Star Wars Spin-Off Will Reveal How Han Solo Got His Name


Aug 20, 2006
Disney continues to crap all over the Star Wars mythology with this report, which suggests that Han Solo isn’t even the famed space smuggler’s real name. Maybe we also find out that Han was born a woman.

It is legendary throughout Star Wars’s galaxy far, far away, but it seems that Han Solo’s name may not be his real one. According to Disney CEO Bob Iger, the forthcoming Han Solo prequel will reveal how Harrison Ford’s space smuggler acquired his name – suggesting that it hasn’t been with him from birth. Iger divulged the detail, as reported by Deadline, during a talk at the University of Southern California Marshall School of Business, where he also hinted that film would see the first meeting between the character and his Wookiee sidekick, Chewbacca.
So what if that wasn't his real name? That's his name now.
I see you're carrying on the proud tradition of HARDOCP injecting (right-wing) politics into everything. Stay classy.
I don't think it has anyhing to do with "right wing politics" or "getting your panties in a wad".

I think its more like "not putting up with bullshit and making up stupid plots just to have a reason to make movies"
it ranks right up there with "Sparkly Vampires"
Now that Disney owns the Star Wars Franchise, they are crapping all over it to make it their own.

I'll always hold the first 3 original Star Wars movies in higher regard. Thankfully, I own the originals.
I see you're carrying on the proud tradition of HARDOCP injecting (right-wing) politics into everything. Stay classy.

Happy you bought into the propaganda there.

Rewriting back story to make a plot for a prequel is pretty much right above 'it was all a dream!'
They are just trying to milk the franchise for all its worth, and frankly, appear to have run out of ideas or just want to stick with what they know will make money to reduce risks. And by make money, I think we can't underestimate that the movie itself is only a small piece of the pie, and its more about Star Wars backpacks, lunch boxes, T-shirts, legos, plastic toys, etc.

Which is a shame, because the Star Wars lore is vast, and there is no reason it can't be expanded on.

How about a movie about the origins of the Sith? How about a movie from the perspective of altruistic troopers from the empire on a critical mission to defend a colony from hostile aliens on the outer rim of their territories that doesn't involve the Jedi or rebels at all?

Why not introduce us to characters that the average movie watcher has never even heard of? How many times can we regurgitate Lea, Anikin, Solo, Luke, etc? Or fresh perspectives, which was so great about that movie Maleficent, where they took the villain of the franchise and told the story from a new perspective to make her kind of a hero in a way.
I see you're carrying on the proud tradition of HARDOCP injecting (right-wing) politics into everything. Stay classy.

LOL, even mentioning someone who went through a sex change is considered as injecting (right wing) politics. It reflects more about your reactionary snowflake sensitivity than Megalith. All Megalith meant is Disney is creating things out of nothing for the almighty dollar.
Original name was Ham Solo

How the hell is this "right wing politics"? I see you're carrying on the proud forum troll tradition of being a reactionary, butthurt, liberal snowflake.

I am pretty sure he is referring to the joke about Han also being born a women is right wing politics due to the fact that such a joke pokes fun at making sure transgender people get equality in movies.
Star Wars is crap without anyone's help.

How this franchise is still alive is a mystery.
Ugh....I can't take anymore Star Wars & Super Hero movies......Damn you people for buying tickets to see them!
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I am pretty sure he is referring to the joke about Han also being born a women is right wing politics due to the fact that such a joke pokes fun at making sure transgender people get equality in movies.

Correct. But they don't actually care, because caring about someone other than yourself makes you a snowflake. Or something. :p
Ugh....I can't take anymore Star Wars & Super Hero movies......Damn you people for buying tickets to see them!

I don't expect it to change, maybe ever. Beauty and the Beast, for example, is by nearly all accounts a mediocre movie at best and, for some asinine reason, tons still paid to watch it. It tore the box office a new one during it's first weekend and it's still #1. Can't wait for the live action remake of Dumbo...

