
Any controller players here? No aim-assist? Wow, you have to be precise with those sticks.

What's the point of flying the ship if you can't go anywhere? I get the realism aspect of flying from one planet to another, they really should have had you fast travel to the planet's orbit and then you can fly in. Way too technical for Bethesda though, I know. Lots of valid complaints with the game, but I am liking it so far. I think as usual people overhyped the game, so the disappointment was there. Bethesda has been on a downward spiral for a while now. It's clear they need to just move onto Unreal Engine like some other devs are doing that have found themselves in over their head, i.e. Cyberpunk 2077, Halo: Infinite.
Good one here.
Remove the colored fog (check the screen comparisons).


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No offense in any way shape or form but listen to what you just said, "the early days". They've had 10 fucking years!

Has it really gotten to the point that these companies have conditioned us to have such low expectations that its become the the norm to expect shoddy performance from a launch title that costs $70 dollars at the minimum?!

Holy fucking shit!
Valid point.

But all I can think about is how many hundreds of hours and hundreds of mods I put into Oblivion, FO3, FO:NV, Skyrim, FO4 and the same words were spoken then just as they are being spoken now about the shape those games were in as well.

Maybe I'm biased and a glutton for punishment, but just about every open world game has been fucked up day 1, and this one is no different, except for the simple fact that Bethesda happens to be my Digital dope man and I'm just going to roll with the punches.
I guess I'm going to be playing this soon. I didn't even notice it came with the new CPU. No idea when AMD Rewards is going to actually give me the code, though. They've verified all my stuff. The official release date is 9/6 according to AMD, so I guess then? Hope?
He said easiest and that sure as hell is not as easy as just using a controller. Even at my desk I kick back and use a controller in probably over 90% of my games.
That's subjective for sure. Connecting a BT mouse and keyboard is as simple as any controller.

*Edit* Anyways, enough of that. It was all in jest anyways and someone got immediately defensive lol.
Controllers are for console peasants.
Hah, I totally expected this comment and I meant to include a disclaimer in my post.

A lot of us like to play while sitting on the couch. A controller is the easiest way to do this.
Exactly what I am doing. I just built this PC for the purpose of playing Starfield on my 75 inch 4k TV. Some games are infinitely better on Keyboard and Mouse. RTS and Competitive Shooters for example.
That's subjective for sure. Connecting a BT mouse and keyboard is as simple as any controller.

*Edit* Anyways, enough of that. It was all in jest anyways and someone got immediately defensive lol.
Connecting it is not the part I am talking about. KB/M on the couch is a lot more cumbersome compared to a controller. I cant hit shit in this game with a controller though so I may go back to KB/M...
I mean, to each their own, but to me there is only one way to game, and that is at a proper desk, alone, with a proper mouse and keyboars.
Honestly the biggest downside to living room gaming is the viewing angle. I found very quickly that what is deemed a good TV viewing angle isn't all that great for playing games if you're used to sitting at a desk with a 27" monitor.
Valid point.

But all I can think about is how many hundreds of hours and hundreds of mods I put into Oblivion, FO3, FO:NV, Skyrim, FO4 and the same words were spoken then just as they are being spoken now about the shape those games were in as well.

Maybe I'm biased and a glutton for punishment, but just about every open world game has been fucked up day 1, and this one is no different, except for the simple fact that Bethesda happens to be my Digital dope man and I'm just going to roll with the punches.
I hear you, I've put thousands of hours in them too, mostly modding them (thats a game in of itself) but I seem to recall all of those titles not having a steep hardware curve other than Oblivion, which required a DVD ROM to install the disk (I had to borrow one from a friend).
Any controller players here? No aim-assist? Wow, you have to be precise with those sticks.

What's the point of flying the ship if you can't go anywhere? I get the realism aspect of flying from one planet to another, they really should have had you fast travel to the planet's orbit and then you can fly in. Way too technical for Bethesda though, I know. Lots of valid complaints with the game, but I am liking it so far. I think as usual people overhyped the game, so the disappointment was there. Bethesda has been on a downward spiral for a while now. It's clear they need to just move onto Unreal Engine like some other devs are doing that have found themselves in over their head, i.e. Cyberpunk 2077, Halo: Infinite.
No aim assist, seriously? Ugh.
So far one of the most annoying things for a pack rat like me is the limited carry weight for both your character and your ship. I know there are ways around it but when I'm exploring I find I have to run back to the ship to off load a few times. I just can't help picking up everything not nailed down. Your ship has limited space or mass but you can add modules to increase what it can hold.

As for questing I've followed the main story to a city that has given me a lot to do beyond that particular quest. It includes from the mundane activities as they are called to quests with multiple steps. It's pretty packed in this city. The quests vary from fetch to solving crime to killing groups of thugs. The people and dialogue are interesting enough and you have a few ways to answer and interact with the NPCs. The activities you can pick up just by running past a NPC talking, you don't even have to really listen it just pops up on screen telling you to go do something.

As was said earlier the map is just terrible, it's almost pointless.

So far the landing zones can be fun to explore and depending on which one they can be packed with things to explore and do. The discovery process is fun but can be a bit tedious. If you've played NMS it has a few small similarties but the process is different overall and requires a decent amount of running around. I don't mind it but other people may find it boring or annoying but you can do the discovery while you are heading to points of interest.

If anyone has any questions just ask, I try my best to answer and I will avoid spoilers.
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One of my buddies recommended that I watch this before playing the game for the first time.
Seems to be a bunch of good info in it. This guy has already beaten it and is doing NG+.
Beware: some entries contain spoilers.


