 firewall likes to delete some of the allowed things.
Rabid Yellow Dog said:
Whenever I try to connect to a multiplayer game using Steam (CS:S, HL2DM, etc.) I get the "Connection failed after 4 tries" error. This problem started two days ago (everything worked perfectly prior to two days ago) and I haven't been able to connect since. The server browser works fine, and I can create my own servers and play against bots, but of course that's not nearly as fun. Any ideas?
I know this sounds silly, but did you try to restart your computer? That use to happen to me back in Steam beta, restarting the computer always fixed it for me. Best of luck.
I we both have the windows firewall disabled and am using norton. we will try them with the norton firewall off as well. We have restarted and that seems to not work either.

I have checked the steam forums and it seems it is almost impossible to play it over a lan from cstirke 1.6 to current version.
Norton pisses me off when it comes to games... i'm sure that's your problem. Even if you tell it to always permit a connection to that game... alot of the time it won't. So I usually turn that off when i game.
I use AVG, SP2 firewall is off, no updates to router, and all ports steam says to open are open, same error 2 days in a row (I turn it off at night)
Rabid Yellow Dog said:
I use AVG, SP2 firewall is off, no updates to router, and all ports steam says to open are open, same error 2 days in a row (I turn it off at night)
I wonder if you had a bad Steam update. Try backing your games up and reinstall Steam.
Arkanian said:
have you tried this yet?
no, but i that seems kinda extreme seeing as i have every game i bought (silver pack) installed. could i just back up the games i have saves on and redownload the rest?
hey at least your not trying to play any of those games of a lan.. because if you are good luck :)

I concider extreme when I format and reinstall windows :)
yup, uninstalled and reinstalled steam and still no luck

"Steam is not currently connected to the authentication servers. This may be caused by a problem with your router or firewall.

Troubleshoot my connection"