I'm just glad that a dedicated group of individuals had the decency to produce the Despecialized Editions of the original Star Wars trilogy. I'll keep those forever. So far, the new movies are kind of fun, but that's about it. Nothing special, yet. Rian Johnson might be able to change my mind... We'll see.
I don't expect it to change, maybe ever. Beauty and the Beast, for example, is by nearly all accounts a mediocre movie at best and, for some asinine reason, tons still paid to watch it. It tore the box office a new one during it's first weekend and it's still #1. Can't wait for the live action remake of Dumbo...

Jesus Christ....WHY! Of course Tim Burton...of course. And I bet it will have Helena Bonham Carter in it too. I wonder if Tim has the balls to put the Crow scene in it? I guess after that monstrosity is unleashed upon the world we'll get to witness the obligatory remake of The Wizard of Oz.
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I see you're carrying on the proud tradition of HARDOCP injecting (right-wing) politics into everything. Stay classy.

I got a warning for making a joke about alternative facts. Be careful what you say. Sucks people have to watch what they say on here now :/
Correct. But they don't actually care, because caring about someone other than yourself makes you a snowflake. Or something. :p

no, you are a snow flake. Politics has nothing to do with anything here. I was not saying I agree with you, I was only explaining your fucked up logic. Don't think I am on your side.
Jesus Christ....WHY! Of course Tim Burton...of course. And I bet it will have Helena Bonham Carter in it too. I wonder if Tim has the balls to put the Crow scene in it? I guess after that monstrosity is unleashed upon the world we'll get to witness the obligatory remake of The Wizard of Oz.

Fun fact! Reading Manchester's Churchill trilogy right now and she's related to Winston's closest female friend (other than his wife).
no, you are a snow flake. Politics has nothing to do with anything here. I was not saying I agree with you, I was only explaining your fucked up logic. Don't think I am on your side.

First, as for "snowflake," well, I don't really know what that is supposed to mean. But come on, is that really the best you could come up with? :p

Second, I don't give a @#$ whether you're on my side, because either way my logic remains impeccable.

Finally, we seem to agree on one thing: Politics (should) have nothing to do with computer hardware. Sadly, that is no presently the case on this site. Though I appreciate that biased people cannot, by definition, perceive bias...hence your apparent confusion.
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Hmm ... up until now, I didn't know that Han Solo's name wasn't "Han Solo". Not that it's a big deal or anything ... I mean, is it really important that Babe Ruth's real name is George Herman Ruth (in the context of baseball, and casual conversation)?
This just seems like Disney's squeezing every last little bit they can get out of the character.

Is Disney steering away from what made Rogue One an enjoyable film? From exploring the greater Star Wars universe (instead of Family Feud: Jedi Edition, Episodes I-whatever) to stupid (so-called) "details" about a character's name?
If this is a PR "leak" from Disney, it was a poorly considered and idiotic one.
I got a warning for making a joke about alternative facts. Be careful what you say. Sucks people have to watch what they say on here now :/

I appreciate the warning, but I have 70-old posts on this site over 8+ years. I don't really care what the moderators think or do, and would not mind a whit if I were banned for life. It's their site; they can do what they like. In fact, banning me for simply expressing my opinion would make my point for me.

However, sometimes the slant gets too blatant and I comment, and invariably people go straight to ad hominem attacks. So since I've clearly stated my point, and the insults today are particularly unimaginative, I think I'm done with this thread.
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Am I the only one thinking we might just see his parents decide what to name him within the first little bit of the film?
First, as for "snowflake," well, I don't really know what that is supposed to mean. But come on, is that really the best you could come up with? :p

Second, I don't give a @#$ whether you're on my side, because either way my logic remains impeccable.

Finally, we seem to agree on one thing: Politics (should) have nothing to do with computer hardware. Sadly, that is no presently the case on this site. Though I appreciate that biased people cannot, by definition, perceive bias...hence your apparent confusion.

