Steam bundle prices will now drop based on how many of the games in them you own


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Steam bundle prices will now drop based on how many of the games in them you own.
Steam bundle prices will now drop based on how many of the games in them you own

Check out the "Valve Complete Pack". Under normal pricing it would have been $92.70 for me. You can check this by going to the link in a browser not logged into Steam. In my Steam client it is $9.00 as I am missing only Day of Defeat: Source and Half Life 1: Source.

This is supposed to roll out across the entire Steam Store eventually.
"half life 3 confirmed" in the tags, nice :D.

All I can say about dynamic bundles based on your library is, it's about damn time.
Nice...I wonder if that applies to bundles that include the "Gold" version of a game or something when you own the previous version?
Probably not. Most of those "Gold","Complete","Ultimate","GOTY are considered different products even if all they are a bundled up game+DLC+Season Passes. Though it's still nice they finally caught up to a GoG feature that's been there since day 1.
This is a step in the right direction, however it would be nice to have the option to play the full price for the bundle and get gift copies of the games you already own to give to a friend. I'm sure this will never happen but it would be nice if it did.
only for bundles?...what happens if I own for example Dark Souls 1 and 2...will I automatically get a discount on Dark Souls 3?...that should be something that Valve should offer as well
only for bundles?...what happens if I own for example Dark Souls 1 and 2...will I automatically get a discount on Dark Souls 3?...that should be something that Valve should offer as well
If they offer all three games in a bundle, then yes. But no one is entitled to a discount just because you own all of the previous titles.
.. and knowing how Dark Souls works they would brutalize you more by charging a random amount on top of the price and then deleting all the saved games from other games in your inventory.
From pcgaming sub, it said that it's up the dev to make the bundle work that way.
Today's gamers will find a way to complain relentlessly about this.
Team Fortress Classic has no hats and Richochet makes no sense!