Steam Client Beta Details

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
There is a brand new Steam Client Beta out now (dated yesterday) that has a handful of fixes, one of which was a bug causing DirectX12 games not being able to switch resolutions. The rest of the patch notes are below:


    • Fixed DirectX12 games not being able to switch resolutions

  • Fixed crash on startup with certain games such as Assault Android Cactus and Resident Evil 6.

Steam Controller

    • Fixed rumble emulation getting stuck on in some circumstances.
    • Fixed Dragon's Dogma receiving both X-Input and Direct Input leading to incorrect prompts and input trouble.
What is this thing actually a New Steam App or is it for Streaming couldn't find it on Youtube.
What?!? Haven't you heard of Atari and their game ET? I heard from "someone" its Directx12 Compatible !
some of those game-specific fixes seem pretty important so I'm not sure why this was put out as a beta
some of those game-specific fixes seem pretty important so I'm not sure why this was put out as a beta

Part of the testing process prior to rolling it out. Beta users are small percentage of the millions that use Steam. Rolling out untested patches would be a bad thing... a very very bad thing. Having had to clean up from untested patch rollouts... yeah. it's a bad thing.