I recommend against this. Part of the fun is figuring out things for yourself, you fail and you get up. What's the fun in already knowing the easiest way to beat the game?
Stop, you are only making it worse :LOL:
I thought most of Hardforum was above the console wars/pc master race nonsense? I guess I was wrong.

Who cares how you play, just that you do.
No offense in any way shape or form but listen to what you just said, "the early days". They've had 10 fucking years!

Has it really gotten to the point that these companies have conditioned us to have such low expectations that its become the the norm to expect shoddy performance from a launch title that costs $70 dollars at the minimum?!

Holy fucking shit!
I don't get the performance complaints. Here I am playing the game with a 5 year old GPU and 4 year old CPU, both ancient by computer hardware standards and it runs just fine, much better than I expected.

I think the exceptations are too high, not too low. When did we start expecting brand new AAA titles to run at 120FPS in 4K maxed out? Never happened.
I thought most of Hardforum was above the console wars/pc master race nonsense? I guess I was wrong.

Who cares how you play, just that you do.
The console peasant comment I assume was just a jest, nobody takes that seriously here. If you get offended by it, then I think you are the one who is not above it yet.

I was merely pointing out that to a [H] pc gamer, adding that you not just play with a controller, but also from a couch that is only redoubling down on the blasphemy.
I don't get the performance complaints. Here I am playing the game with a 5 year old GPU and 4 year old CPU, both ancient by computer hardware standards and it runs just fine, much better than I expected.

I think the exceptations are too high, not too low. When did we start expecting brand new AAA titles to run at 120FPS in 4K maxed out? Never happened.
Same. Both the stability and performance of this game out the gate is pretty damn good.

Yes, it has some weird shit going on like the 30 FPS HUD stuff, etc. However, this is the first AAA in quite a while that just runs great out of the box for me. No shader stuttering. No general crashing. Generally no real gameplay bugs to speak of.

A lot of the complaints i'm seeing of this game are kind of silly. I've been playing non-stop since yesterday with basically no issues. Granted, my computer is higher-end-ish with a 5800x3d and 4080, but even if I had worse hardware I can see this game running just fine with turning down the settings some.
A lot of the complaints i'm seeing of this game are kind of silly. I've been playing non-stop since yesterday with basically no issues. Granted, my computer is higher-end-ish with a 5800x3d and 4080, but even if I had worse hardware I can see this game running just fine with turning down the settings some.
I'm playing on a 3700x with a 2080Ti, and after installing the DLSS mod I didn't even think about turning down anything I didn't want to anyway like DOF, Film Grain and Motion Blur. Runs great 3840x1600 at 75% render resolution. I don't know the exact FPS as I don't even know how to display it, but runs far better than Hogwarts Legacy or Cyberpunk 2077.
I haven't even fired my gun in the last 10 hours of gameplay. So many NPCs to talk to.

60fps UI

Or try the experimental 120fps version here

The amount of basic shit that is broken in this game is staggering.

HUB performance analysis


It's as if they don't play their own game before releasing it. They really do totally rely on the mod community to fix basic nobrainer things.
I've put together a long (34 mins! It's AV1 so youtube may spend an ice age processing the 2160p quality) video showing basically the majority of everything you do once you have passed the starting points of the game, this includes some on foot combat, some space "exploration", the many times a loading screen interrupts immersion, some space combat, docking/undocking from other ships and landing on moons/planets as well as traders, inventory, general mechanics and fast moving around the game using the scanner + HUD instead of the map/menu for easier travel etc.


Keep an eye on the CPU and GPU usage only during the dialogue cutscenes, how on earth is the CPU usage exceeding 70% during dialogue exchange where absolutely nothing is going on!


Normally this would be a major issue but since the framerate and frametimes are excellent, it's merely a trivial observation worth pointing out.

Overall should be a good view into what the game is like for those still on the fence.

Yes, the game is a slow-burn for sure, you are going back and forth a lot but if you just take it all in at a steady pace then there's a lot of stuff to do and people to talk to randomly who dish out side missions which seem to take up more time than the main story.

It's just a shame that it's not one seamless world, instead there are loading screens for merely going through a door that disrupts immersion I feel, and that that ruins the experience after the 4th loading screen within a 5 minute span of moving about the place.

The game uses miniscule amounts of VRAM and RAM, if they shader pre-compiled all of those areas of game beforehand like other games do then loading screens would not be needed at all - A really silly oversight and almost certainly due to the Creation engine being ancient now. The current consoles all support super fast asset streaming, as does PC, why can't they just have added in support to leverage that since the game is only out on next gen consoles and PC anyway???? I can't help but think if this wasn't an AMD sponsored game then RTXIO would have been featured since Nvidia offer the free tools to everyone to add in DS 1.2 to sort out things like this.
View attachment 595478

Refunded the game before seeing these comments. Wish I could check how much better it may look on my C1.

I messed around with this suggestion and so far I can't say I'm seeing any appreciable differences/improvements. (In and out of HDR)

I'm definitely going after that fog removal mod. Bethesda has that damned fog in all of their games to cover up a multitude of sins.

P.S. I'm considering using a ***controller*** for the spaceship flying parts. ;) *runs away*
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Keep an eye on the CPU and GPU usage only during the dialogue cutscenes, how on earth is the CPU usage exceeding 70% during dialogue exchange where absolutely nothing is going on!
The video is 360p so I can't see your CPU Load out of conversation but you seem not to know how games work.
The game and all of its systems are still running during dialogue, they aren't unloaded or frozen. So saying nothing is going on is plain wrong.

IDK why are people so eager to attack this game and it's optimization when it is actually pretty well optimized for what it is.