Star Wars-style controller - do they exist?


Nov 30, 2004
I've recently gotten back into the emulation scene and was wondering if any outfit sold equivalents to the old Star Wars-style arcade controller (the first one with the vector graphics and Death Star run). SW (and TESB) really don't work all that well with any other control method. This also extends to other Last Starfighter-ish games like Starblade (another favorite of mine).

I realize such a controller would probably cost a pretty penny, but figured I'd ask.

Thanks in advance!
You mean the old odd mount one like this?

modi123, yep, that's the one! A really beautiful cabinet, as well.

(Is there a technical name for that sort of control scheme?)
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Thanks for the links, modi123. I'm nowhere near a machinist, so I'd probably opt for the eBay route (even as expensive as it is). Apparently, from what I read, Atari really nailed it with their yoke...and I can believe it based on my own experience with the SW and ESB cabinets. I can solder just fine, so I'd just need to find some sort of USB interface adapter.

As an aside, I'm thinking of making my own control stick after watching Linus Tech Tips' recent video on the subject. The LED buttons look very cool and I could add a trackball and dial. The HORI model I have now is just a simple fightstick.
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Those are good links, thanks. There're also these that I was looking at and referenced in the Linus video:
It's not the wiring that's daunting for me per-se (though I can see that getting pretty complicated), but the fabrication involved in building the controller enclosure. The last time I tried to use a table saw I damn-near lopped-off a thumb, so I'd gladly pay someone to do all the cutting.

Hmmmm. I might float that eBay seller an offer, as $650 does seem very high.