Steam Backlog

When it sinks to $20 for big name games and $10 for not so big name games is when I consider buying. I love Steam sales.

That sounds about right. When Portal 2 and DA2 hits $20, that'll be a sure buy for me.

Yeah, suffice it to say some of us have quite a bit more disposable income than others. ;)

The wife and kids are going out of town next month for about a week and I can't go. I plan to put a healthy dent in mine then. :)

You know you have a problem when your wife has to talk to you about your habit of buying games and not playing them (had my talk during Christmas). In your case, your wife should be happy that you're playing video games when she's out of town rather than spending it on h&b ;)
I wonder if it's possible to pull average gameplay times for games on steam, or even for all games on steam (would probably be 0.1 hours after sales :D). I'm guilty too of buying stuff when it's cheap and still not getting around to playing it. Even though I got most of them for $5.

For example, what would you think if someone came on and said they had roughly 2000 games on Steam? (Not me mind you, I'm just giving a hypothetical example).

Call them a filthy liar. Theres only 1290 :p (including duplicate GOTY, special editions, episodes of games and ones that haven't been released. Intrestingly, if you count the games using this search, there was only 940 at this time last year, and 564 the year before that)
Call them a filthy liar. Theres only 1290 :p (including duplicate GOTY, special editions, episodes of games and ones that haven't been released. There was only 940 at this time last year, and 564 the year before that)
That search returns 1311 results. It's interesting though to know that I own about 18% of Steam's entire catalogue though :p.
Call them a filthy liar. Theres only 1290 :p (including duplicate GOTY, special editions, episodes of games and ones that haven't been released. There was only 940 at this time last year, and 564 the year before that)

If there's 1290 games on Steam, I only have about 10% of them. Didn't think there were that many available.
Call them a filthy liar. Theres only 1290 :p (including duplicate GOTY, special editions, episodes of games and ones that haven't been released. Intrestingly, if you count the games using this search, there was only 940 at this time last year, and 564 the year before that)

Well, I didn't know, so was making up a number. Still, if they said they owned 1000+ games, people tend to go from cool to get-away-from-me-freak mode.
Wow. Now I'm curious exactly how many games you own or how many games you buy a year. I'd say anything more than 2 full priced game purchases a month is an "unhealthy obsession" while anything more than 1 full priced game a week could be classified as "easily surpasses it".

But then again, it's all relative.

Indeed, it is all relative. That being said, I easily surpass 3 full priced games a month. Search the forums enough, and you can find a few screen shots of 'some' of my games. I have 3 different Steam accounts, some with duplicate games, others, not. My largest Steam account only has about 290 games on it. My D2D account has about 40 games. I have about 70 games on gog.

Remember, this post is from about 3 years ago, and the collection has increased. Most of my games are in storage, because I just don't have room where I live for all the junk.
That search returns 1311 results. It's interesting though to know that I own about 18% of Steam's entire catalogue though :p.

Forgot about that! I'm in europe, so theres a handful of games that aren't availible here for whatever reason (that game owned by the US army)

If there's 1290 games on Steam, I only have about 10% of them. Didn't think there were that many available.

It is unaturally bloated by the amount of casuaul crap games and episodes. :D When I saw that "win the 100 games in your wishlist" it spawned this conversation that ended with me and another person making 100 game wishlists. It was actually surprisingly hard to add 100 games that I even cared about, even though I only have like 114 or something.

Even then, lots of that came from expansion packs and DLC. So to me, theres only around 160 games worth owning (the 114 games I have includes lots of games from when it was a shared account with the people I live with, so it contains lots of puzzle games that I would never have got otherwise :D)

Well, I didn't know, so was making up a number. Still, if they said they owned 1000+ games, people tend to go from cool to get-away-from-me-freak mode.

I usually just judge it from if they've bought that truck game and spend 1000 hours playing it :eek: You can kind of judge someones tastes from the amount of time theyve spent playing it. People like collecting things, and steam with it's almost micro-transaction payments, it's really easy to amass a load of games. Though, 1000 is either obsessive or weird! (theyd have to own a load of crap too!) :D
It is unaturally bloated by the amount of casuaul crap games and episodes. :D When I saw that "win the 100 games in your wishlist" it spawned this conversation that ended with me and another person making 100 game wishlists. It was actually surprisingly hard to add 100 games that I even cared about, even though I only have like 114 or something.
I'm pretty sure that contest was for the top ten games in your wishlist, not top 100.
I'm pretty sure that contest was for the top ten games in your wishlist, not top 100.

It was that tasks thing a while back (just before christmas?) there was a daily contest for the top 10 games if you did one or more of the tasks in the games. But, if you got 12 or something tasks done within the week you got entered for the grand prize of the top 100 from your wishlist!
I have maybe 10 or so games left to play. I've limited it to one purchase every three-four months.
The irony of life, years ago I was a broken student with no money for games or decent PC. Now that I have the money to buy them, I also have the family and the job that left me with no time to play them and a huge backlog of never launch games in a very decent PC that is only use for task that an nettop could do...