A snowflake is a very delicate thing, which you seem to be if you can get bent out of shape so easily. Your logic is not impeccable. A comment that has nothing to do with politics was made and you tried to turn a discussion about a movie into a argument about political agenda. You are the one that started talking about politics in this thread and nobody else. So you have started a fire and then started to bitch that a fire had been started. Not everything is an attack against a group of people, sometimes comments are just comments.
Am I the only one thinking we might just see his parents decide what to name him within the first little bit of the film?
They can make it more complicated than that. They can just use a storyline inspired by a Kenyan named Barry Soetoro who became Barack Hussein Obama from Hawaii. :D
I'm not gonna comment on the politics, except to say tensions are high atm and yes you made a direct dig at Disney's perceived inclusivity issues and maybe wanna keep that out of here as SOME people here salivate at any opportunity fight about this crap. Not that I disagree it's just that people here can't have a reasonable discussion about anything remotely related to politics.

That said, as a Star Wars Fan - FUCK THIS PREQUEL. I enjoyed Rogue One as it wasn't cashing in on Iconic character bullshit. It was a solid original story and didn't focus on obnoxious jedi whatever bullshit. The problem with this is WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT HAN SOLOS ORIGIN!? He's a smuggler. The end. I don't need a fucking backstory just so Disney can sell more merchandise. ALSO WHERE THE FUCK IS MY IMPERIAL CARGO SHUTTLE FROM ROGUE ONE DAMMIT!!!!?? STOP WITH THIS KIDDIE LEGO BULLSHIT!

*gasp* Sorry I'm just really bummed out Hasbro or whomever couldn't be bothered to put out any decent Rogue One vehicles.
Am I the only one thinking we might just see his parents decide what to name him within the first little bit of the film?

Article states the movie starts up when he is 18 and carries through to when he is 24. So don't think we will see his birth. Although given that time frame I am actually considered with just how horrible the movie will be as they are either going to have a massive jump like in Rouge one and call that ages 18 - 24 (have 5 minutes at age 18 then boom 24 for the rest) or they are going to be all over the place like with boyhood where you have no idea what time frame you are even looking at for the movie as you have 20 - 30 minutes per year through the movie.

I actually wonder if it won't be something more of a "screwup" something like he enters a race that is meant for teams, or signing up for a team job... something that is supposed to be done as a team. Everyone else puts down their names in pairs, like Skywalker - Kenobi, in this case it turns out that his last name is Han and he puts down solo or something tells them he is flying solo and instead he gets recorded as the team Han - Solo. So once people see it is only one guy they think that Han Solo much just been his name. Kind of like how in Idiocracy Luke WIlson's character ends up saying Not Sure during the ER visit and gets put into the system as Not Sure and so even though his real name is Joe he becomes Not Sure.
Being that HARDOCP is out of Texas, Kyle owning a Dodge Viper, and reviews based on performance and overclocking, it is my assumption that this website is most likely right wing. If HARDOCP was headquartered in Silcon Valley, Kyle owned a Prius, and the website only reviewed laptops, tablets, and smartphones with an emphasis on power consumption, then I would believe this website would be left wing.
Ugh....I can't take anymore Star Wars & Super Hero movies......Damn you people for buying tickets to see them!

:D I love the Star Wars movies and Super Hero movies. You can skip them, but I love em!

Even the new liberal leaning ones that [H] news posters put their right wing comments on that snowflakes and sparkly vampires with website Texas Solo Han. Fuck, all those nonsense BS posts made my brain turn to jelly...
Well that escalated quickly...

To the original post, this sounds like more Disney disappointment. I guess they're trying to be "original" but this sounds kind of dumb. Then again, it's all speculation anyway. I have kind of lost faith in all these Disney reboots. TFA didn't live up to my expectations, neither did Rogue One so obviously, I'm not expecting much from this either. Maybe Disney should just get back into the habit of inserting controversial, subliminal, sexual content back into their movies like they were accused of several years ago. Then maybe they can be considered creative.